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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. IGN has a script review online. According to the author, who has evidently read (and moreimportantly understood) the novel, the script does follow the book in most of the key areas, although it does water down one or two important aspects. Still, based on this review, I'm moving my interest up one notch to "mildly interested." Hopefully some new developments, or even an early trailer, will move it up to "cautiously optimistic."
  2. Except that Tigh is useless as anything except Adama's XO and everybody knows it, including Tigh.
  3. Boll Bites Back!!
  4. Considering that Sideshow is selling the Hot Toys Colonial Marines for $85 (complete with tons of accessories) there's no way a plain jane "Hikaru in uniform" without any accessories is worth it. But hey...it'll have an overstyled package with pudy Tommy Yune art on it.
  5. That was Kates daddy, no doubt about it. Same actor.
  6. I told you guys this was just Boll trying to build up hype for himself.
  7. It could just be me, but I was having a bitch of a time connecting to their forums. But I did snag these pictures:
  8. I'll check 4815162342.com since I'm sure they already have caps of every frame from this week's episode.
  9. Saber Vault has the Qui Gon CE up, for $185. http://www.thesabervault.com/MasterReplicasQuiTPMCE.html Not the best price (I've seen it cheaper elsewhere) but JD is still the best to deal with.
  10. I for one would welcome his return to these fair boards. Call me a sadist, but I always took perverse delight in seeing his struggles with the english language, as he hunched over his keyboard hunting and pecking his way towards yet another inane post.
  11. Fixed.
  12. Jealousy is so unbecoming on you. He made mad coin, and was a playah with the hos, and you know it.
  13. How about MGREXX 2: Electric Boogaloo? 370554[/snapback] For the first and last time, I am not MGREXX. I know who you're referring to... 370557[/snapback] There was another time? Jeeze, sorry for not reading all 15 of your posts, and replies to same.
  14. True. The "Your Momma..." comments just brought back some fond memories.
  15. How about MGREXX 2: Electric Boogaloo?
  16. A1, you know that I embrace everything you say and do here on MW like Janet Jackson embraces a plate of cupcakes (seriously, is she bloated or what?) but even I'm kinda stumped at where all this is going? Is there a punchline for this, or is it like an SNL skit which is all setup and no laughs.
  17. I'm going to say no. There's just something about that giant, round Cerebro helmet that screams 'compensation."
  18. Sad news, gunslingers. Marvel & King have pushed this project back to Feb 2007. http://www.marvel.com/publishing/stories/showstory.htm?id=51
  19. Well, not much happening so far. It'll be interesting to see how different Comet Empire is from the movie, Farewell Space Battleship Yamato. Obviously they don't kill everybody and destroy the Yamato like the movie did, but to stretch the film into 20+ episodes will require more than a little rewriting. Season One had remarkably little filler, so I have high expectations for Season Two.
  20. What a bizarre analogy. Are you trying to confess something here? Some sort of "crap on the furniture" fettish?
  21. It's not impolite. It's XTREEEEEEEME!!!
  22. I have #66 and #67 on my hard drive, but I haven't worked up the interest to watch them just yet.
  23. Clearly you're having some sort of alergic reaction to employment.
  24. http://www.baka-updates.com/search.php?key...20S2&type=title Finally, Season 2 is upon as. For anybody who hasn't checked out the first season yet, go do so pronto! In light of today's rather...sparse...anime, this is a classic series from an era when heroes were angst free. And if they did feel some angst, they worked through it by killing the bad guys.
  25. Why? You're a film student so consider it as retrospective research on diverse interpretations and adaptations of super heroes in foreign cultures. 368451[/snapback] I work in film/photography part-time, but I've never gone to school for it (yet). But I get more out of Eisenstein and Bergman than torturing myself with this And beleive me, I'm trying hard to think of some positive angle for this, for the sake of those two...hehehe 368538[/snapback] It was for the sake of "building character." There you go.
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