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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. I assume this is you not being a cartoonish parody of an anime fanboy again, right?
  2. Only if he follows them all with Star Odyssey and Cave Dwellers.
  3. I eagerly await Areaseven's review of other 80's gems like Megaforce (??????) and Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn (??????????).
  4. The map editor for CoD4 has been out for ages now. There is a metric fart-ton of custom maps now.
  5. I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where I was somehow defending dubs.
  6. See, when you post something like this right after that "fanboy" image, it makes me believe that "Keith" is really just an elaborate charade, like a character created as a piece of performance art to mess with the rest of us. C'mon,....who is this really?
  7. Of sweet, I was wondering when I'd get a chance to post this:
  8. There's some new pics floating around the 'net (which I'm not even going to bother finding the links to) which look, without exception, absolutely boring. If you're going to adapt Toriyama, why not at least try to bring some of his zany world to the screen. I'm not saying a DB movie needs to feature a talking dog wearing a 3-piece suit, but at least do something make it stand out from all the other garbage out there.
  9. Sweet zombie Jesus, hasn't this topic been argued to death yet? And I voted "Dubs" just because I know it'll get the purists to twist their panties in a knot.
  10. I was playing a LOT of COD4 last fall, through to this spring when I switched to Team Fortress 2 (came free with my new video card). I've been toying with going back, especially since they released the new official maps.
  11. With Madhouse involved, it will at least look great. Most of their work has had a sort of "comic book" exuberance, so I think Marvel will be a good subject for them to tackle.
  12. What an odd choice of threads to bump. Maybe I should search the archives to see if there's a thread about Krull or some other equally craptacular film to "up." Fixed.
  13. Eh...it's been ok, but with the extremely episodic story I'm finding it fairly disposable.
  14. Not even Zoolander? I'll be sure to put that in your yougoogly."
  15. We're all going to look stylish in our Thermoptic 2029 camoflage! http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/science/08/11...k.ap/index.html
  16. See it while you can! Somebody posted a bootleg of a deleted scene on Youtube. It looks like it got cut quite late in production, since it has a final sound mix and score. I wonder where this fits in the movie?
  17. Personally, I'm all about Automan.
  18. Looks a lot more "Top Fuel" than "rice" to me. Stupid either way, I know, but there is a difference.
  19. At least you don't get stuck with the Yune-ified head sculpt. And the stupid MCP "book" packaging.
  20. Now don't lynch me, He-Fans, but wouldn't that technically be classified as a "buckler?"
  21. You've lost your knack for detecting sarcasm, old bean.
  22. On a serious note, Kanno is one of the few in the anime industry I'd really love to see do some work in Hollywood.
  23. Pretttyyy much... No way, man. That movie totally raped somebody's adolescence (since few people here are old enough to have seen Speed as children when it first aired). The Wachoiasklgnjaskly Bros should totally have updated Speed like the Dark Knight. Can you imagine how totally awesome a realistic, gritty take on Speed Racer could have been? Not to mention the toys they could have made! My fanfic version of the Speed Racer movie is the greatest film never made! And did I mention the toys? MW revolves around toys, and these toys would have been the best thing since the Yamato 1/48. Way to go, Wapqrstuvwxy Brothers, you totally blew that one.
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