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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Words cannot describe how happy I am to see this thread alive and kicking. Awesome work, MikeRB.
  2. Those are Canadian dollars, after all (beaverbacks, we calls 'em). It's actually on the low end for those models in these parts. If I'd bought it thru a private sale, they would have been asking at least $1500 more for it. This whole province has an unrealistic way of appraising value on nearly any used commodity. And yeah, of course I still have the GT. She's safely parked for the winter in my back yard. In fact, I have to take out the battery and do some final storage prep this weekend. The Tib is nice, but its going to be another loooong winter without driving my GT.
  3. Well I took the plunge and bought my new car. I picked up a lease-return 2001 Tiburon from the lot next door. If you're quick, you can check it out HERE, before they take it down.
  4. Late breaking news: Germany plans to close a tax loophole that allows investors to plunk down millions of dollars (euros?) into awful films. Could this spell doom for Dr Boll's free ride? Read about it HERE.
  5. Two more jaw-droppingly bad reviews of Bloodrayne HERE and HERE.. Particularly amusing is Boll's stance that the characters in his films actually are of no importance. All that matters is having an actor attached to them, thus appealing to foreign investors. Beyond that, the film seems to be his usual boobs 'n' blood mess, laughably bad but not so much that you could actually enjoy making fun of it. But the best is saved for last, when you read Boll's comments on War of the Worlds. Seriously...he's one deluded man, that Boll.
  6. Has there been any word on a potential double dip of Mospeada as well? After all, it too fell under that "Robotech is the official english dub" heading, and we all know how well HG sticks to their word.
  7. Well, judging from the article you posted, Casino Royale will be a modern day story, but the idea of a true 50's/60's era Bond would be a neat one to try. But I hope they don't go overboard in trying to make this an "origin" story for Bond. In the novel, he was a WW2 veteran and had been a spy for almost 10 years. Casino Royale may have been the first Bond novel, but it wasn't supposed to be his first adventure by any means.
  8. I had had a sneaking suspicion that the SMERSH background for Casino Royale would get discarded, and I guess this confirms it. More interestingly will be how they deal with the original novel's complete lack of action scenes, and how Bond fans react to it.
  9. Really? You were all about the glass roof on the show car.
  10. Indeed! dit: Beaten to t3h punch by EXO!
  11. Yes, yes to Sundown you listen.
  12. And yet....professional artists at Comico couldn't draw 1/2 as good as that. Go figure.
  13. Regis hands = too small?
  14. Conan the Destroyer.
  15. So nobody wants to address the "McKinneyism" that is Zand? Good lord, I wish they would at least make up their minds as to what their story is. As for all this nonsense about "shadows," why couldn't that single line of dialog have just been figurative? Why do fans (current HG staff writers included) have to take everything so literally, and concoct whole stories to explain what was merely a simple line of dialog?
  16. Not to distract some people from their flame wars for a moment, but yesterday I had to "put down" my winter beater. It was a POS I inherited from my parents, and I nearly got a year out of it, but it finally drove its last kilometer. I won't miss it, but the problem is that snow can't be more than a few weeks away and there's no way in hell I'm re-registering the GT for the winter. It looks like there's some car shopping in my immediate future.
  17. I wish I had your confidence.
  18. Hmmm....veering a little into subjective territory, aren't we?
  19. Wasn't Lazlo Zand entirely a creation of McKinney, originating with a nameless schmoe in the background of one particular episode?
  20. I dunno....he looks ok, I guess. Certainly has a harder edge to him than Moore ever did. Lets hope they dye his hair first. But now the better news. Previously we'd heard that Neal Purvis & Robert Wade, the hacks who wrote the last two dreadfull Bond outings, were scripting CR. But now it seems they've ditched them in favor of Paul Haggis. http://www.cjad.com/content/cp_article.asp...ws/e101235A.htm
  21. Inbit sounds like some kind of filesharing software.
  22. Hudson, sir. He's Hicks. That FPS sequence actually lasts 5 minutes? Outstanding! And here I was worried that the cheese quotient wouldn't be high enough.
  23. I think Ewelin was a casualty of The Great Episode III Wars of '05. Friendly fire can be a bitch, sometimes.
  24. Great stuff. Those newest gen FX sabers look and sound phenomenal. I just wish I could get my hands on the new limited edition Luke ROTJ.
  25. There's only two things I hate in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.
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