Bringing this thread full circle (and ironically, back on topic) there was an interesting link posted on the old MW forums, once upon a time. It was an interview with one of the veteran Gundam staff discussing G Gundam. Basically, after Tomino had had enough ( sometime after F91 bombed, I believe) Sunrise basically forced G Gundam onto the staff.
"Hey, you're making this new show for us. Make the Gundams whacky and stereotypical. And since DBZ is popular, make it about fighting" Sunrise told them.
"Uhh...isn't this patently offensive to many different countries." asked the staff?
"Nah, just put a 'Neo' in front of the country names."
There was a lot more, but it basically dispelled any notion that G Gundam was the result of any real artistic writing. Perhaps somebody still has the link?