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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. No, even the "normal" animation was crap in this episode. Surprisingly bad, considering how nice the other episodes are. I wonder if they farmed it out to some other studio for the dream world sequences. It could explain why the real-world bookends don't match the rest of the series.
  2. Thanks for the support! I even have the trailer worked out in my mind... NARRATOR: The last frontier on earth is miles below the surface... cut to - scenes of mining and assorted labor NARRATOR: (ctd)...but what they will find will be horror beyond all comprehension. a miner breaks through a wall. He shines his light inside. jump cut to: Teeth, eyes, tentacles the miner is pulled inside, shrieking NARRATOR: Now it is up to one man to get them out alive. cut to: Thomas "Dig Dug" Cutter (played by Jason Statham) DIG DUG: If we're going to get outta 'ere alive, do exactly as I say. jump cut to: Dig Dug fires pnumatic mining drill into creature, blowing it up real good. DIG DUG: Whoa... flash cuts of running, jumping, and (inexplicably) shooting full auto G36s with fancy laser sights and nightvision scopes. Heavy metal score kicks in. NARRATOR: Jason Statham, and Michelle Rodriguiez star in the explosive video game adaptation. cut to close up of Dig Dug: DIG DUG: Ruuuuuuuuuuun!!!!!! cut to: they run away from a massive explosion, ducking just in time. NARRATOR: Dig Dug! cut to: close up of creature. It lunges at camera. Cut to black. graphic: Summer 2006.
  3. Wasn't this movie already made last year? I think it had Hugh Jackman in it. And I'm still waiting for my feature length adaptation of Dig Dug, dammit.
  4. I don't play Galaxies (or any other MMORPG for that matter) but it seems to me and my unedjamacated eyes that a move away from slow, turn based combat towards an action/FPS style combat could only increase immersion. Watching combat in something like CoH, where players cue up attacks and sit back to watch them unravel is akin to watching paint dry.
  5. What do you want to bet that a version of Kong by Pendragon Films would "pwn" Jack$son and his CGI Kong? You know, they could do it all stop-motion (like Kong should be) without any of this CGi rubbish, and it would look so freaking awesome that your mom would explode!!
  6. Don't you know? Frodo-hands are very important.
  7. Your friend may be many things, but she clearly has a poor eye for details. Ask her if she can remember how big Wood's hands were, and post her recollections here for us to discuss.
  8. Its too bad that there isn't a rival, low budget direct-to-video remake of Kong in the works, so that fanboys could drool over it instead, and fight about which one is better. That said, I'm keeping an open mind about Kong. Its not a movie that I'm dying to see, but it will hopefully be entertaining.
  9. This show was ass, plain and simple.
  10. Speaking of pushrods, is it safe to say that GM has reached the limits of what they can do to their small block? Why else would they have to resort to bumping up the displacement from 5.7L to 6.0L and 7.0L in order gain more HP?
  11. He only does it because he loves you. Remember, it hurts him more than it hurts you.
  12. I think they're referring to THIS.
  13. You know, its bound to happen someday. Not necessarily the Smart car, but somebody will make a little coupe with interchangeable panels. I remember reading an old Car and Driver (or was it Motor Trend) where Pontiac was bragging that consumers would be able to do exactly what those photochops promised, with the 'new" Fiero.
  14. Lookee here, I found another image. This one seems to be blatantly apeing the classic Outlaw Josey Wales pose, complete with a pair of Walker Colts.
  15. Heh....as somebody who remembers his "accent" in Con Air, I threw up a little when I imagined his take on an English accent.
  16. I think Valve is banking on selling the Source engine, and all its potential, to others in the industry who'd rather licence it than build their own engine. The same goes for CryEngine, the engine that Far Cry ran on. Neither of these games lived up to the fullest potential of their engines, and quite frankly most consumers couldn't have run them at the time. Both game with all the bells and whistels turned on really stretch what most high end systems are capapble of rendering. It's a cool yet expensive time to be a PC gamer.
  17. Hey, if Steve is posting in this thread, maybe he can answer a question I have about the dub; What happened to HG's promise that there wouldn't be a dub of Macross? IIRC, it was....well, because Robotech was the "official" dub. Comments? Or am I not supposed to remember that, just like we weren't supposed to remember HG's position that Robotech itself wouldn't be getting a remaster. Hey, while I'm at it, should I start saving my pennies for the inevitable Mospeada dub?
  18. Yup. I got a popup that compared the recommended specs vs my system's specs, with my "slow" processor highlighted in red. I guess if your system can handle it, it doesn't say anything at all.
  19. Wow....it's like a virtual copy of the DoD boards. Anyway, I finished it last night. I'd have to say that the combined Normandy campaign has to be hands down my favorite single player gaming experience to date. Pointe du Hoc, Caen, Hill 400...all of it rocked. The new non-linear maps were a real breath of fresh air, especailly after HL2. The new sound fx (recorded from real firearms, unlike another unnamed WW2 shooter) are great, as is the "battle chatter" system for the AI. Its a game I highly recommend.
  20. Steam laughed at my system when I asked it to download, so I haven't bothered just yet. It seems my processor isn't quite fast enough to satisfy it. I'll give it a try anyway, just because I'm stubborn.
  21. Well, I'll gladly recant my criticisms of the demo. This game is fabulous. I just plowed through the Russian campaign on Hardened difficulty. My only beef is that the DirectX 9 mode turns it into a slide show. But on the default DirectX 7 mode, it runs buttery smooth. I think I've finally reached the limits of what my current rig can handle. Oh well, no glossy bump-mapping for me.
  22. Awesome images. I wonder how and where this new story will fit into the timeline. Could it be the beginnings of Rolands quest to find the Tower itself? Its a part of the story that really was never explored. The pages shown clearly indicate the man in black and Roland.
  23. I'm not ready to rule anything out, but I find this news dubious at best. It could be just some rumor-mongering by the WWE itself, to drum up interest in it's "Cena" brand.
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