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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Maybe that pesky "real life" thing got in the way for them. You know the drill....jobs, bills, families.
  2. When a trailer is "attached" to any given film, that often means that its physically printed onto the first reel of film, as opposed to other trailers that are just seperate reels that get spliced on. Which means that somebody may have physically removed it from the reel....for whatever purpose. So IF that's what happened...well I'm not going to get upset over Trek anyway, but that's still one of those "Why the hell would you do something like that" moments. This isn't the first time this has happened. There's been numerous times that Movie XYZ was to have a trailer on Movie ABC, only for that trailer to be missing in action, Canada wide no less. So it could be a distribution thing...or a theater chain thing. But as I said...it's Trek. Instead of complaining, or seeking out some guilty party, I'll just watch it at home tonight while dinner cooks.
  3. The trailer was supposed to be attached to Quantum of Solace (along with Watchmen), but instead all we got treated to was a bunch of garbage. Angels and Demons?! Frak that. And now the trailer is online on Apple's site, but I don't have Quicktime installed here at the office.
  4. That's a fair assessment, I think. After DAD I think even EON realized just how creatively bankrupt the franchise had become. Which brings me to what I consider one of the great ironies of the Bond series. Brosnan had always pushed to not only do a much darker and serious story, but he'd always wanted to do Casino Royale (I remember reading about him having a hardcover first edition, back when he first got the role). Then after EON sat around for a number of years trying to figure out just WTF to do with the series, Brosnan passed his "best before" date and walked away....only to have EON produce exactly the movie he'd lobbied them to produce. Granted he wouldn't have worked as CR's newly-minted 00 agent, but its no small wonder he seems a little bitter over the experience. Anyway, I think QoS more than likely suffered from the writers strike. On CR, Paul Haggis took a final pass at the script that usual suspects Purvis & Wade had hacked out. Given the hurried timeline for QoS to not only slip under the strike deadline, but to meet the pre-set release date, you have to wonder if he even read past the first act, much less contributed to the script.
  5. Actually, as loathe as I am to defend any Brosnan Bond film other than Goldeneye, this was not the issue. In fact, Die Another Day (easily the Worst. Bond. Ever.) was the highest grossing Bond until Casino Royale took the title away.
  6. So this is what Robotech fandom has come to? They've gone from trying to desperately catalog and justify every single frame of miss-drawn Anime Friend animation as some unique variant, to blatantly drawing facts and figures out of thin air.
  7. EON Prod. really....REALLY need to ditch Purvis & Wade. I don't even know how these two clowns got the job in the first place, since their IMDB bios show virtually nothing before The World Is Not Enough. They must have some serious blackmail material on the Broccolis. Quantum has just enough plot to string you along from one action sequence to the next, and as a second act to Casino Royale I guess that works, but it really won't stand on its own as a film.
  8. That's because the mecha in Gasaraki are only interesting for about the first 1/3 of the series, before they fall completely into the background and are replaced by your typical late 1990's anime metaphyiscal bullshit.
  9. What are you, one of those morons from Craignotbond.com? Yes, that's exactly what the new Bond needs; A cartoonish villain with superhuman attributes, whom the producers will turn into a good guy in the following film because freaking children write letters asking them to. Please people, most Bond films from 1969 - 1987 have aged horribly, and shoult NOT be your barometer for comparing any new films. Try watching them again with a modicum of objectivity and you'll see for yourself.
  10. Would they be XTREME motocross-looking terminators?
  11. Meh, it was pretty much a given that the hardcore fans would hate the retconned Enterprise no matter what it looked at. Which, in turn, proves once again my point that when attempting something new and different with any given franchise, you should steer clear of what the own-all-the-sourcebooks-and-maintain-the-wiki-page fans want. Or what they think they want. And am I the only one who enjoys the irony of somebody as anal as David H throwing the term "slavish" around?
  12. Unless it was a "Samurai MEETS the Wild West" movie, like Red Sun with Toshiro Mifune and Charles Bronson...
  13. I'm more curious how Cromartie is going to come back next week, per the preview, after Sarah went postal on his CPU with the butt of her MP5 and a rock. Unless he can regenerate a neural net processor as well as his fleshy coating.
  14. AICN has some new comments direct from Cameron on the matter:
  15. A new FEATURETTE is online, with plenty of new footage that wasn't in the trailer. I'm still far from sold on this, but so far it doesn't scream "suck!" yet. Edit: This is the wrong damn Terminator thread.
  16. True, but this Shinsen version blows away the old fansub that was circulating the torrent sites. Its worth the re-download just for the improved image. I took a look at their web site and theres no mention of the other OVAs (other than somebody asking that very question on their forums).
  17. Attention! Shinsen Subs has just released a copy of The Last Red Shoulder. I'm downloading it now, and hopefully they'll go on to do the other OVAs. Maybe if we're lucky they'll even do Heretic Saint.
  18. You should check your math before you say things like that. FORBES lists a budget of $231.6 million, which is closer to what I remembered hearing back in the day. They give a BO figure of U.S. Box Office: $61.2 million and Foreign Box Office: $145.9 million. Of course, none of this accounts for the ad budget, which is usually Hollywood's dirty little accounting secret.
  19. Lets not forget that the film's first two reels are virtaully a scene-for-scene remake of The Road Warrior.
  20. IIRC, there was some moderately interesting stuff that got cut from the original movie. More interesting that the finished film, probably.
  21. Scientists hope to clone extinct species Oh sure, they'll start off with some mice, then work their way up to a cute and cuddly woolly mammoth...but how long until some genius decides to clone a Velociraptor. You know..."just to see if they could do it."
  22. A team of scientists will use a World War II-era plane to explore one of the last uncharted regions of Earth, in hopes of learning more about climate change. Now...why oh why does this sound disturbingly familiar...? Oh yeah! Greaaat....so now I have to worry about Shoggoth protection?
  23. Connery in NSNA was still 10X better than Connery in Diamonds Are Forever.
  24. If only there were a way to trap and contain your "wit."
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