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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. I dunno... he looks like a big chrome guy. Should he be rusty and oxidized instead? The real test will be naturlally he moves and how well he interacts with the environment.
  2. That list was posted just recently, and its every bit as fanboyish as it was the first time I read it. "OMG, Baltar is liek british an stuff. WTF?"
  3. The Hulk movie certainly had its problems, but I wouldn't count the CGI as one of them. For the Hulk himself, anyway. The Hulk-Dogs were just ass-tastic.
  4. Has anyone found some preview art for this comic? We need a new "Caption This" thread. Who? Isn't he the inventor of the Warp Drive?
  5. Mangle is involved in a little show called "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex." Maybe you've heard of it?
  6. Was she? In the concert at the beginning of the movie, she refers to it as her "debut." Was this just wonky subtitles?
  7. I would imagine that the fact that Animeigo was doing a frame-by-frame restoration of Macross had at least something to do with the high cost of the initial set. A restoration which is now paid for, allowing ADV to market the new set at a much lower price point. And 4 episodes to a disc isn't that bad. I think there's still companies out there producing 3 eps to a disc even today in 2005.
  8. If they add any more secondary characters this whole movie wil look like the cover of one if those "Guide to the Marvel Universe" books, where there was a thousand different mutants all punching each other in the face.
  9. Who are you trying to kid? We all know that you spent all that time in the South Pacific looking for this:
  10. You know..the whole TV vs DYRL thing would be so much easier if fans could just reconcile the fact that they're BOTH works of fiction, and accept them as such. Besides, Macross isn't the only anime whose timeline has been overhauled once or thrice.
  11. Quoted for truth!
  12. OK, this movie may suck as a whole, but that picture of the body strung up on the fence is classic Silent Hill imagery.
  13. The trailer actually wasn't half bad. Beast certainly looked more convincing in motion than that still image of him going "Rawrrr" made him appear. But Ratner is still directing this, so I'm going to remain skeptical until next summer. I wouldn't be the first time a movie trailer looked better than the movie it was advertising.
  14. According to the liner notes from Animeigo, the original outline was to run for 23 episodes. When the series was extended they had to scramble to produce new episodes which included the requisite clip shows (Globals Report and Phantasm.) I'm betting that Eps 29-36 were part of this as well, since they are arguably different from the first two seasons. Interestingly, the outline for Battle City Megaroado ends on a similar note to Love Drifts Away, which only convinces me more that the later episodes were tacked on.
  15. Oh, and since Steve is (as of the time I type this) here on MW reading this thread, maybe he could take the time to answer my questions from last page. I know you'll BS about the "Robotech as the only dub of Macross" thing, but maybe you could answer me about the Mospeada dub? Should I start putting money aside yet?
  16. When did you sell out, Keith? You used to be so cool, but now....now I just don't know you anymore!
  17. For the love of God, people! Stay out of Silent Hill! I don't care if you got an IM from your dead brother, or if your grandmother was driving down to a friend's house to play bridge, or if you got a post card from your childhood pet dog "Scruffy"....just don't go to Silent Hill! That place is seriously messed up! But of course, if movie characters listened to me there wuoldn't be a Silent Hill movie. Or a Matrix Trilogy, but that's another rant entirely. Go HERE for exclusive pics of the upcomming movie. And when freaky baby ghosts with giant knives come tottering towards you, remember that I told you so!
  18. Germans over-engineering something?! Nonsense!
  19. The thought of ANY of SDF Macross being written like most of today's anime is sickening. For example, instead of Hikaru fretting over his first kill for maybe half an episode, he'd be angst ridden well into Global's Report.
  20. This past weekend I completed my semi-annual SDF Macross viewing, and I had an epiphany; After years of denial, I realized that I found the last arc of Macross to be really tedious to watch. Looking back at it as objectively as possible, they really should have let things end at Love Drifts Away. Heck, they fundamentally reuse the end of LDA for Farewell to Tenderness anyway! Hikaru resolves his feelings for Minmay (again) and realizes that Misa is in fact the one for him (again) when he is reunited with her after she narrowly escapes death (again.) I think its the way that the love triangle is basically reset that really ruins it for me. After the triumphant finale in LDA, Hikaru and Misa go back to their bickering, antagonistic roots with the added dimension of Hikaru making some incredibly juvenile lapses in judgement. So if we put aside Hikaru ping-ponging back and forth between the two loves in his life (as if we're still in doubt as to who he'll wind up with at this point) what does that leave us with? To be frank, not a helluva lot. Our plot, what there is of it, meanders along for the remaining 9 episodes with no real narrative until the very end when Kamjin shows up to steal Christmas. The action scenes, scarce as they are, are fairly tepid. Even the Unification Wars flashback to our favorite drunk, Roy Focker, in Rainy Night consists of him flying in a stright line and shooting down a single enemy. Even more frustrating are all the plot threads that go nowhere. Insight into humanity's Protoculture-guided origins is met with grim faces and talking heads around a conference table, then dropped. A Supervision Army wreck is tantalizingly shown, but ignored. Millia and Lap Lamiz somehow recognize each other in a dogfight, but nothing comes of it. Long story short, the last 9 episodes of Macross are not among my favorites, and I feel they come nowhere near the highs of the previous episodes. Your thoughts?
  21. Personally, I hope they skip the explanation for Beast's metamorphosis or at least keep it to minimal exposition. The problem I find with films like this is that they devote far too much time to origins instead of actual plot. I just want to see mutants beating the living hell out of each other, not a rehash of each of their traumatic backstories. As for Gambit, I hope they keep him far far away from the films. Back when I was into comics, I found him to be nothing more than a smug, shallow overhyped waste of ink. Now with the space of years I can see his "fan-ish" appeal to kids. To me, he was like a Spiderman written by the shallowest fanboy who wanted nothing but awesome kickassitude without any of that "characterisation" b.s. to slow things down.
  22. http://www.usatoday.com/life/gallery/2005/x3/flash.htm Color me ambivalent. Beast looks kind of weak, but Angel looks like....well, Angel. His pre-Four Horsemen incarnation was little more than a dude with angel wings, and that's what this picture shows.
  23. Ron Moore raped their childhood? I'm surprised there was no reference to "Apollo hands" in there somewhere.
  24. Sweet mother of God... Scientists discover 300 million year old tracks of gigantic 5-foot water scorpions! http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...t_scorpion.html
  25. They did do the ANH saber as an Elite Edition, but those are so limited and sold out so quickly that its hard to count them as legitimate variants. If they do another one, it would likely be the "run of the mill" Limited Edition that us peons settle for. As for the actual differences, welll...that's where things start to depend on how much of a collector you are. There are legitmate differences between the two props (seven grips vs six, the calculator bubble vs circuit board, d-ring configurations and knobs) but only the diehards seem to collect both. After all, they were supposed to be the same saber in-universe even though they were different props. I'm happy with my ESB version, and in my mind its even the same as the ROTS version. In theory.
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