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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. There's finally a new episode out (#15) by a "new" group of fansubbers. It seems the be the same bunch who used to call themselves Anime Jiyuu. But regardless, while the show does continue its tradition of bludgeoning the viewer in the groin with its puzzles within puzzles, we do finally get some concrete answers for once as to the whole background of just what the heck is going on.
  2. And this relates to anime and/or sci fi...how? Just bustin' your chops, dude. Congrats.
  3. Found this while surfing through HLJ, and I figured there might be one or two interested parties here. Stick/Rand Ride Armor Legioss Uh-huh-huh-huh....Blowsuperior. Hopefully they'll follow up with the non-variable kits. I could use a couple of those 1/15 scale ride armors, and the 1/72 Legioss was always a favorite of mine.
  4. Should we start taking bets on how she dies?
  5. I'll second the "Shinsen Subs" distaste, and gladly re-download the episode again from any other group that decides to tackle this project.
  6. Well it's not really obscure, but most people I know have only seen the more recent Harlock material. Heck, i don't even remember seeing the Harmony Gold bastardization on TV in the 80's, at least in my neck of the woods. IMO, it's something everybody knows, but few have actually watched.
  7. I think EFLA is decidedly overhated. It's certainly not a great movie, and doesn't really compare to the original, but it does have some good parts to it. It starts off very strong, IMO. In fact, I'd say the first third of the movie right up until after the "Bangkok Rules" scene is some of my favorite Carpenter material ever. But the middle of the movie just saaaags under its own weight, with jokes that just aren't funny. EFNY had Snake chased by sewer dwelling cannibals, EFLA has him encounter plastic surgery loving LA socialites. But the finale is back up to snuff, and is a classic example of a "John Carpenter" ending. But throughout the movie, no matter how silly or groan-inducing it gets, there's one bright spot; Kurt Russel as Snake. The man just exudes badassness the likes of which we haven't seen since the late 1980's when Clint Eastwood got too old to beat the piss out of people.
  8. How about: Blazing Exchange Student (OVA) Space Cobra (TV series) Riding Bean (OVA) Space Pirate Captain Harlock (TV) Technovoyager, aka Thunderbirds 2086 (TV)
  9. Well then I'll just have to steal it then, because now that I've seen it I don't think I can live without it!
  10. From Bloody Disgusting Now, I had given up hope of ever seeing this film made, oh...about 10 years ago. After the...er...'underwhelming' results of Escape From LA it seemed there was no way this project would ever see the light of day. But here we are in 2006 (God I can't belive EFLA is 10 years old already) and one thing is painfully clear; The fascist police state world of the Escape films is now more relevant than ever. Cinema needs Snake to stick it to The Man just one more time. And frankly, given the milquetoast "action stars" we have to live with in movies today, I'd say any Snake Plissken is good Snake Plissken.
  11. Production IG has some more detail on the story on their site: So, this really sounds like a continuation of the overall Stand Alone Complex story. Exxxxxcellent.
  12. Tsk...Such a negative nelly. This is going to be awesome and you know it.
  13. Downloading the first ep right now!
  14. I picked up some unknown fansub of all 26 episodes on bittorrent, so you don't have to wait for guyver fansubs and 3x3leetspeak to get off their collective asses.
  15. The biggest "gore" effect I can think of comes at the very end of the movie, when a particular baddie gets it from Tubbs' shottie. But to be honest, I think that was more for emphasis than it was for any sort of "Michael Bay-esque" sense of excess. This is a bad, bad guy and he deserves what he gets. In this, the movie delivers. Other than that, the only real blood I can think of is a) two extreme kills with a Barret .50 and b) headshot at close range with a G36C. Needless to say, both would be equally messy in real life. But while the movie is indeed explicit in its detail, it hardly lingers on it like a lesser film would. These are no slo-mo ultrakills like something Paul Verhoeve would have shown us, were he still making films.
  16. Crocket Wears A Belt! News at eleven!
  17. Even Toynami is smart enough not to release a sure-fire shelf warmer like the Hovertank, much less in 1/35 scale.
  18. Maybe this is depicting the alternate universe Nazis, who defeat and occupy Japan.
  19. Can I second that nomination?
  20. For the love of Zombie Jesus, let this topic die people.
  21. I'm not positive if his rilfe has been identified yet. There were some pics I had seen of some Tusken rifles, which turned out to be a variety of old flintlocks which had been dressed up with the requisite camera and model part doodads. I'm betting Luke's rfile was something similar.
  22. But how big were Kurgan's hands. That's the real issue I'm concerned about.
  23. That's pretty much what I felt about it. Awesome ride of a movie, but it'll really hinges on how they explain everything in the third part. This movie really does end in a cliffhanger... no joke. Anyone stay for the end credit clip? 415124[/snapback] Yeah! That's what always pissed me off about Empire Strikes Back too. Han gets frozen in carbonite, Luke gets his hand chopped off and Vader tells him he's Luke's father. So then it ends with Luke in his jammies watching Lando fly away? WTF? Way to finish the story, Kershener.
  24. http://www.pen.k12.va.us/Div/Winchester/jh...or/pickles.html Bomba! Er, I mean.....Dill!
  25. Roy, there is one glaring flaw in your "pickle" analogy. If M7 was truly like having pickles on your burger, there would be some rabid "pickle fans" who would jump out of the bushes the moment you expressed your disdain for said pickles, and loudly preach their "tastiness" to you. At first you'd politely comment that they are free to put pickles on their own burgers but that you personally didn't want any. This would only incite them to louder and more grating displays of pickle fandom, such as shouting "Taste my kosher!" or simply "Dill!" until you had to physically harm them.
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