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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. I absolutely love how some people are suddenly too "cool" for the Superman '78 version. Face the facts, kids; Superman has been around for nearly 70 years and there's lots of differing interpretations of the character in that span. Maybe you prefer some "Kingdom Gone-esque" take on the character, but that's only one possible version. It seems that the worst complaint some can come up with is how the characters are the same as the Donner films. "LOLOMGWTF" they say..."Superman is teh suxorz now." Isn't it supposed to be a fanboy peeve when characterizations change between installments? Yet here's a film that's true to it's predecessor, and that's still not good enough for MW.
  2. Fake. There's several shots that I recognize from the first two movies, and I've only seen each of them once. That "money shot" of Sandman is just a manipulation of the first promo shot of Thomas Haden Church that was released last year. It's a clever fake, but a fake nonetheless.
  3. This thread is getting stupid, even for a Transformers thread.
  4. Ah Macross World...You do love arguing your semantics, don't you.
  5. I'd like to see a comic book movie where the hero resolves the problems through discussion and mediation, not fisticuffs. I mean, who picks up a bus and throws it at people anyway?
  6. But those are just individual scenes, not the plot of the movie. Do you really think anyone wants to sit in a theater for two hours to see if Spideman can stop the jewel theives?
  7. Would a movie about superheroes foiling bank robberies be more to your liking? Or perhaps a superhero romcom? Ooh, I know! A superhero period drama!
  8. Didn't Spiderman 2 establish that Jameson's son was an astronaut? Maybe he (or somebody else) finds something in space? Heck, it could just fall to earth on its own a'la The Blob. As for Harry, I'm thinking he'll be the the one in the Green Goblin suit. Not only did he find a bunch of his father's toys in the last movie, but they also showed he's not quite right in the head. Plus, it would be fitting if both he and Peter Parker had to battle their inner demons as well as each other. To me, this is where the last movie was already pointing. Putting some other, new character in the Green Goblin suit just seems so extraneous at this point.
  9. After rewatching the trailer, I'm not entirely convinced that "Venom" is actually in the movie, per se. Sure we have the symbioite and Eddie Brock, but judging from what little we see in the trailer it seems like the story could very well revolve around Spidey fighting both Harry Osborne as the Goblin and himself. What if Brock is in the film only to establish his animosity with Parker so that he can discover the symbioite at the end of the movie, thus setting up #4?
  10. Early word has it that he squints in the wind too. More on this as reviews come in.
  11. Word has it that an email from MR has gone out to Collector's Society members about the Elite Edition ANH DL-44. Anybody brave (and rich) enough to get one?
  12. Oh man....you'd better start locking your doors at night. Agent ONE will be lurking moistly in the bushes outside your house, waiting for the chance to assrape you.
  13. Is anyone here on the Saber Vault mailing list? I got an email promising all kinds of one-of-a-kind sold out items, to be available thru the store. Could it be somebody clearing out a collection?
  14. I'm glad to see that this movie is not attracting the usual fanish overreaction, polarized opinions and minutia nitpicketry that one would expect from a big budget genre film. I was worried we'd see a repeat of last year's Vader Hands debacle.
  15. Funny how that works, considering that this is a sequel to the Donner films.
  16. Well, this is the same city that doesn't realize that the distinction between Kent and Superman is merely a pair of glasses! Metropolis is apparently not renowned for its collective IQ.
  17. Is VOTOMS not selling? I can't really tell, since my local stores only get in a handfull of copies, and once they're gone they're gone.
  18. Hey Cyc, are you going to have a section on your site for Mospeada 2: The Inbit Strike Back? (assuming that RT: Shadow Chronicles gets a Mospeada-ized release for Japan, of course)
  19. It's really a matter you can look at both ways. Superficially, comics today look so unimaginably better than anything we had even dreamed of back in the 80's. But those glitzy cg colored pages can also conceal some otherwise awful artwork. Case in point, White Drew's dissection of the "perspective" in that promo panel of the Robotech: Prelude To Shadow Craptacular. The writing is something I can't comment on, having not read a comic in over a decade.
  20. For a "Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles" release date, send One (1) dollar to: Harmony Gold 7655 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90046
  21. From Anime on DVD: First off, let my say that I am NOT re-buying the entirety of the original GSC series, even if it is in unflopped and unedited format. But that short tirade aside, I'm thrilled that Sonada has finally finished/given up on Exaxxion and gone back to his best works. Now if we could only somehow convince Shirow to give up the hardcore man/horse pron and churn out some more Appleseed.
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