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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. I'd say that, as a whole, I like Macross. Sure there's chapters that I dislike, a few that actually make me angry, but the good easily outweighs the bad. Like JsARC said, there's been nothing else the the last 20 years that's captured my imagination quite the way the original Macross did.
  2. If HG wants my respect, they should stop sitting on their other great property. That's right, I'm talking about Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years. If you thought Robotech was a hack-job, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Only the talent at HG could take two disparate shows, both taking place 100's of years apart, and mash them together into an unrecognizeable mess.
  3. Dude, you have to watch it! There's this talking spider, and an alien with a cheap camcorder immitation of Britai's facial prosthesis, and Spiderman pilots a friggen R-O-B-O-T!!!
  4. "We're going to need to watch that again." Clearly, Power Station is a reference to the electromagnetic thingamajig that Jack and Sayid explored underneath the foundation of the hatch.
  5. Better to post on the internet and have people think you're a retard, than to live in Toronto and prove it.
  6. Awesome. That's exactly the reaction I was hoping for when I coined that term, back in the day.
  7. You know, this actually started off as a good topic. It was a nice change of pace for this section.
  8. Hopefully e-tailers can pull the price down to around $150 or so. To me that's a fairly reasonable price for a finished resin & metal saber. Plus, when they get into blasters we might see some real savings (the Boba Fett ROTJ EE-3 was mentioned as a CE).
  9. They could always borrow material from Galactica 1980....
  10. And after a rather lack-luster season last year, it's hitting on all cylinders again now. 366225[/snapback] When it's not preempted by your silly "State of the Union" nonsense, that is. *shakes fist in southward direction*
  11. Duke's was funnier.
  12. There's some further news on the CE saber in the MR blog:
  13. X2. Overall, Aquarion was very schitzophrenic and did a below average job of balancing the goofier "super robot" aspects with the uber-serious past lives/ancient mysteries aspect.
  14. No. Way. This project has had so many false starts that I'm not going to get my hopes up just yet, but this is potentially good news.
  15. That's a trick question. Britney has such appallingly low standards that even the lamest fanboy on these or any other boards could score with her.
  16. Hyundai is one thing, but its going to take some time before these Chinese cars are any credible threat. They're most likely going to be disposeable cars in the most literal sense. Heck, I read a story back in December about how they'd failed every crash test in Europe.
  17. Man, it must be nice to have a market with vaules that low. Around here, you can't even get a 96-98 V6 'stang for under 10K.
  18. You silly people....there was no Part III. I don't know what you guys are on, but that's just crazy talk. Next thing you'll try to tell me there's a Highlander 2.
  19. All this jazz about "True Heaven" seems to be an invention by the anime writers, since there's been no mention of it in the manga to this point. However, its possible that they may have consulted with manga scribe Kubo Tite on his afterlife hierarchy. And filler episodes get on my nerves. Let's just get this over with and get back to the real story.
  20. It looks damn good so far, but....magnets?! I hope they're implemented better than the good ole' MPC ones were.
  21. It's something excruciatingly "British," I'm sure.
  22. ********* WARNING! ********* Potentially fatal comedy. May cause severe blindness, nausea, uncontrollable falling downness, and mild death. My dinner with Dr Boll.
  23. That raises an ethics question, however. Humanity was accepting of the Zentraedi for who they were, but it would be another matter altogether to create a new breed of preprogrammed adults of their own. Even if they could program all the nuances of societal interaction into these "tween" clones, would they want to?
  24. Looks like a PS1 cutscene.
  25. We had some discussion about this wayyyyy back on the old boards, but alas they're long gone. I think the consensus was that, to be a fully adjusted human, the clones would have to go through something approaching a regular childhood, or at least the closest thing to it in post-Space War 1 Earth. This led to the possibility of massive day care facilities, or perhaps adopt-a-clone programs for the surviving adults.
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