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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. http://www.chud.com/index.php?type=news&id=6405 Oy.....
  2. Threads like this never cease to amaze me, nor do posters who blatantly try to hide behind terms like "Finnish Air Force" and "good luck charms." Sure that may have been the case at one point, but even Finland had the common sense to abandon your precious hakaristi after WW2, no doubt on grounds of good taste. So if Finland, a country that nobody otherwise associates with National Socialism (their cooperation with Nazi Germany in the Winter War aside), can summon up the courtesy to discontinue the use of a potentially offensive symbol, whats your excuse? ps, spare us the history lessons. There may be a large amount of younger members here who have only recently found there way to these boards, but most of us are old enough to have voluntarily read a book or two ourselves.
  3. Now that you mention it, that also looks like Roah/Ken-Oh in the previous picture. Apparently this series should really be called "Shin-Ken Chronicles."
  4. Oh, that's cool. Still not a fan of the ROTJ version, but cool nonetheless.
  5. The EE-3 looks great, and for what you get the price isn't actually that bad. Too bad I prefer the ESB version. Plus I'm currently broke. Well..."broke" isn't really a strong enough word for my current financial situation, but I don't want to drag things any further off topic. Also, it looks like the CE edition has been cancelled, or at least not announced just yet. Maybe I'll at least be able to afford the CE edition of the Fett helmet.
  6. I just found this on another forum: Diecast instead of resin makes it much easier to swallow that MSRP.
  7. It's from a short film called "Return of the Ewok" they made for kicks during the filming of ROTJ. There's an article about it with crappy VHS stills HERE.
  8. I don't know how BN.com is with returns, but I woulda sent that sucker back. If not to them, then MR themselves. Master Replicas, from all I've seen, has excellent customer service for damaged goods and QC issues.
  9. Expecting it to melt through blast doors, were you?
  10. Anyway, for those who are interested in something that actually resembles the screen-used props, MR has a new pic of the upcoming ESB Boba Fett helmet up on their blog. An early advert has the CE edition retailing for $279, with the LE up at $449.
  11. Entertainment Weekly has a more enlightening version of the blast door map. http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/3127/mapt...ption3ui1zr.jpg
  12. Aren't you a little short to be a Sturmtruppen?
  13. Ehh...I thought it was pretty weak. It seems that nobody, not even Shirow himself, can really capture the vibe of the original Dominion. I'll probably check out the next episode when it comes out, but I'll hardly be waiting for it with bated breath.
  14. ...Uh, what? Did you not read any of the rest of the thread or something? Individual Eleven is the movie/OVA version of 2nd Gig. Solid State Society is all new, following the SAC continuity and set years after 2nd Gig. 384740[/snapback] Well it has both Kuze and Goada in the poster, both of whom die at the end of 2nd gig. Is "Individual Eleven" what they're calling the 2nd Gig OVA then?
  15. A better question is why they're even using those characters in the first place. I mean, all those years of RT diehards telling us how Sentinels wasn't part of continuity, and how it should all be disregarded in favor of some fanfic, here we are in 2006 seeing those same sad characters showing up in the first truly "official" RT product since '85.
  16. Maybe they're testing the waters for a full-blown, complete series release? Anyway, I'd only be interested in seeing this again if the original unedited Bismark was included. Saber Rider was ok 15 years ago, but I can't imagine myself being that entertained by theStar Sherrifs' bloodless do-gooding today.
  17. Well that explains a lot. Solid State Society is a movie/OVA version of 2nd Gig. Bummer. All those figures and assorted other swag look like must-have though.
  18. Correction: It's the Sentinels, crossed with the works of Jack McKinney. That's Dr. Lazlo Zand I see in there, and he was entirely an invention of the novels. So yeah...so much for breakign new ground.
  19. Amped DX news has scans of the new PC Gamer article on BF2142. Edit: Just don't bother reading the little editorial about BF2142 on Amped. The writer makes a few good points about EA pushing yet another BF game onto the market in short order (18 months after BF2, give or take) but then slides into fanboyism with criticism of the "science" in the game's Sci Fi setting, and finishes off with the now-mandatory calls for a boycott.
  20. The walkers do look a tad generic. With all the designs out there in all media formats, it's really getting tough to come up with something unique, or at least not as recognizable. Here's a blurb I found from DICE studios about BF2142
  21. Really? I haven't fired up BF2 since installing the 1.21 patch a couple of weeks ago.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_t6g0VLLY0 In fact, the narrative itself seems to borrow heavily from the Heavy Gear backstory. But that aside, maybe this is finally the Battlefield game for mecha-heads. Graphically it doesn't seem terribly different from the current BF2 engine, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Maybe we'll see some DirectX10 optimization, so we can get all the bells and whistles like HDR lighting and destructible environments. Now, if only some dedicated mod programmers could produce a friggen Gundam One Year War mod already!
  23. It's already in book stores.
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