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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. In a land before time.... At an outpost on the edge of space and time.... When your life is not your own.... And the darkness has you surrounded... A man... One man... Will bring you the light... JsARCLIGHT! JsARCLIGHT II: The Lightening Comming this Christmas to a theater near you. This film has yet to be rated.
  2. TK-421, why aren't you at your post? TK-421, do you copy?
  3. Because the Zeta kits are notoriously flimsy and floppy. Ask an owner of a Zeta kit, particularly one of the older ones, how satisfied they are. A model made from syrene plastic will not be anywhere as near as durable as a toy, and if you can't transform it more than a few times, what's the point? Also, what they don't show you in the model magazines is the touch-ups that these models require after some posing and transforming. I decided long ago that I had spent enough time painting kits to have the paint scraped off by transforming the model.
  4. bsu legato

    Meeting with yamato

    Well, at least it's reassuring that they're still discussing this stuff. Of course, said discussion could have consisted of the Yamato execs saying "Boy, those HG guys really showed us a thing or two," so what do I know?
  5. Bust a deal, face the wheel!
  6. Wrylac, what if we saved you the trouble of comming here by simply cutting and pasting your standard replies from the old licence thread? It's not like you ever had anything new or useful to add to that debate, or any other topic.
  7. You'll get over it. I kinda liked "JsARCLIGHT II" too. It sounded sort of sequel-esque. JsARCLIGHT II: JsARCLIGHT with a Vengeance or JsARCLIGHT II: Out for JsARCLIGHT
  8. Your question would be a lot more difficult if you hadn't already supplied the answer in your profile.
  9. Alan Silvestri - Definitely one of the underused composers from the late 80's, early 90's. Give this man some more high profile work, Hollywood! *one of the few to own the Predator 2 soundtrack*
  10. Ahh yes, the third part of the Trinity of Froating Heads. Not too shabby.
  11. *grumble* Uhh...I spent yesterday at the beach. If I'm lucky, I'll get to go once more this summer. <_<
  12. A job well done on the new boards, Shawn.... *desperately searches for something original to say* ...Excelsior!!
  13. bsu legato

    Meeting with yamato

    Hey, it can never be overstated that we desperately want a VF-4 toy from Yamato!!!
  14. He prefers to call it "engrish", thankyouverymuch.
  15. Many of you once knew me as wrylac, but now I...... Naw, just kidding. I'm still me. <_<
  16. Name - Chris Location - The Great White North Age- 28 and counting Height - 6'2" Weight - 170-ish Occupation - CAD slave Picture ...?
  17. Aww...that's so cute. You don't really believe that, do you?
  18. bsu legato

    Meeting with yamato

    VF-4, preferably in 1/48 scale!!!
  19. Toys transform, models don't. If somebody wants a 1/48 Valk that changes modes, they should buy a Yamato. However, a 1/48 Hasegawa would be undeniably cool. I can just imagine the detail on it already!
  20. Is this the same teaser that ran behind the end credits of Reloaded?
  21. I'd just be thrilled to get a 1/48 -1D in the first place.
  22. I'm afraid that SEED has usurped that "honor." Then again, when Tomino tried to do something different and made Turn-A, the fans crucified him. We Gundam fans are a fickle lot.
  23. By that token....how do we know you're really Abombz (as if there wasn't enough confusion before)? For all we know...you're just a sock for Wrylac or BoK!
  24. What if we just closed our eyes and pretended the old thread never existed? Ever since the troll twins got banned there wasn't any real discussion in that thread anyway, not that they contributed anything to the debate in the first place. There's a simple formula for this: No trolls + no news = no thread
  25. No kidding. Look at this one: They didn't even bother designing some kind of transformation for it. It's just a Gundam wearing a giant fish costume. In the immortal words of Ms. Krabapple.... "Pretty lame, Milhouse."
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