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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Did everybody catch the "Hanso Foundation" commercial in the last half hour?
  2. Ahh....my old poll. They just grow up so darn fast. *sniffle* Meeeeeeeemories....
  3. After December 31st, they go back into the Disney Vault....FOREVER (or until another anniversary needs to be marked by a DVD release)
  4. 4 reals, yo http://www.starwars.com/episode-iv/release...ws20060503.html In light of this, can we all finally STFU and get along?
  5. And "hungry." Don't forget hungry.
  6. Crack it is, then. Welling is ok in Smallville-sized doses, but I don't think he really has the talent to fill Supes' big, red boots in a big budget movie. Maybe I'm being overly critical of the guy, given how little he has to work with on Smallville (most of the Smallville plotlines revolve around somebody being posessed and/or bodies switched, with the remainder of the cast left to figure out who's really who) but from what I've seen of the guy I can't say I'm a big fan.
  7. "Fat?" I can't say anything about Routh as an actor, but "fat"...? Or do you perhaps work with the mentally challenged? If Routh is fat then I must be morbidly obese.
  8. Are they putting something in the water out there in cowtown, or are you just on crack? If X3 turns out to be an enjoyable film, it will be in spite of Ratner, not because of him. Singer FTW.
  9. Or just go to Sony Pictures to see it.
  10. Suuuuuure....next thing you'll tell us that you didn't actually invent Golgo 13.
  11. Hey, I'm not judging. Alls I'm saying is that it's EXO's choice of lifestyles, not ours.
  12. EXO's private life is his own business. If he wants to discuss why he hangs around in dockside bars, he'll do so at his own discretion.
  13. So long story short, we're not the only people in anime fandom giving the ADV Macross re-release the big ole' "eye roll" emoticon. Hey HG! When are we getting that Mospeada dub already? You know, the one that you told us wouldn't happen, just like the Macross dub wouldn't happen? *deafening silence* Yeah, I thought so.
  14. Hmm...too bad its in French, but interesting nonetheless. A few things we can glean from the trailer: - they've added a LOT more action to the story, which is understandable since the original novel consisted of Bond playing cards for its entirety. - Martin Campbell still can make a good looking movie. That doesn't mean the script won't suck. - Craig looks believable enough in what little we see of the fight scenes, but that's only half of playing "Bond." - For all the disappointing Bond films in the past few years, hearing the 007 theme at the end of the trailer still gets me excited, same as it did when I was 10 years old.
  15. I suppose it was also "japanese companies" that sent Toycom the infamous C&D letter on the Mac Plus valks? Let's ask Toycom founder George Sohn about that...oh wait, he sold out his company and jumped ship to join HG. Do these clowns realize that they're (one of) the laughing stocks of the north american anime community? Heck, I'd sooner listen to Sandy Frank explain how BOTP was the same thing as Gatchaman, if not an improvement.
  16. http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=23106 Normally I'd link you people to a story like this and make some scathing comment about how stupid this is, but after reading this review I'm simply speechless. Even if you skip Moriarty's editiorializing, the script simply sucks. If they make this, expect one awful, awful film. However, this being Macross World I know there's at least one of you out there who'll read this and think to yourselves "Hey that doesn't sound too terribly bad. Maybe it won't be a complete waste of celluloid, and it'll have one or two neat fights." Well know this...since the last AvP film I've immersed myself in a terrible martial art with a 2000 year history, and I'm prepared to give you the Hokuto One Hundred Crack Fist and send you straight to hell. Scum like you have killed cinema long enough.
  17. I loves me some Yamato, and I even think that a decent live-action rendition of the story (even in its milder "Star Blazers" incarnation) is possible, but in spite of that I have my doubts about this ever even being made. I'm sure it'll happen right after the live-action Akira, Dragon Ball Z and Evangelion movies.
  18. Why limit yourself to 1/72 scale? I think a 1/48 F-14 with Shin's markings would look badass next to a 1/48 Yamato valk.
  19. I actually spoke with Devin about the possibility of a Macross Zero decal set a couple of years back. At the time he was willing to move forward with the project, but I was unable to round up any real interest, so it got dropped. Since the bulk of the Hase decal sheet is just generic F14 marking, my idea was to create a combined F-14/Mig decal sheet with only the specific marking needed to "Macross-ize" a model.
  20. You can see the unedited footage HERE If I hadn't read about this today, I would have assumed that the censored version was the way it was actually meant to be. I assumed Parker & Stone were taking a shot at Comedy Central for yanking the Scientology episode last month.
  21. Bored, are we? And the correct answer is of course "Frigidaire Ultraquiet II Dishwasher."
  22. Maybe one of the "old school" fansubbers will someday tackle Dougram. There's all kinds of 70's and 80's anime being subbed these days.
  23. This isn't (or at least it shouldn't be) a simple repackage. The ESB version does differ from the AOTC version, and given their accuracy I'd imagine Fine Molds will retool for the correct parts.
  24. I've never actually seen it, but I think there's a reason nobody talks about Dorvack anymore.
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