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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. What, the same black hole that currently contains the infamous Holiday Special?
  2. I was expecting to hear another "Cat attacks toys" thread, but this is just as bad. Wasn't somebody planning on doing a recast of the heatshield?
  3. bsu legato

    Meeting with yamato

    I'm guessing that there's enough fans of the DYRL scemes in Japan to warrant their continual use. Yamato isn't alone in this. The Banprestos and Hasegawas are also extremely DYRL-centric. It seems to be the "preferred" version of the VF-1.
  4. Yes, but remember you're comparing modern big budget CG animation to 20 year old Animefriend garbage.
  5. Some people would have liked to see a 1/48 VF-1J with FAST packs, "canon" or not. As I recall, reviews of the 1/60 version were quite positive.
  6. Didn't you ever play Char's Counter Attack for the PS1, Yoshi?
  7. Ah yes, that chubby sack of midichlorians from Quebec, Ghyslain. My favorite remix was the "attack of the dorks" version.
  8. Other than looking "neater" there has been nothing in the first two episodes of Zero to infer that the VF-0 is in any way superior to the VF-1. In fact, didn't Nora mention that the VF-0 was a poor ripoff of the SV-51? I still believe that by the last episode of Zero we'll see a new production VF-1 kick some ass, effectively putting the VF-0 out to pasture.
  9. Your picy no worky, MMX. Whats whith game sites not liking liked pictures anyhow? Anyway, that game looks pretty cool. Definitely a step up from the old Zeta game for PS1.
  10. Well, we can't all be "discerning toy snobs," can we? It's a good thing you're here to tell us unwashed masses what's what. It's too late at night to dig up all the threads from the old forums where we criticised Yamato, but I can guaran-damn-tee you that nobody was satisfied with broken VF-11 hips. Just what is your beef with the new 1J anyhow? The toy hasn't even been released yet and you're already starting with the "Worst Toy Ever" routine. Are you going on vacation, and decided to get some preemptive complaining in? Ever consider that you're taking this stuff a little too seriously? These are mass produced toys made in China, not the freakin' Franklin Mint.
  11. Looks good to me but....we've been burnt on Macross games before, haven't we?
  12. So that's what happened to my beer last weekend! You know what...the bastards must have hit me on the head while I was sleeping too, becasue when I woke up I had a killer headache.
  13. bsu legato

    Meeting with yamato

    Come on, man! Didn't we go through this with the 1/60's? To summarize: VJ-1J Hikaru - with (non canon) FAST Packs VF-1J Max - with FAST Packs VF-1J Milia - with FAST Packs VF-1D VF-1A CF - technically a crossover product, but who's complaining? All that's missing is the Max & Kakizaki VF-1A's...unless you're holding out for a YF-1R. We've got a 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J confirmed, plus neat new stuff like the Low Viz. I'd say these are pretty good times for Macorss collectors. Does anybody really doubt that a M&M duo is on the horizon? You just have to be more patient.
  14. Let me get this straight.... Fans bitch and moan about "too much DYRL" Yamato produces a TV VF-1J Fans scream "OMG, are those FAST packs? That's not canon!" And that was just in the 1/60 days...Fast forward a year or so: Fans bitch and moan about "too much 1/48 DYRL" Yamato produces a TV VF-1J, with TV correct Fast packs just for show. Fans scream "OMG, are those FAST packs? That's not canon!" Graham's already explained that there's plenty of new stuff a'comming. In the meantime, they release variants that fans have asked for and it's still not good enough? Some folks should just stick to Bandai.
  15. Touche' Still, if they're ripping the R1 dubs now, it might be a cheaper way to pick up titles that I'd otherwise pass on. Like the R1 Yukikaze!
  16. Engrish dubbed HK boots? I'm almost afraid to ask how they sound.
  17. I think some people need to accept the fact that Yamato clearly hates them, and produces cetain variants just to spite them.
  18. You have a link or something? Their web page hasn't been updated in eons.
  19. That's the article! Thanks!
  20. Didn't somebody once post a rumor that the Freespace crew was working on a new X-Wing game for PC? Any news on that, or was that rumor debunked?
  21. Yes, God forbid that a Gundam deviate too far from the basic RX-78 formula.
  22. [3PO] Here we go again...[/3PO]
  23. Well, not necessarily DBZ then, although the timing does still allow for it. DBZ was just (then) the latest in a line of "Suppa Fighting" shows.
  24. Bringing this thread full circle (and ironically, back on topic) there was an interesting link posted on the old MW forums, once upon a time. It was an interview with one of the veteran Gundam staff discussing G Gundam. Basically, after Tomino had had enough ( sometime after F91 bombed, I believe) Sunrise basically forced G Gundam onto the staff. "Hey, you're making this new show for us. Make the Gundams whacky and stereotypical. And since DBZ is popular, make it about fighting" Sunrise told them. "Uhh...isn't this patently offensive to many different countries." asked the staff? "Nah, just put a 'Neo' in front of the country names." There was a lot more, but it basically dispelled any notion that G Gundam was the result of any real artistic writing. Perhaps somebody still has the link?
  25. Yes....I sure have remembered the whining. Or perhaps I just blocked it out? Standard procedure, I'm afraid. The mentor has to die halfway through, so that the hero can spend an episode sulking, only to return to duty with renewed conviction. This usually coincides with a new Mecha being bestowed upon said pilot. In this case, it was the GP01fb.
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