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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. You gonna start cosplaying, A1? 344793[/snapback] Each and every time I am naked and flexing in the mirror, I think about how 'Southern Cross' I look. Its Cosplay EVERYDAY! 344796[/snapback] ...and when you flex, you can imagine Christopher Walken as your trainer, saying "Your excercise...needs more... Southern Cross."
  2. I hear that the ending for the new Path of Neo game is like a big, warm bukake in the face of the fans.
  3. Quoted for truth. HALO may have been an awe-inspiring event for console players, but here in 2005 its harldy worth mentioning for PC gamers. Especially with much better games like Far Cry showing up in the discount bins.
  4. If it wasn't a failure, why didn't it run for the full 50+ episodes that folklore has it they planned? Edit: and I can get "Manimal" on DVD. Does that mean it was an awe-inspiring success on TV too?
  5. Damn I wish I could afford some of this stuff. Does anybody want a kidney?
  6. Two questions: 1) Are we really supposed to believe that the existence of a childrens coloring book and a single track on a karoke disc (also containing other 80's mecha music) somehow proves that Southern Cross was something other than a bomb? 2) When did the middle segment of Robotech get renamed to the "Masters War?" Wasn't it always called Robotech Masters?
  7. ATI card users should download the new 5.11 Catalyst drivers. I found out about them HERE. When I get home tonight I'll download them and see what difference they make.
  8. Ok, here's good news for anybody who's having trouble playing with DirectX 9 enabled. By using the tweeks and .cfg file on THIS page, I'm now able to run CoD 2 in DX9 mode in both single and multiplayer mode. I just got off a crazy 30 player team deathmatch server with all kinds of smoke, tracers, and so forth, and I never found any noticable lag. Try it out for yourselves.
  9. Hey cut me some slack. Its been a rough week, what with the remakes of Predator, The Wild Bunch and Robocop. This is just kicking movie fandom while it's down. And the doomsday clock that counts down to the now-inevitable remake of Aliens just ticked over to 11:35 PM.
  10. I think working for the Broccolis would make anybody bitter. But wow...I had no idea Brosnan had such a potty mouth.
  11. Two doors or four doors, it still has all the styling of a cinder block. Using the 300 platform is one thing, but for god's sake Dodge, give your cars some individuality. At least the "General" there lost that stupid Ram grille. If I were a Mopar fan, I'd be more hopeful that these whispers about the Challenger making a comeback are true. Unless, of course, its yet another 300 reskin. What I do find interesting is the Kenny Brown GT Mustang. I don't know how they did it, but they crafted a rear quarter for the Stang that looks like it was cut off of a '69 fastback. Very sexy. Especially if sombody combined it with the CDC shaker hood & scoop, which are also 1969 derivitives.
  12. http://www.chud.com/index.php?type=thud&id=5049 So to sum up....blech! Or to put it mathematically, TV series + T4 + new trilogy = lame. And we know that no Arnold = not a good movie. So we can say that T4 = Not a good movie and new trilogy = not a good movies x 3 or 3(not good movies) thus TV series + not a good movie + 3(not good movies) = lame now we'll divide both sides of the equation by not a good movie TV series/not a good movie + 3 = lame/not a good movie This is where my math breaks down, since I keep getting "Matrix Revolutions" for an answer. Can anyone in the class solve the problem?
  13. Kurtwood Smith as the Vulture is just crazy enough to work.
  14. Starring...Kristen Kreuk as Mary Jane Parker!
  15. According to IGN, the Miami Vice trailer will be attached to King Kong this december. The quiet sobbing noise you hear is JsARCLIGHT after his first look at Collin Farrel as Crocket.
  16. That aardvark was already squashed when I began my post, and you know it. Well, it might have been dead and then I squashed it. Same difference. Ok, dead, mostly dead...why split hairs? But I hope that you're not suggesting I purposly went out, trapped a live aardvark, tranquilized it and then ran if over repeatedly with a 1972 Ford F150, because mister that would be totally...totally close to what may or may not have happened. Oh btw, I think the picture rocks.
  17. http://spiderman.sonypictures.com/ Totally unacceptable!!!! Not only does he have dwarfish Vader hands, look at how skinny his arms are! Way to go, Sam. And while we're at it, his shirt is completely the wrong shade of green. Don't these people ever even open a comic before they make a movie? Also, the shot would have been so much more effective if it had been taken from behind him, with Sandman looking back over his shoulder. And the street light should be RED, not AMBER. It would be like "Danger, bad guy crossing street!" And I woulda had a red and a blue car on the street somewhere, representing Spider Man. In fact, I thought Mysterio would have been much better in this movie. So get Sandman out of the picture altogether, dammit. Sigh....if only Sam had listened to me, instead of doing his own thing. Yet another wasted opportunity for greatness, wahsed down the drain. Enjoy your mediocre film, $am Raimi. You've raped somebody's childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and retirement years, all in one single press still.* *The preceeding message was for fanboys who cannot be pleased with anything and really need to get over themselves and their silly fanfiction. No animals were harmed in the typing of this post.
  18. Awesome! I hope they keep the original's style of gameplay, and not try to one-up other flight "sims" like Ace Combat. I just want to shot down endless hordes of enemy fighters.
  19. How about the entire cast of the Macross II english dub?
  20. Judging from the new VIDEOS on IGN, I don't think that "twitch" combat is the correct term. "Lethargy" is more apropos. If this is the new intense combat system, I shudder to think of how mind numbing the original version was.
  21. I'll reserve judgement until I see how big Scott's hands are.
  22. Battlefront 2 was a dismal failure at last friday's LAN party. We found that we couldn't create a LAN server for more than 4 players, even though the server was set all the way up to 64 players (bots included.) The space battles were ok, but its painfully obvious that this game was developed for the console. If I'm sitting in front of my PC with a joystick, do I really need a key binding for "immelman" or "snap roll?" The graphics seem to be an improvement over the original game's, but they fall well behind current gen FPS titles. Where's my dynamic lighting, bump mapping, and so forth? My friend who hooked us up with the game is still hopefull that our problems are a bug that will get addressed in a patch, but I forsee this game making a one-way trip to the recycle bin on my desktop in the very near future. Conversely, Call of Duty 2 ran flawlessly, and even on the lower DX7 mode looked better than SW:BF2.
  23. Ah yes, Sandra Locke. May she burn in hell.
  24. I think Paul Walker is particularly lifeless. Ben Affleck has never been convincing in any role whatsoever. And need I mention Keanu Reeves?
  25. Same here. 342066[/snapback] Don't hold your collective breaths. The entire PC flight sim genre seems to be in a coma right now. Everything has shifted over to "arcade" style shooters, usually console ports.
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