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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. You mean I wasn't the only one? It disturbs me now that I'd hoped for something that I knew would lead to the near end of the world. But hey! I get to fly a fricking cool jet-robot! 378854[/snapback] Wow. You know, at the back of my mind I've always assumed that there were fans like this on these and any other boards, but it just doesn't compare to seeing it posted here in black and white. I suppose that once upon a time I too thought like you....back in 1985 when I was eleven years old. But then an amazing thing happened; I grew up. I'm sorry that reality has crushed your dreams, and with it some of the enjoyment you get out of Macross. If it makes you feel better, there's an open invitation to join the rest of us out here in the real world. Don't knock it until you try it.
  2. X2 (except the "working in a comic store" part)
  3. No way man, change the channel! We've seen this one already.
  4. Pfft...I saw that thread, but decided to disregard it and make my own post. Repost FTW!!
  5. Other great topics we can soon look forward to on MW: Things I've eaten in the last 72 hours Guess what I'm touching right now! Wanted: one xtra long shoelace, white Looking for 8-tracks in the Bay area Help me identify this smell Should my poo look like this (pics enclosed) 1001 Clonetroopers (crossposted from Anime Punch)
  6. Well that didn't work out as well as I'd hoped it would. Cimarron apparently won't ship to Canadian dealers, probably because they're too cheap to spring for the export license. You'd think with all the profit they make on their upcharged Ubertis they'd have the money to spend. Oh well, I'm not beaten yet. Its entirely possible that Uberti themselves will offer the same piece, minus the "Man With No Name" nomenclature. Otherwise, I may have to go through one of the Canadian dealers who specialize in imports.
  7. Don't studios have to submit their films to the academy in order for them to be considered for nomination? Its possible that Lucas just figured "Ah, screw it."
  8. But at least they'd straighten out the fleet's TOE.
  9. I plan on ordering one on Monday. Does that answer your question? Kidding aside, we just recently dodged a bullet (pun intended) up here when our Conservative party defeated the incumbent Liberals, who had made one of their election platforms the banning of all handguns, legally owned and otherwise. Now the CPC is setting about dismantling the hated and rediculously over budget long gun registry. But with a minority gov't it's not going to be easy. The hated Libs may be out of power, but they'll make things difficult for any other party who would "dare" replace them.
  10. Those Yugo SKSs are built like a tank, and are arguably the best of the SKSs out there. I wish I'd gotten one before our supply of them here in Canada dried up. Noriko, you should look into getting one of those rear peep sights that mount on the backside of the dust cover. From what I've read, they're a great improvement over the regular sights. Like a dis: In other gun news, I'm in love!
  11. MORE BAD NEWS FOR 007. Man this guy just can't win.
  12. He also wrote and directed the astounding 1988 remake of The Blob.
  13. I sense a disturbance in the Force. The rest of you pay me no mind, the people I'm addressing know who they are. Watch your six, John.
  14. Oh boy, I can't wait to see this one! Right after the live-action Akira and DragonBall Z movies! Move along, people. Nothing to see here.
  15. I forced myself through 66 & 67 on the weekend, and I'll try to watch the 68-69 combo and 70 some time this week. Maybe.
  16. HERE you go, wm. I'd hate to think of anybody stuck waiting around for Space to air Galactica.
  17. The "I hate guns" bit is old news, but the fact that he can't use a clutch is just icing on the (Layer) cake. All that's left for this guy to do is admit his undying thirst for the c*ck and the wussification of Bond will be complete. I'm starting to wonder if Martin Campbell can salavage a performance out of this nancy boy.
  18. http://www.craignotbond.com/ Ahh...the chorus of childhoods being a-raped is like music to my ears. Actually, I can't quite decide if this site is for real or if its just satire. But one things for certain: Fan petitions and boycotts are always a source of hilarity.
  19. I know its not a "lightsaber," but MR has announced that they are producing an Elite Edition Han Solo ANH DL-44. This one will not only be much more accurate than the original version, but so very expensive that only the five richest kings in Europe will be able to afford one. There's discussion on it HERE
  20. How do you know he's a witch?
  21. How about the fact that, aside from the conclusion-that-wasn't-really-a-conclusion, each and every episode was exactly the same? Harlock - "Our horses died again." Tochiro - "Oh look, we're saved! Another town." Sinunora - "Don't mind me. I'm just being mysterious." Townsperson - "Hey, no skinny people allowed." Tochiro - "Ack, I'm being lynched. Again." Sinunora - "Whoops, there go my clothes!" Narrator - "A place where every episode seems just like the one that preceeded it. A place called....Gun Frontier."
  22. Unless you're some pathetic, deluded fanboy who gobbles up anything even tangentially related to anime, there's bound to be some anime that you watch and just loathe. Hours of your time gone. Wasted. Wasted on anime that sucked. Post here about the latest piece of garbage you've had the misfortune to watch. Me, I just sat through 13 episodes of... Gun Frontier Now, I likes me my westerns, even moreso than I like old school anime. So you would think the combination of Harlock and the wild, wild west would be an instant hit. Well you thought wrong, and I should stab out your eyes with this pen I'm holding for even entertaining the notion. This show was awful. It really is telling when, in a mere 13 episode run, the writers keep using the exact same schtick in each of them. Sure as hell, every episode features a combination of the following elements: - New town, new arbitrary (and somewhat idiotic) rules. ie, "No short people allowed" - Tochiro gets shot (but not really, cuz he's so tiny under that cloak) - Tochiro nearly gets hung - Emereldas...er, I mean "Sinunora" gets naked. And then there's the man himself, Harlock. When the HELL did he start shooting the guns out of people's hands? And since when does he need everything explained to him by Tochiro? He's supposed to impassively stand there with a smug look on his face while muttering something about "freedom," not slouch around with his thumb up his ass while every slow-witted cowpoke in the west gets the drop on him. Gun Frontier makes his non-performance in Harlock Saga look positively action packed in comparison. That aside, there is absolutely nothing redeeming about this show. The animation is barely Anime Friend caliber, the music is uniformly horrid, the character designs (aside from the main cast) are not worth mention, and the plot is dull, dull, dull. Interestingly, Gun Frontier is supposedly based on a very old manga by Matsumoto. I don't know if something was lost in translation, but this is clearly NOT the Arcadia that Matsumoto & his creations need to return to.
  23. You'd be better off just listing the episodes that were well done. "Good" animation was never one of Macross' selling points.
  24. Yeah I played it. I remember it being fun (mainly from the "thrill" of playing a game based on some sort of anime) but frustrating as hell. One of those side scrollers where you have to navigate a maze, based entirely on guesswork and memorization.
  25. In Wimmer I trust. I'll be there opening night.
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