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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. They broke up sometime after Joan of Arc tanked at the theaters.
  2. Well said, Mr March. I wish there were some more recent VF-1 battroid line art to compare with, since that one picture that everybody has posted in this thread has those impossible dimensions that drives us so nuts in the toy forum. A better comparison would be to show a 1/48 Valk next to the CGI VF-0. I also have a sneaking suspicion that the VF-0 represents the VF-1 as the Froating Head would design it today, a sort of "do over" if you will. Now Kawamori's not just going to chuck out the classic VF-1, so instead we get a VF-0.
  3. Did he marry Milla, presumably after he directed her in Resident Evil? Now I hate him even more! Ah well, I'm sure it will last as long as any other Hollyweird marriage.
  4. Shush, you! Paul Anderson is...is...well, he's a hack. There, I've said it.
  5. The Longest Thread is a myth. It's a figment of your collective imaginations. *waves hand* This is not the forum you're looking for. Move along.
  6. Naw...I'd want a functioning GU-11 chambered for .22LR!
  7. I wonder if there's even a remote chance that we'll see a domestic release of Sentinel someday. Then again, I doubt most Wing fans even have the attention span to read a book, no matter how many pictures it has.
  8. A7, you forgot the best part of the show: Goldberg nearly falling on his ass during his entrance.
  9. For that price, I'd have expected it to have a sculpt comparable to the 1/72 Hasegawa battroid, and be twice as poseable. And it would have to take out my garbage and do my taxes.
  10. It's not Citizen Kane, but Spriggan is still good mindless fun. Much better than most "real" action movies Hollywood makes these days.
  11. The alien in Alien 3 wasn't always a dog/alien hybrid. Originally they filmed a whole sequence with a "superfacehugger," an animatronic oxen and a chestburster, but when they went on to film scenes with a live ox they found it wouldn't do anything but stand there! Hence, the scenes were hurridly reshot with a trained pooch and the rest is history. You know, so much stuff was cut from A3 that I'm curious how it would have originally turned out. Considering that David Fincher went on to film much better movies, it's possible that some of his talent was left on the editing room floor. There was a actually a sequence where they caught the alien, and later that crazy guy (who seems to serve no real purpose in the final version of the film) goes and frees it again. We're supposedly getting a "workprint" of A3 in that huge 9-disc box set that's on it's way. I doubt these scenes will make A3 a great film, but it might make a crappy film...less crappy?
  12. Actually, I should retract my :yoshi: smilie. Drifands poll has three (3) choices, whereas Graham said it'll be a "win win" situation. To me, that says two of the three scenarios will come true, leaving the third out in the cold. So any bets as to what we'll see? 1) FAST packs and GBP 2) plain jane and FAST packs 3) plain jane and GBP or worst case scenario 4) Toynami steals Macross license from Yamato and shoves MPC crappiness down our throats.
  13. Gee...I wonder what that could mean.
  14. Well, technically the legs do come off and reattach. Yamato merely omitted the transfer system.
  15. Very true. I guess my main beef is the way the later costumes are designed. When they made the original suit, Gieger was very specific about giving it his trademark biomechanical look. The audience has no idea what all the details on the costume are, but they definitely look like something. The ALIENS suits, while simplified for ease of movement of the performers, follow that same design with the exception of the creature's head, which is essentially the first film's head without the transparent dome. But Alien 3 and 4 discarded that look, or just dumbed it down considerably. The aliens don't have anything remotely resembling the detail of the first two films, but instead look like a goopy mass of hamburger. It's like the costumers were working from nothing but blurry stills from the first two movies when they designed the costumes for 3 and 4.
  16. There were some bright spots, to be sure. The Shane O'Mac/Eric Bischoff match was entertainnig, even if Coach's heel turn was lame. Angle/Lesner was pretty good, but not as good as both are capable of....well, at least Angle is capable of better. Uhh...I think that was about it, though. I'm glad we saw it for free.
  17. HHH needs to die, and not in a quick and painless way. He needs to die slowly and horribly so that he feels the pain that he's caused the fans over the years. Die, HHH! DIE DIE DIE! That last match was sooooo predictable! Was there any doubt that Goldberg would spear and jackhammer his way through his opponents? Was there any doubt that HHH would come out of the pen last (even though he was technically 2nd last)? My god, he did all of 5 minutes work in that match, and most of it was after the bell had rung. <_<
  18. I say "on it's own." I like the GBP armor as much as the next guy, but I figure the armor will cost 1 1/2 times that of the FAST packs. I may blow large wads of cash on toys, but the price of that combo would be a little too much to swallow all at one time. Gimme a plain jane VF-1J and I'll put the GBP on layaway.
  19. You know....since Aliens, the alien costume has looked worse and worse with every movie. I can only imagine how awful the costumes will look in AvP. However, I had read that the custumes were being produced by some former Stan Winston employees, so maybe there's hope after all.
  20. You know....I'm thinking that a 1/48 YF-19 might just be a little too much Valkyrie. I like big scale models and toys, but that might just be pushing it.
  21. To Blaine you listen, Abombz! After watching the Holiday Special you'll forever feel dirty, but it's not the kind of dirt that washes off with astringent soap, or even laquer thinner. No, it's the kind of dirt that makes you dirty on the inside, and that never washes off.
  22. I'll give you this link: http://www.starwarz.com/tbone/features/hol...day_special.htm ...in the hopes that it deters you from pursuing this abomination.
  23. I'd definitely recommed against doing that. Paying any sum of money for that abomination will only leave you feeling depressed and confused...and perhaps a little sleepy. Even downloading it isn't worth the bandwidth. And that's before you actually watch it. Believe me, I once thought as you do. I figured I'd see how bad it was "just for kicks" and borrowed a copy. Saying that I forced myself to watch it does nothing to convey just how difficult it is watching this...thing. It can only be safely viewed in short, 5 minute long segments, and even then it should be viewed through a box with a hole in it, as if you were watching an eclipse. The sound on your TV should remain off, or else the endless segments consisting of nothing but wookiee yowling will drive you to gouge out your eardrums with a rusty fork. Even if you survive that and think you're in the clear, golden girl Bea Arthur sings.
  24. Episode I was Citizen Kane when compared to the horror of the Holiday Special. I'm just fortunate I saw it at an age when I was mentally strong enough to cope with the madness. If I'd seen it in 1978 I'd likely have eaten all the crayons in the house before hanging myself from the swingset.
  25. Heh...I'd watch a 24 hour Droids marathon AND every episode of the Ewoks cartoon before I'd sit down and watch the Holiday Special again.
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