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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. I like 2012, but overall it's really just a gimmick. Half an hour of clips, followed by a new concert that shoulda-but-wasn't part of DYRL. The only real value it has is showing us the majesty of the VF-4 (however briefly) and the launch of the Megaroad 01. Even that is of limited interest, because as pretty as it is to look at, the seqence doesn't show us anything that we didn't already know. This one is strictly for the fans.
  2. Oh there's reason to be cautious, that's for sure. I'm with you there. The only reason I'm the least bit optimistic about "Peruzen Files" is that VOTOMS is one of the few 80's anime greats that was never really milked, unlike Gundam. I'm hoping theres still some new ground to be covered. Plus Ryousuke Takahashi is returning to direct, which can't hurt. Then again, he also did Gasaraki and Blue Gender, so for all we know this could be the equivalent of Votoms Zero, with all the metaphysical baggage included.
  3. Peruzen Files? Certainly doesn't sound like a remake, at least. But I've only seen the TV series, and none of the OVA's (not to mention Mellowlink) so what do I know?
  4. Tsk tsk....Milla, we had had such high hopes for you. If this is what you want to do with your career, well then so be it.
  5. That looks so eff'ing awesome. I need to see this right now!! That's undeniably the Space Gandam V for a new generation.
  6. IIRC, "mis" romanized names like Tlead, or Stig, were more of an HG thing than ADV. I believe "Tlead" even shows up in the show itself, somewhere. It's probably on the old boards somewhere, but we had a lengthy discussion on the matter back in the day.
  7. Nothing of the sort. The original Star Wars movie worked 100% as a stand alone movie, something that SC apaprently fails miserably at. And this "Shadow Chronicles as a pilot" bullshit is a weak excuse too. Pilots are created and shopped around to networks, not sold at Best Buy for $25 each. But hey, I suppose it works the same way as the mythical Toynami Beta fighter. If buy enough of them (MPC Alphas or copies of SC), and wish really really hard, maybe...just maybe....HG will give you what you want.
  8. Great work on the multi-color panels, Dobber. It looks very studio scale-ish. How many different shades did you use?
  9. Thats pretty much what I gleaned from our encounters with assorted Robo-trolls like BoK and wrylac, in the old days. These guys aren't so much anime fans as they are "Robotech and Robotech only" fans.
  10. Just be thankful that their promo blurb didn't refer to "free spinning wheels" or "articulated elbows and knees."
  11. Wow, the MPC Cyclone even de-lurked Blaine23.
  12. Yeah, you'd think people would remember that by now. Collectors have it drummed into their heads by the vocal majority that you have to "watch out" for anything Yamato produces, yet whenever Toynami announces something new they get all giddy and shout "lol i m gonna by 3 of em!!!111!"
  13. Oh wow...I nearly choked on account of that one. Kudos.
  14. Where have you been? This would hardly be the first time such a thing happened.
  15. Sadly, I had forgotten the face of my father (and this comic.) I will have to pay a visit to the comic store this saturday.
  16. What kind of OVA does he think we've been watching? I really doubt he'd want us to compare this mess to the animation in something like Gundam 0080, or Gunbuster, much less anything animated in the last 10 years.
  17. Links? References? Is this buried somewhere on the Macross Compendium's bafflingly outdated layout, obscuring it from a casual search?
  18. For those who continue to believe that Macross is and always has been a one-froating-head show, I'd like to point out that Kawamori didn't really assume any direct creative control until DYRL. SDF Macross was mostly directed by Noburo Ishiguro, with the "scenario" credits going to Ken'ichi Matsuzaki, Noburo Ishiguro, and Sukehiro Tomita. And ultimately, it's because of SDF that most of us are here in the first place. Would something written or directed by any of these men somehow be any less "Macross?"
  19. Great. Too bad it's technically the late 00's. Or, at least it is by my calender. So what, we're supposed to pretend it's 1997 to enjoy this now? I'm glad to see no RT fans are reaching to find anything positive about this debacle.
  20. Umm....isn't that just the "Izumo" from Mospeada (don't have the faintest clue what RT calls it)?
  21. That's some unimpressive CGI right there. It could almost double for a cut scene from VFX-2.
  22. Oh man....I'm just glad I didn't offer you a puppy.
  23. Not even.....the promise of more sugar?
  24. Defeatist! To counterbalance your negativity, I hereby proclaim this to be teh bestest Macross evar!! If it does turn out to be a Macross production, the term "masterpiece animation" has some definite promise.
  25. McKinney is dead! Long live McKinney!
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