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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Umm...I never said that it did. I was just pointing out that supposedly it wasn't a newly recorded piece of dialog, made by some half-assed JEJ impoersonator.
  2. According to Ben Burtt, it was indeed JEJ. The line was an unused recording from ANH. Or so the story goes...
  3. http://a.scarywater.net/live-evil/%5BLive-...%5D.avi.torrent For those unfamiliar with it, Endless Road SSX is the follow-up TV series to the seminal Harlock film Arcadia of My Youth. At 22 episodes, it is the last of the classic era Harlock stories that were animated, until the character was revived in a slew of modern era spinoffs and sequels. There's a lengthy article on the show HERE.
  4. Oh, don't Sub-ject us to your cynical puns.
  5. I hear that the Gorn is going to shoot first in this version.
  6. So does this mean that the ecodn season starts airing this fall? Cool, if true.
  7. I'd be moderately upset if it weren't for the fact that Thundercats was never that good to begin with.
  8. Personally, I blame that devious spacktard Neptune. Who's to say that Pluto is crossing the orbit of Neptune, but rather that Neptune is crossing Pluto's orbit? And while we're at it...you know, some people think that dandelions are weeds. But you know, I always think who the hell decided tulips were so great?
  9. Just what I'd expect to hear from an "8-Planet Apologist."
  10. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/0608...definition.html Oh em gee double-you tee eff indeed. Stupid astronomers have nothing better to do than to ruin my cherished memories of nine planets. Instead we have to live with their attention whorish retconning of our beloved solar system. Well I say "Leave well enough alone!" This is the worst thing to happen to my long ago elementary school education since the Brontosaurus became the Apatosaurus.
  11. But is there any hint as to who is making this tank? Is it anther Wave kit, or is it just posed with them for reference. Ditto the "full open" Tachikoma. I'm worried that its some obscure garage kit that we'll only ever see in pictures online.
  12. I feel your pain. After reading about it for so long, I jumped on the CPM rereleases as soon as they came out and now I'm hooked. Those neat Max Factory VOTOMS (along with the new GITS toys) are threatening to drag me back into collecting.
  13. You. Bastard. Welcome to my ignore list, EXO!
  14. Wow....that's soooo necessary. Kidding aside, how does the anime compare to the old comics? Is it a fairly literal interpretation of the story, or is it a complete reinvention?
  15. The Aoshima kits are neat and all, but I wouldn't really rely on one of them to take the place of a transforming toy. They're just too fragile, especially the Ride Armors. Sure, a really talented modeler could rebuild them to be far more durable by using modern poly joints and such, but how many of us have that kind of skill? If I get the Aoshimas, it'll be to build them as non-transforming kits, possibly even in fixed poses.
  16. From Anime News Network: Let me be the first to say "holy crap!" I never expected this series to claw its way out of the distant 80's. Even if the show doesn't focus on Chirico again, I hope it doesn't succumb to the current trend in self-hating, mopey, angst-filled heroes. Votoms should be about kicking ass and taking names. (be warned, I'm sure there will be CG Votoms appearing in the new show. OMGWTF)
  17. It was better back when it was called Clonus. 426513[/snapback] Zing!
  18. Heh...well if all it takes is for somebody to offer a differing opinon than your own, then you go girl!
  19. 11 hours and 28 minutes via bit torrent. But hey....at least its done now.
  20. Man, this download is taking forever.
  21. No Soundwave = Not a good movie
  22. I played the multiplayer demo last summer before the game was released. It was pretty fun, I found. There were a few game modes (free for all and team based games) and the maps were interesting. My only problem with the game is that it was a bit of a system hog. You really had to have an upper tier system to handle all the maxed out graphic settings.
  23. http://joinfear.com/main So who wants to play?
  24. Whoa! So defensive! Nobody said you couldn't. It's a good thing I skipped the remainder of your post.
  25. CG in anime is far too overhated. Sure there's been some less than stellar examples in recent years, but a lot of the new anime has managed to blend it in seamlessly with the traditional style animation. The Tachikomas and power suits in GITS 2nd Gig are a good example. I think it's particularly found its niche when directors started using it for environments, allowing them to use "real world" filming techniques like steady-cams, crane shots, snap zooms, etc. The fact is that CG is here to stay, and the considering the advantages it offers it's unlikely directors will discard it "just because." This won't excuse SC from having sub-par, year 2000 style CG though. With HG's "deep pockets" you'd think they could have shelled out the cash to hire a decent studio.
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