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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Meh....I'll be impressed when Noriko finishes his 1:1 scale Gunbuster.
  2. Beautiful! I want that on a poster for my office wall.
  3. You guys are awful. It's painfully obvious that Lick Hunter is stuck in a reducing atmostphere, and is suffocating. Hence his face is pink and swollen. Now, on the other hand, his super robohips I don't have an explanation for.
  4. Whoa! Good comeback! Agent ONE, my friend, you have been "pwned."
  5. I don't think that was what he was implying.
  6. I thought Adama's hands were way too small....
  7. Well, the Pegasus' escape from the shipyard, for starters. Rosalin asks where they jumped to, and Cain declines to answer until Adama answers for her. Could it be that she really did order a blind jump? Sure. But she could also have been hesitating before she lied about something.
  8. Damn that FM Falcon looks spiffy.
  9. To all those questioning the torture and rape of a prisoner by a "disciplined" military, I have to ask you...where the hell have you been for the last two or three years? Try turning on the news once in a while, people. As for Cain herself, I don't really think you're supposed to like her, or most of the Pegasus crew. I know it interferes with whatever ubermensch military fanatasy you might have for Galactica in your minds eye, but the fact is that they've been set up as antagonists. And my vote is that Cain and possibly most of the Pegasus are collaborators. There's too many gaps in their stories, and the Pegasus crew seem to go out of their way to avoid answering questions. Something's amiss.
  10. "By this time, my lungs were aching for air..."
  11. From Production IG's web page.... Bold added for emphasis. Also, THIS interview with Kenji Kamiyama reveals that he intentionally tried to emulate Oshii.
  12. Just as long as Oshii keeps his pretentious, psychobabble, talking-head fingers off of "3rd Gig" then I'll be happy. His influence came perilously close to scuttling 2nd Gig in a few episodes.
  13. It ain't pretty, but here's my 5 minute MS Paint version.
  14. Sweet zombie Jesus!! That's great news. I really have to get moving and start buying some Macross Zero kits. Can a battroid mode SV-51 be far behind?
  15. Generalizations are what make the world go 'round. Everybody knows that.
  16. QTF. "Vindicator" veritech, anyone?
  17. Yeah, why can't those dumbass civilians just stfu and do what they're told? In fact, they don't even need a government. That's what the Colonial Fleet is there for. And then Apollo, Starbuck and the rest of the pilots should get thier poo together and act like good soldiers, so that we can leave all this "characterisation" nonsense behind and get back to good old fashioned Cylon ass kickery. That would make the show so much more interesting. Its crap like this that just reinforces why I always say that fans should stick to watching their shows, and leave the writing to the writers. Science fiction written by the fans, for the fans is inherently garbage. Just look at the nouveau Robotech tripe, for example.
  18. That's Mr. Tachogokinoma to you... 330650[/snapback] Domo arigato, Mr Tachogokinoma? Anyway, I missed out on the Capt. America Tachikoma due to finances, so hopefully I can get on board with this. Is it just me, or is 2006 already looking like an expensive year?
  19. Well, in anticipation of prohibitively high gas prices, I've already cut the ass out of my leather pants. It looks like I'll be looting and raping for the next few years. Does anybody know where I can find a "golden youth" to ride shotgun?
  20. He looks like an angry John Carpenter.
  21. That doesn't sound surprising. The whole prop replica cottage industry seems to have more than their share of guys like that. This EVA guy in particular made similar comments about the actual Hot Toys figures too, although he's (wisely) stayed away from trying to sue a licensed toy company.
  22. The Boll Watch continues! This week, we have a review of Bloodrayne, and an interview with The Man Himself. REVIEW of the Damned INTERVIEW with the Vampire
  23. Right you are Ken. But I also have to mention Sonoda's errors regarding that same GT-500. He first refers to it having "500 cubes," then later in the series it's "500 hp." I guess nobody thought to mention to him that the 500 in GT-500 was a completely arbitrary number. In that same series, Bean Bandit also had a complete stable of hot cars, including a supercharged Boss 302, a 71 Mach 1 with a giant blower, and a hopped up Mustang II (?), not to mention a Fairlady Z and an old Vette of some description. And Axelay's GT is t3h sexay.
  24. As apathetic as I am towards the show, I'll freely admit that Aquarion look gorgeous.
  25. I'll agree with danth only so far as to say that most of the anime brought over here is indeed crap, with a few exceptions. If you want to see some of the good stuff (and there is good anime being produced today) you have to find it fansubbed. Shows like Monster and Full Metal Alchemist (before it was licensed) have renewed my interest. The problem is that they are so few and far between.
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