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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. The 10 most impressive photographs of our universe http://www.oddpeak.com/item_63760.aspx
  2. It was actually a BAR, but yeah this is definitely a cool show. I doubt it will ever be a classic like Bebop or Macross, but it's always enjoyable.
  3. That's a whole lotta Yamato. But at that price, I think I'd be more than satisfied with the reissued 1/500 kit instead. I also see that all the Cosmo Tiger/Zero kits are getting a rerelease too.
  4. Infinities. That's what it was. Thanks.
  5. Maybe next year for the 30th Anniversary Hi Def Blu Ray editions, with extra cowbell.
  6. A friend of mine growing up had several Diaclones, including Optimus/Convoy, and it did indeed come with a little guy who fit inside the car. It wasn't as big as the 1/48 of course, so you should just chalk that up to childhood mis-remembering things. We used to pitch the little man into the toybox and instead stuffed Prime's fists in the cab, because really....who gave a damn about the humans in Transformers? Hurins "R2D2 vs the Red Baron" memories, on the other hand, are clearly the result of a deranged mind.
  7. And the CE Stormtrooper should be in every self respecting SW fan's collection.
  8. New goodness from MR! Man oh man...that CE Obi Wan ANH is a must-have. I nearly bought one of the last ROTS editions from Saber Vault (on sale for around $200) but now I'm skipping it for this. The CE lineup is my favorite thing to happen to SW!
  9. Actually, it just occured to me that Dark Horse has some other naming convention for stories like T&B and SW Infinities. Not really Expanded Universe, but someting along the lines of Alternate Universe or something, right?
  10. Great cover, Lonely Soldier Boy. I'm not into EU anymore, but I may have to pick up a copy of this so I can say "Hey I post on a message board with this guy!" It probably won't impress anybody, but then I can sniff derisively at them and say "Well that shows how little you know."
  11. OK, I'll bite: What the heck is the story behind that giant SDF-1 Macross? Wave kits, from the looks of it.
  12. I'm seeing it on Sunday. At this point, I'm actually glad I never got around to reading the book, so I can go into the movie cold and not know what to expect.
  13. I'd just be happy to finally see the original. Its probably one of the last of the great 80's Mecha anime that we havent seen domestically yet.
  14. It's a beautiful day!
  15. If the VF-1 were designed today, it would look like the VF-0. It represents not only the styling of real-world aircraft, but an advancement in both anime deisgn and Kawamori-sama's skills and aesthetic. To me, the VF-0 is a "do-over" of the original designs, just like all the mobile suits were redesigned for Gundam 0080. They get new names to keep the continuity fanboys quiet, but at heart they're essentially a remake.
  16. Well I'm officially skipping this one, after reading this story: http://planetbattlefield.gamespy.com/fullstory.php?id=106662 IN-GAME advertising? Frack you too, EA. Frack you too.
  17. Damn, I was just going to post that very same video. You have to admit that he's a polite robot, but my gut tells me he'd be just as cordial as he was twisting that kid's head off.
  18. Stealth 2: Stealth Harder
  19. OK, I'm stumped. All my searches turn up are the umpteen raw files that are circulating. Can we get a hint of some sort?
  20. I played the demo for about an hour yesterday, and so far I'm not impressed. I was having serious lag issues on several servers, making the already clunky infantry movement seem like a slide show. I also had problems with my "crouch" command unbinding itself, no matter how many times I rebound it (the game also advised me that the key I wanted to use was already bound...bound to the crouch command. wtf? ) The Titan gameplay mode is interesting, but it's essentially the same as the "space" levels in Star Wars Battlefront. I'll reserve judgement until I have some more time in-game, but for now I'm leaning back towards BF2.
  21. And before anybody has a cow, I'm kidding about that last part.
  22. Yes. A place called "Canada" and a holiday called "thanksgiving." We invented it, you know?
  23. I hear, and obey! (hopefully some time over the long weekend)
  24. For people who don't give a rat's ass about matching FS paint numbers, yeah. And it's far less out of place than the beloved Red, Grey & Blue version would be.
  25. All I'm going to add to this is that the new color scheme rocks. The old, cartoon color scheme is for children and people easily excited by shiny objects, and ruins the whole notion of "robots in disguise." That is, unless you live near an airbase with military fighters painted in bright, primary colors.
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