Yes, that was part of it as I recall. There was Kou, so full of promise and so eager to excell. Run Kou, run after Nina and prove yourself. And'd make him respect you, wouldn't you Kou?
Ah well, nice mecha though.
And worst of all, the Wingers and Poki Go Beyblade kiddies will eat it up. Dark times are ahead, methinks. Perhaps it's better that the Gundam forums are all gone after all.
I don't know why people are automatically assuming that this thing is more advanced than the classic destroids. Didn't we go through this with the VF-0 until we learned that it didn't even have fusion engines? For all we know, this thing has 1/3 the armor of a Tomahawk, and 1/2 the ammo capacity of the Defender.
I've put countless hours into models in the past, often well beyond the point of reason, but I think I would have screamed and given up in frustration after the 5th Zaku.
You see, that's what I'm thinking too but here's the problem. With the first MPCs, consumers had the option (in spite of Steve Yun's quick 'delete' finger on the RT forums) of buying Toynami, Yamato or Bandai. Heck, I'll even throw in Banpresto just for kicks. But the Alpha/Legioss has no other competition. It could very likely sell as well as Toynami had initially envisioned the MPC selling. I'd hate to miss out on the Alpha I want in the vain hope that prices come down.
Conversely, I bet G-Gundam wouldn't draw nearly as many complaints as it does if it weren't a part of the Gundam franchise. Maybe they just should have called it Super Nationality Stereotype Robot Battle.
And yes, I too have found that 0083 hasn't really held up upon repeat viewings.
I'm surprised that nobody's mentioned just how small it seems. Judging by the human profile next to it, this thing is substantially shorter than the classic destroids. And it does seem a little too "Armored Core" in appearance, but I think it's cool nonetheless.
There's nothing there just yet, but supposedly they're uploading some images pretty soon. I don't really follow BF1942, but I believe this is a fairly new mod so don't expect to download it tonight so you can be the first guy to jump in the Guntank.
Now, how about that Macross mod...?
Even with good subs, like the version my buddy downloaded, Yukikaze makes little sense. Unless something mindblowingly cool happens in the next couple of episodes I'm passing on the R1 release.
The animation shore is purty, tho.
That is one damn impressive Transformer. I haven't bought a Transformer since the movie was still in the theaters, but I'm going to definitely buy this one.
I can't say I'm too fond of the new Sideswipe, though. If it's too late for a return to the drawing board for Sideswipe, then I'll hold out for a redesigned Sunstreaker.
Thanks for the info, guys. I'll have to hit the import shops in Chinatown this weekend, although I think my chances of finding any are between slim and none.
Awhile back on the old boards somebody posted some pics of their neat little (PVC?) mobile suit figures. As I recall, they were fixed pose little guys, mainly UC based. I specifically remember the Zakus looking very Kondo-esque with long armored skirts & zimmerit.
What the heck were these little guys? Gashapon? These little toys that come with candy? Anybody even have a clue what I'm babbling about?
Not my intention, MMX. Just pointing out that some folks who used to come here expressly for...certain debates...ended up sounding like a broken record.
And my mom says that I'm twice as mature as you are. Nyah-nyah.
No, it's those damned Spacenoids, I tell you. Somebody oughta start a war or something.
So is that the last of the old pre-R1 Gundam fan sites to die? What happened, anyway?
Since it's not really worth starting a seperate topic for this....
Is anybody going to see the new "Reloaded at the Imax" version? That opens today, if I'm not mistaken.