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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Hard subs or some sort of .ass file? I took a quick look and couldn't find anything.
  2. Yeah, I've heard of a red herring. And unlike you, I know what it means too. Sheryl's relation to "Dr" Mao isn't a red herring.
  3. Probably my biggest beef with Frontier as a whole is how they seem close to acknowledging the events of Zero as having some relevance (Dr Mao, Zero the movie, birdman-esque markings on the Varja, etc) only to do a 180 degree turn and ignore it completely.
  4. Any subs yet, or is it a raw-only affair right now?
  5. Has anyone else seen the paint masters for the EFX X-Wing replica? They look fan-freaking-tastic. The old Master Replicas studio scale line was priced outside of my range (for collectibles, anyway) but I just may have to make an exception for Red 5.
  6. I'm not really getting the complaints about the character designs. Do people need them to have giant, rainbow-colored hair to make them stand out from one another? If I had to make a complaint about the trailer, and this applies to nearly all anime these days, its that it didn't need to be drenched in generic J-pop. Because nothing says vaguely 19th century space opera like trendy J-pop. Are you new to anime? That's the only explanation I can come up with for this post. FYI, characters have always been somewhat static in non-action scenes. Anime 101.
  7. From the updated article: So hooray for somebody in Hollywood having a clue.
  8. Technically, the picture in Bilrer's locket shows Minmay as she appeared in DYRL, the in-universe movie. Therefore he must be obsessed with the actress who portrayed Minmay in that production. It's all detailed in my forthcoming Bilrer fanfiction, a loose adaptation of Somewhere in Time.
  9. So who's the more remake? The remake, or the remake that follows it? Really, not such a big deal.
  10. I must have watched the mid-season finale about three times in 48 hours, and I didn't catch any of that. What indication was there supposed to be that those were Cylon ruins on Earth?!
  11. Quick, edit our posts into something witty, and no one will be the wiser!
  12. Oh man....you totally missed that one, didnt you?
  13. Variety says that a remake of Rashomon is under way. Give the films influence, I'm actually surprised that this didn't happen decades ago.
  14. I just stumbled over this on IGN: http://tv.ign.com/articles/911/911618p1.html Too bad the actual show, based on the super exclusive clips, is about as funny as my last root canal. Oh Mel....has it really come to this?
  15. Damn it, the world has to end just when scientists have discovered the "Simpsons" brain cell?! http://tvguide.sympatico.msn.ca/TVNews/Art...s_brain_cell_AD
  16. I know what song I'm going to have on "repeat" all day on the 21st...
  17. Define "necessary." Sometime the trip itself is the entire point. For a 12 episode OVA prequel, I wasn't expecting any earth shattering revelations from Pailes Files. It works nicely as a supplement for the original TV series, and is far more faithful in terms of story and tone than some other big name prequels in recent years.
  18. Christmas came early this year. Episodes 11 & 12 are out! And....I guess that's it for Pailsen Files.
  19. 30 seconds worth of searching turned up an 8 gig torrent for all 36 episodes in raw format. It doesn't look like the torrent is being seeded, though. edit: poor typing cleaned up.
  20. Pailsen Files #'s 9 & 10 are now available for consumption.
  21. Hell, I even thought I was dead, 'till I found out that I was just in Nebraska.
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