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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Even if Locke had done the talking, I don't think Zeke is the "sharing" kind of guy. But then again, Jack had to talk (and mess things up) since the premise of his flashbacks was about his "fix things" complex.
  2. I hope they do more. I really enjoyed the first installment, but it was sort of a tease know that there was more episodes out there that nobody was fansubbing.
  3. Hurin, if you ever again feel the urge to share a "orange penis foam" story with us, fight it. Resist the temptation with all your might. I'll thank you in advance.
  4. I see what you mean. Makes things much more palatable.
  5. Hilarious! These topics simply write themselves.
  6. It tells me that you have some serious anger issues. Turn it down a notch or two, why dontcha? If this is how you react to somebody calling bs on your posts on t3h interweb, I'd hate to see how you react to problems in real life.
  7. Wasn't that a deleted scene in Commando?
  8. LOL, if that's half as good as the "spoilers" you posted for Lost, then we're in for a treat! Listen, I know you're relatively new here and you probably want to make a name for yourself with your gruff, "tell it like it is" attitude, but you really should learn to play nice with the other kids. Or am I setting off your "liberal" alarm again?
  9. Yeah....I'm just going to go ahead and assume that none of that is going to happen, in any way shape or form. Yeah... Oh, and Death Hammer...if we could get you to make your posts from the basement from now on, that would be super. *takes red swingline stapler*
  10. Dualla? No way, she's tied up with Billy (perhaps literally?) these days. However, I'm sure Tyrol is on the rebound.
  11. Apollo's "depression" could be the result of any number of things. He could have suffered PSTD, for starters. Its been several months since the initial Cylon attack, which in their current situation must feel like an eternity.
  12. DAD had nothing to do with Brosnan leaving the role. As crappy as the film may have been, it was easily the most successful Bond film in ages. It had the single highest opening weekend of the entire franchise, and pulled in over 400 million worldwide. And we all know that Hollywood in general, and the myopic Broccoli family in particular, only look at the bottom line when gauging a film's success.
  13. True, but the survivors do know that she was behind the black smoke seen in Exodus. 360495[/snapback] Seriously? I gotta rewatch that episode. I thought it was just a guess. 360560[/snapback] It was in my fanfiction, stupid!
  14. True, but the survivors do know that she was behind the black smoke seen in Exodus.
  15. But it could be that the black smoke was a crock, invented by Rousseau. To me, based on what little we've learned about The Others it seems unlikely that they'd broadcast their arrival by that smoke.
  16. It looks like the next story arc is the Bleach equivalent of the infamous "Garlic Jr." from DBZ. ie, a useless mini-arc to kill time, since the anime has nearly caught up to the manga. I just hope it A) Doesn't suck, and B) is short.
  17. I tried that once, but it didn't work. The stream evaporated before it could land on Agent ONE's lawn, through the sheer force of his willpower alone.
  18. Don't waste your time, dude. In fact, I've found this thread much easier to stomach since I put MJ on "ignore." I highly recommend it.
  19. People can apparently "die" in Soul Society....so what happens to them then? I snagged #63 last night but haven't had a chance to watch it just yet. Based on the manga, we're due for a couple of wrapup episodes before they get back into the next story arc.
  20. You have to hand it to their makeup department. Cynthia Watros used to be pretty hot when she was on Titus.
  21. You didn't just post a one liner, I'll give you that.
  22. Nobody said that these are all nice people. That's just the way life goes, and so far the show hasn't really asked you to empathize with Kate for torching her daddy. But like Locke has said a few times, none of that matters on the island (or should that be The Island?). They've all been given a chance to start over again, no matter how grave their sins were in their "past lives." As for AL putting a round through Shannon's center of mass, it would indeed be poor shooting discipline if not for one major factor: the Tailies had been under near-constant attack since they crash landed. Heck, that stewardess got it just minutes (?) earlier. That would make anybody jumpy. Add in some freaky whispers from the jungle and you have a perfect recipe for an ND. Besides, as we've all discussed in various "Zombie Apocolypse" threads, its better to shoot first, shoot again, then ask questions later.
  23. Uh...your analogy is a little silly, since the US didn't drop any atom bombs on its own population. So yeah...killing your own people is somewhat undesirable in a military leader.
  24. We don't know for a fact that Kate wasn't molested by her step-father-who-wasn't. Sure, she was quick to deny it to whatshisname the US Marshall, but that's hardly proof. Edit: and as annoying as Anna Lucia is, I can't really fault her for putting six into the sleazeoid who capped her. I guess it depends on your definition of "justice."
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