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Everything posted by bsu legato
Maybe its a name that will eventually make sense in the context of the story. Yeah ok, I don't believe that for a second either.
Woah, the difference in quality between those two trailers is like night and day. Maybe being able to actually see the backgrounds, as oppsed to a pixelated, muddy mess, will quiet some of the naysayers. This new trailer is good, but I'd rather see a hi def version of the original one. And count me in the minority who actually liked the NiN used in the first one. The patented Howard Shore choral chanting/Hans Zimmer moaning, lamenting woman soundtrack has been done to death for the historical epic, and if somebody tries something different, even in a trailer, then I say it's about damn time.
The Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread v2.0
bsu legato replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
She'll be back in Gunbuster 3: Die Buster, Die! -
Clint Easwood's new WW2 epic. Flags Of Our Fathers.
bsu legato replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Yes, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one, lest we come to blows. Because as sick as I feel today, I'd hardly put up much of a fight. -
Clint Easwood's new WW2 epic. Flags Of Our Fathers.
bsu legato replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I guess for me it all comes down to the old axiom Show, don't tell. For all of Malick's v.o. and Discovery Channel nature imagery, all he's saying is "War is hell." Aside from my initial reaction to such grade-school philosophy, which is "Well, duhhhhh." he never really delves into why it's hell. Not in any in-depth way, anyhow. Instead he focuses almost exclusively on how all us bad humans are despoiling this "eden" in the pacific. And that's the real kicker. For all the "carnage" that we (humans, that is) wrought on places like Guadalcanal, or Flanders, or Kursk, such damage is only fleeting. Sure these places still bear the scars of war, but is an overgrown ditch that once upon a time was a trench more important than the cost it took on the young soldiers who hid in it? But instead of providing any real insight into the people who fought there, he'd rather focus on some leaf or a macaw and blame everybody, because WW2 was all of our fault. If Malick wanted to show how war ruins nature, he should have done a vietnam film. The effects of modern warfare were far more lasting (ie, agent orange), and the 1960's seem much more suited to his hippie sensibilities. -
Clint Easwood's new WW2 epic. Flags Of Our Fathers.
bsu legato replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Sorry, Js I can't agree with you there. There's no characters in Malick's version of The Thin Red Line. There are only ciphers for his metaphysical wankery. They exist onscreen only to pontificate. -
Clint Easwood's new WW2 epic. Flags Of Our Fathers.
bsu legato replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The thing is...I wasn't expecting Private Ryan. Almost 10 years later, I can't really remember what I was expecting, but I know it wasn't the heaping helping of existential nonsense that I got dumped on me, like a giant steaming turd. At the time, I didn't think it was asking too much to get a movie with a cohesive narrative, and maybe a character or two. -
Clint Easwood's new WW2 epic. Flags Of Our Fathers.
bsu legato replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I'm disappointed that members here consider The Thin Red Line anything more than pretentious drivel. It's one of the few movies that I have ever seen that actually offended me in some way. In this case, its the poor excuse for an art film masquerading as a war film. This so-called "poetry" that people refer two usually boils down to two elements in Malick's version: - Images of nature juxtaposed against brutality of war. - monotone voiceover of the most two-dimensionally wannabe-profound nonsense. "Who am I? Why are we here? Did I leave the stove on?" Lather, rinse and repeat for the film's agonizingly overlong run time. But what really, really bugs me about this nonsense is that it ignores the real story of Guadalcanal in favor of this pseudointellectual bullshit. Read the book, or any other veteran's memoirs for that matter, and you'll find 10x more drama than Malick managed to not leave on the cutting room floor (infamously, over 3 hours of footage were cut, including scenes featuring numerous A-list actors who otherwise do not appear in the finished film). Malick may indeed be an artiste, but he is most definitely not a storyteller. -
Clint Easwood's new WW2 epic. Flags Of Our Fathers.
bsu legato replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Clint Eastwood and WW2 in the same film? I'd camp out for this one, if such a form of movie zealotry wasn't so completely obsolete. Clint would have to try very hard to disappoint me with this one. -
It's painfully clear that this movie won't be able to please everybody. Given the number of itterations that the Iron Man costume has gone through over the decades, this movie will wind up "raping somebody's childhood" in spite of its best intentions. And regardless of the actual content of the movie, you can be sure that you'll hear somebody squawking about it right here on MW. First!
Transformer Starscream Masterpiece has arrived!
bsu legato replied to kentgh's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Good eye! I would have missed that if you hadn't mentioned it. Maybe this will lead some of the Trannies to the enlightenment that is Shoji. -
The difference being that Virgin Road is an abomination by Anime Friend, for whom the term "line art" had little or no meaning, where Pineapple Salad seems to have been animated by Macross' a-list team (Tatsunuko? Studio Nue?).
The Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread v2.0
bsu legato replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I'm pretty late to the "Gunbuster party," only just having seen the original about two years ago when I stumbled across a torrent for it, but in spite of that I can appreciate its place in the pantheon of classic 80's anime. But that last episode of Gunbuster 2.....just wasn't very good. At all. Were I as big a fan as Noriko, I'd easily be just as disappointed. -
Spaceballs: The Animated Series
bsu legato replied to DeathHammer's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Sadly, Mel Brooks is entering his third decade of unfunniness. Unless he gets some serious assistance on the script(s) I expect more of the same. I gave up on him returning to his Blazing Saddles/Young Frankenstien form long ago. -
Hot Toys - 12" Aliens Figures.
bsu legato replied to dr_vandermeer's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
No you're not imagining that, Wolfx. Weaver is a long time anti-gun liberal, and nearly balked on appearing in Aliens when she learned that there was soldiers & firepower involved. That said, the Ripley figure doesnt look half bad, and neither does Drake. But Hudson....poor Hudson, can't anybody him justice? -
hmmmmmmmm....... OMG...>>..VF-4 confirmed!
I didn't think it looked that bad, but whatever floats your boat dude. It's not as if I'm asking you to pay for my ticket.
Certainly not as good looking as all those other movies with biplane combat.....oh wait, there aren't any. Nope, in this case I'll take what I can get.
Flyboys may be the most vapid movie of the year, but I'm seeing it for the "biplane pr0n" alone.
Well, in your defense, you do like Robotech....
All I have to say is Μολών ΛαβΠ* Molon Labe
Gits: Sac To Return For A 3rd Season.
bsu legato replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I've had the raw video for about two weeks now, but I've been holding off watching it in the hopes that somebody would be brave enough to fansub it. -
Erm...I see where you're going with this analogy, but wasn't Turn-A done by Tomino?
Heh...I think that I gave up after that very episode.