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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. The little freedom-hating blue bastards had it comming.
  2. Hey, here's a question. What happened to that big extraterrestrial skeleton that was so important to ZAFT, back at the beginning of SEED? Am I not supposed to remember that thing anymore?
  3. So does this all mean that my Jack McKinney novels and Eternity comics are canon again? Woot! It's funny, after all these years of bitching and moaning about all the problems with the Sentinels, HG has plowed ahead and kept it all intact, and the fans seem (for the most part) to be accepting it.
  4. People, the Andy Serkis name drop was made solely because he's the closest person Jackson has to a regular cast member. Or as McBain would say..."Dat's de joke."
  5. Maybe you guys should make a comprehensive "MAME for newbies" topic, and get a mod to sticky it. I've been thinking about getting into roms and I know I could use a few pointers.
  6. That would certainly put a whole new spin on the "But I was going in to Toshi Station to pick up some power convertors" line.
  7. Actually, Serkis will do all of the mo-cap work for the Ring.
  8. But he did write the graphic novel, as an official publication. So how can it be so easily disregarded? From what I've seen, many of the characters & concepts of the aborted Sentimentals has been retconned into the "new" continuity, and I recall people telling me that they too were non-canon Macek malarkey. To me this would seem to be the same thing.
  9. But it's Carl Macek gobbledegook and technobabble, which lends it a sense of illegitimate legitimacy.
  10. Well until Arnold drops the Governator schtick and makes a new movie, we need something to talk about.
  11. The video blogs I've seen from the set of Kong show a properly attired Jackson, sans shorts. I'm betting that when he dropped all those pounds, he had to go shopping for new clothes, and somebody gave him your exact advice.
  12. http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?s...rilla&p=4955829 Consider my interest ratcheted up a notch or two. Suddenly, we have a video game movie with potential.
  13. I'm with EXO. The GPS coords aren't the solution, but rather part of the mystery.
  14. Shadow Forrrrrrce! To the res-cue!!!!
  15. Wow, at what point do they combine to form that ungodly form? I'm assuming it's something we haven't seen yet.
  16. No problem, pal. Too bad I think you're a smacktard. No offense. Editied to add insipid smiley.
  17. Yes. That is exactly y I do it. Now that the truth is out there, will u come 2 my place on saturday to help me with my Sentinels fanfic? I need youre insite.
  18. They should do a mini-doc on the many deaths of Shak Ti. There was another deleted scene where Anakin murders her while she meditates in the Jedi temple. Heck, its entirely possible there was a planned scene of her getting killed by the clones.
  19. The official site seems to indicate that the MP5K that Jayne carried was Vera, but I think that the BFG he used in their last stand would fit the bill moreso.
  20. Given that this is ADV we're talking about, I'm sure we'll see (or hear, I suppose) some familiar names on the cast list. What do you want to bet Dan Worren will be in there somewhere?
  21. I wanted to love it, but for whatever reason I'm just "satisfied" with the demo. I looked nice, but nowhere near as nice as other new games (like F.E.A.R) and the gameplay was just more of the same. And where did my sprint function go? One of the best (and simplest) features that United Offensive added, and Infinity Ward leaves it out?
  22. Ah, so its Fanwank that you want? Sorry, I can't help you there, but I'm sure it has something to do with the relative size of Vader's hands.
  23. Why specualte? http://chud.com/interviews/4389
  24. There's an easy enough way to find out for sure. We'd just have to back and rewatch that episode with the podcast commentary.
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