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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. The notion of Kusanagi in skintight/skimpy outfits really only comes from the original movie, where they inexplicably gave her that body stocking to wear with her optic camo, and to a lesser extent the first season of Stand Alone Complex where she had that one-piece swimsuit thingy with the leather jacket. The funky grey combat suits seen in SAC would be much more realistic, and less exploitative. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. So far, the only thing this project has going for it is that the staff of Production IG are involved. Even with them attached, this project has a looooong way to go before it'll be anything but another looming mishandling of a franchise.
  2. That's beautiful. Almost sig-worthy. The guy's not even a LMP, and yet he nailed it right on the head.
  3. Hey, I religiously watched BotP back in the day too. And while it's been ages since I've been in a comic store, much less looked at the Alex Ross comics, I do recall that they pretty much resembled the BotP that I remembered. And if that's what you want in a movie, then so be it. But like I said, outside of an extrordinarily small niche market, who is this supposed to appeal to? Fixed.
  4. Soooo.... you want a modern take on BotP that removes all the sillier 1970's elements, yet features a team of scientist ninjas dressed in color-coded bird costumes? But if they feature that giant Turtle robot from the first episode, I'll be there opening night with you.
  5. But the designs ARE part of the cheese. They're ninjas dressed as freakin BIRDS! How can you present that to an audience and expect them to not consider it cheese? And what about their signature vehicles which magically change to combine with the God Phoenix? That, my friend is 100% fromage. Considering that Gatchaman is considered one of the founders of the sentai superteam genre, how can you remove all these goofy elements and yet be remotely faithfull?
  6. You mean the same decade that gave us the founding of Greenpeace and the infamousOIL CRISIS? Do tell, do tell.
  7. I'm sorry, but has anybody here actually watched an episode of Gatchaman lately? Or even Battle of the Planets? The inherent goofiness of the whole sentai superteam schtick makes it nearly unwatchable today, and I dont see how anybody could take it seriously. Heck, even if it was done in a tongue in cheek manner, it would still only appeal to such a small demographic of people who'd "get" it. And why even do Gatchaman in the first place? Certainly not for the name recognition. While many of the 30+ demographic will remember BoTP, and to a lesser extent G-Force, I guarantee you that only a select few of them would be aware of its original Gatchaman incarnation.
  8. Saber Vault has the Luke DL-44 and the LE Boba Fett EE-3 up. The Luke version is actually cheaper than the Han version. I think I'm going to have to get one.
  9. Don't bother, dude. I've been down this road with him before. He'll just get offended that you dare disagree with him, and put you on "ignore."
  10. No kidding. I really had my hopes up there, for a few weeks.
  11. Fixed it for you. The rest of us are perfectly capable of picking and choosing what to watch and what not to watch.
  12. Well, I got an email from both MR and Saber Vault about the new Luke ESB DL-44, and I have to say I'm impressed. I dont know if it's the weathering on the chrome muzzle (as opposed to the subtle frosted appearance of the Han) or something else, but I'm definitely in love with this iteration of the blaster. The edition size is limited to only 1500, so if you want one, don't sit around thinking about it. Then again, the ROTS Obi Wan saber is still out there, nearly two years after the fact. Maybe the market will be saturated with blasters.
  13. Another vote for Dorvack! I need to replace my long lost and lamented "Whirl" toy.
  14. It looks like Bandai has already announced the next EX model, before the Cosmo Tiger has even been released! Up next, the Black Tiger. Hopefully they'll follow it with the Cosmo Tiger II, to complete the triumverate of Yamato fighters.
  15. Hey Zillion...er, fans. The first episode of the Zillion anime is now out there on your favorite anime torrent site. I'm going to snag it when I get home, to see if it lives up to my vague and somewhat frustrated memories of the Sega game.
  16. What kind of extras do you think are on the SPL DVD? Did they just release a bare bones edition, then double dip it a few months later with a 3-disc "Protoculture Edition?"
  17. Indeed, although I thought that the 4-way lightsaber battle at the end of the movie was not only extraneous, but blatantly copied from Revenge of the Sith. I mean...why would the CIA meet with the Soviet spies on Mt. Etna, especially when it's erupting?! And I find it really broke my suspension of disbelief when Angelina Jolie learns that she's descended from the Amazon Women of the Moon.
  18. When does this begin airing?
  19. http://comingsoon.net/news/avatarnews.php?id=18318 This is big news, people! James cameron has finally....finally decided to make a REAL movie, after nearly a decade of living underwater.
  20. A Luke ESB blaster....while the virtually identical Han ESB blaster is still available? Oooookay.... (I'd still love to own either version, but its still odd. )
  21. The PICS on HLJ look unbelievable. Which version of the Protect Gear is this, anyway? It's not the live action, and not the Jin Roh version.
  22. I've always wondered if the various "Cosmo" fighters had been meant to be painted grey like that kit, or if what we saw in the animation was actually portraying a sort of bare natural metal finish, like any of the early jet fighters. Given the limited color palate of 1970's anime, I don't know how else they'd portray metal other than a greyish color.
  23. I was just going to say that. I figure that its a good bet.
  24. In all honesty, that was about on par with my expectations for GITS 1.5. But without exaggeration, I can say that it easily surpassed that. Human Processor Error is good, old fashioned Shirow goodness, the likes of which we haven't seen since the original GITS was published.
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