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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Duke, do you honestly believe that the usual suspects are going to bother reading that, much less comprehending it? 2 to 1 odd that somewhere in the next few posts after mine there will be another "Luke's childhood? LOLOMGWTF Luca$....CGI Jar Jar Ewok, etc etc" post.
  2. The bit about the show "covering the 20 years in the life of Luke Skywalker growing up that remains a mystery to most film-goers." wasn't a direct quote from anybody, and is more than likely just the writer editorializing. Of course Luke's youth isn't interesting enough for a TV show! That's entirely the point of him wanting to leave home to find adventure. Until we hear otherwise from LFL, I'd put my money on something akin to the early years of the rebellion, or some such story.
  3. If black is your only preference, I suppose you could always dye it. Guys have apparently had great success dyeing their H&K's a nice black, instead of that replusive pale grey that the SL8 comes in.
  4. I actually think it looks pretty badass in OD. If it was any greener, I'd say "pass" but they used a nice shade for it.
  5. Wellll.....there's two types of revolver actions. In a single action, as the hammer is cocked the cylinder will rotate to line up the next chamber with the bore. The cylinder locks up, followed by the hammer a fraction of an inch later. Then you have a simple, light trigger pull to fire the revolver. A modern double action will rotate the cylinder and cock the hammer as you pull the trigger. Like in the single action, the cylinder and hammer will lock up one after the other, and the last bit of trigger pull will fire the round. Needless to say, the double action trigger pull will be heavier than the single action, because you're both cocking the hammer and revolving the cylinder at the same time.
  6. Since we're on the subject of sexy bullpups, I found a pic of the production FS2000. Coming soon to a dealer near you.
  7. Well, if you scroll all the way back up to my last post, you'd see: So we're not completely screwed, just yet. I'm jsut miffed because I had gotten on the Lunar fansub bandwagon early on. Oh well, no big deal. Both groups seem to produce decent subs, and without any real delays either.
  8. It's even less official than the Technical Manual, but this fan-made M41A Pulse Rifle manual is pretty damn cool too. http://www.alienscollection.com/derrick.html
  9. No poo you need to finish it. I'm just going to start IMing you spoilers just to piss you off. Anyway, this is all kinds of good news. My faith in modern anime has been (temporarily) restored.
  10. Thanks, twich. I'll check it out.
  11. Does FN still hold some sort of patent on the 5.7 ammunition? If not, all it will take is RCBS producing a set of reloading dies and shooters can make whatever kind of ammo they want. Whats the actual bore diameter on the 5.7 anyway? Could you potentially use lightweight, off-the-shelf .223 bullets? Oh wait, THEY ALREADY DO MAKE 5.7 DIES.
  12. Awesome review, Mr March. If all goes as planned, I'll be at the late show tonight to see it!
  13. Then again, most civvies don't need the armor piercing capabilities of the 5.7 anyway. Whatever is "lost" by using civilian legal ammo is all in the shooter's head.
  14. You say that as if that's a bad thing. I wouldn't doubt that, if Tomino is still interested in revisiting the UC after Zeta III wraps, he'll heavily revise Double Zeta.
  15. I'm sure I botched that SA80 question. Pfft...like I'd want to use that POS anyway.
  16. Further to Bleach being licensed... So after all this time, all this waiting, and Lunar drops Bleach. So much for having my collection of the entire series done up by the same fansubber. All I can do is gesture madly like Lewis Black and shout "F*ck!!"
  17. I remember hearing unsubstantiated rumors that Production IG might be involved in the Appleseed TV series. I wonder if there's any truth to that.
  18. Sort of a "Dr Who Begins?" Why not? Everybody else seems to be doing it.
  19. I don't see the need to speculate about any Yamato/Big West/Harmony Gold conspiracies or machinations. Simply put, the RT.com store selling the Yamato Garland is no different from any other e-store selling it. If they figure they can make a quick buck off the Garland based on its tenuous relationship to the RT universe, thru a movie that few fans have actually seen and even fewer liked, then more power to 'em. Now if they started stocking Yamato's Macross line, that would be something worth speculating on. But I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
  20. While we're at it, here's something I've been wanting to get off my chest for some time now...
  21. 379827[/snapback] Ouch! You sir, have cut me to the quick!
  22. http://www.pakin.org/complaint/ Finally science has replicated fanboy vitriol and packaged it in easy-to-use html format! It replicates all the bluster of any number of wannabe political e-pundits and stays sharp enough to cut this ripe tomato! And now, I present my randomly generated rant on the hive of scum and villainy known as the Official Galactica Board:
  23. Then again, considering that the "Cheyenne" we all know and love from Aliens would be in service two centuries after its ancestor, would they really be obligated to add the "II" to its name?
  24. Good. I worry that this stuff doesn't quite come through, sometimes. But as you said, we had fantasies like that. Past tense. There's a difference between childhood fantasies, and expressing disappointment that fiction remained fiction 20 years later.
  25. Instead of debating the relevence of "Super Heroes" in the modern world, you could just accept them for what they are: Entertainment, mainly for kids.
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