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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Sorta yeah, sorta no. The screen vehicles appear much darker than the physical props were, that's for certain. It has to do with the film stock used to shoot Aliens. That, and the fact that they ran out of time to fine tune the color corrections in post production. AS a result, you have this discrepency between props and how they appeared in the movie. Its the same thing with the Pulse Rifles. Show a casual fan an M41A in true "brown bess" and they'll say its the wrong color.
  2. Yeah, I uninstalled, then reinstalled. Then uninstalled and reinstalled a few more times. Finally I found some "matroska lite pack" that got the subs to work properly in Media Player Classic. Now I just have to backtrack through my other media files to make sure all the other file extensions are working.
  3. Great...now what happened to my subtitles?
  4. After installing/uninstalling a bunch of crap that only made matters worse, I've managed to restore my system back to where it was pre-Igloo. I can currently play the Live-Evil Harlock .mkv files (which were never a problem to begin with) and I can get Igloo to open up in a player window, but with no video.
  5. Is there a link that doesn't want you to join? I just want the friggen codec, not some crummy newsletter.
  6. Here's a word for all fansubbers out there: LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE!!! I'm sick of downloading 500 different codecs and players, just because some techno-geek in your group thinks that .rstlne files give you so much better resolution.
  7. Uhh...I'm not too sure about that. There's several other scenes from the manga that crop up in the 2 seasons of SAC. My impression is that the tv series is yet another version of the story, seperate from both the movies and the manga.
  8. Yup, that's the mythic beast. I'd kill for a kit of that baby.
  9. Whaaaa? Ok, they just lost me right there. Worse yet, I can't even complain about this being a "dumbed down console port" since it's PC only. No, this is just "dumbed down" period.
  10. From what I've read, this "filler" arc will last for several episodes. I did notice that the beginning of #64 stole several scenes from the manga, which means that when they resume the real stoyr they'll either repeat them or omit them entirely.
  11. Oh, the "Think Tank." Now I know what you're talking about. I thought EXO showed me a gashapon version once, but yeah...no kit. Also designed by Kawamori-sama, IIRC.
  12. I think you're mis-remembering something. The Fuchikomas weren't in either of the movies.
  13. I find the worst thing about Anime Friend was not when they animated an entire episode, but rather when they'd sneak them into an otherwise normal episode just for a single scene. You'd be watching Macross and enjoying it, then suddenly..."Ahh God MY EYES!! WHY DO THEY BURN?!"
  14. That is some amazing work there. And on top of that, I see he's managed to produce every conceivable varaition of the Tachi seen in both seasons of GiTS, including what he calls the "Uchikoma" from the end of 2nd Gig.
  15. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ndpost&p=361439
  16. LOLOMGWTF?!! I can't believe Adama was a Cylon.... No, wait. That didn't happen. Whew, I'm sure glad I didn't post bogus spoilers, embellished with bad fanfiction, then try to flame people who called bs on me. That would have been pretty embarassing.
  17. How well did the RT: Remaster Editons sell? Did they even complete the Remaster series in the first place? If ADV got burnt on that lovely project, that could go a long way towards explaining why they're not doing Shadow Chronicles.
  18. Its made by the original crew that made Command & Conquer. I'm not a big RTS fan, that alone is a good enough pedigree for me.
  19. The Trailer is up. I don't know if it'll be any good, but it does look Silent Hill-esque to me.
  20. OoooooOOoohhh...I hadn't seen that yet. Maybe, once we learn the reason(s) behind his paralysis, we can finally posit a reason for his recovery. Or it could just be magic, for all we know.
  21. See, I had just imagined that Prowl had finished off an entire bag of Halloween "Pumpkin" Peeps.
  22. I would SO cast Shatner as Cats in a movie version of Zero Wing. "You have....no chance to surviveMake. Your. Time."
  23. I think at some point they're going to have to address the fact that Locke was wheelchair bound right up until they crashed, that's for sure. It should make for an interesting discussion when Jack hears about his miraculous recovery from paralysis. That whole "man of faith" vs "man of science" conflict.
  24. Jebus!! Lookit the finish on that EE saber. It makes your Larbel look as if you painted it with Testors silver by comparison.
  25. Even though Lynch wasn't involved in the "extended tv" version, it was always the only version that made any sense to me. I'd never read any of the books, so being thrown into this weird world of navigators and spice with little or no guidance was more than a little offputting to my then-young mind.
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