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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Here here! Good old Seabook was one of the few Gundam pilots to have his head on straight from day one.
  2. Yeah, me too. Even after several beers, and on one of those giddy highs you get from lack of sleep I doubt I and all of my buddies combined could write that.
  3. Oh you have got to be kidding me. Those are just too cool! B)
  4. You took the words right out of my mouth....er, keyboard.
  5. Make sure you get us a review of this hot new property when it's available, areaseven.
  6. Look, any future Macross series will clearly focus on one very special veteran of Space War 1: The automated Cambot. With his plucky sidekick, the Petite Cola machine, he will brave new dangers and overcome new challenges. I'm personally excited to see what advances in vending maching mecha designs Kawamori has made since '83.
  7. Bingo! Google is apparently your friend, as the first page of responses come up "Duckman" if you type the first part of my sig in. I don't know which episode it's from either, as they all tend to blur together after awhile.
  8. LOL! And other than Lightning06, I don't think anybody's even figured out where my sig comes from.
  9. j00r number is t3h sUxor.
  10. Yeah, I could go either way on this one. Sara's protests could have just been to show her resistance to outside influences on the island. You know....us "civilized" people, with our micowaves and MTV. Then you get the payoff with Aries offering the tasty beverages to win the people over and hilarity ensues. Part of the whole "out with the old, in with the new" motif, I suppose. Or.... Perhaps we don't know all that Aries knows, or at least what she suspects. She knows that AIPHOS has been here for untold millennia, and that it may somehow be tied to the islanders and their beliefs. She may not have been looking for anything specific, but she may have suspected that there was something worth investigating. Likewise, Sara might not know that their DNA has the key to activating AIPHOS (or whatever alternate wacko theory we can suggest ) but she may be trying to adhere to some dimly remembered bit of scripture, handed down by the Bird People before they left, that says that you shouldn't mess with this stuff. Sort of: Protoculture - "We're leaving. Now don't you humans go experimenting with gene sequencing or anything while we're gone." Ancient islander - "Huh?" Protoculture - "Sigh. Those snake-thingies in your blood. Don't fool around with them." Ancient islander - "Ohh...ok. Gotcha." Edit: I should add that if it weren't for Sara's reference to DNA, I would have forgotten the whole thing. If Sara had objected to the blood tests for some religous mumbo-jumbo like it was going to steal their souls then I'd have no leg to stand on. But the first time I watched that, I jumped out of my seat and shouted "How the frell does a voodoo priestess on a tropical island know about DNA?" Even if Sara does't know what it is, the fact that she somehow knows about microcellular structure really stood out as odd. Like I said, it's not like she watches a lot of Discovery channel or anything. Who knows? I just like to throw some random ideas out there. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  11. Clearly, Aries suspects there's "something" special to be found in the islanders blood, be it DNA or something else. Yet Sara is against the blood tests, likely without really knowing why. It's not like she watches a lot of Discovery channel or anything. Somehow in the distant past, the"snake" metaphor became part of the island folklore, as evidenced by the dialog and the cave paintings. Perhaps Sara's fear is based on some ancient warning from the "bird people" who would likely want their genetic tamperings on our planet to remain unknown. But what could it be about the islander's genetic makeup that would be a key to understanding AIPHOS that the rest of us wouldn't posess?
  12. Did you notice Sara mention "two snakes intertwined" in the islanders blood somewhere in that scene? That's a pretty accurate metaphor for DNA, especially for a priestess on a remote tropical island whose inhabitants have eschewed modern technology. And just how did that become part of their folklore to begin with...and how will this tie in with everything else? More happening on that island than has been revealed, there is.
  13. @#$%&>!!!!! That sucks beyond words, Vostok! If you find that a-hole, make sure you force feed him that POS civic, rivet by rivet. You're damn right! We'll see you on the road, scag! See you on the road like we saw the Night Rider!! *starts sawing off his shotgun*
  14. bsu legato


    Yeah, they've also had some line art floating around for it since last spring.
  15. Jeeze, has it been 10 years already...? Man, I feel old.
  16. Am I the only person who thinks that this game does not even take place on Earth? Maybe this is the Sentinels game we've waited so long for!
  17. I wasn't really that bothered by the art work. I was just irked by the "Studio Yune." Does this guy really believe his own hype? <_
  18. Naw, I bet Kane will be back with his mask the next time we see him. His "unmasked" storyline will be typical of every other angle that WWE has tried in the past year or so. It will be quickly buried and forgotten, and the status quo will be preserved. Oh yeah, HHH will still be champion. That's part of the status quo too.
  19. "cannon" is a mounted gun for firing projectiles "canon" is the works of an author that have been accepted as authentic
  20. Yeah, I think I'm going to be sick. :puke: So why are we looking at a Meltran? I thought the new game was New Gen based. Somehow I doubt she'd fit on a Cyclone.
  21. Yeah, the FX editions are definitely "beefed up" compared to the actual props. I've yet to see one, but I'm betting the FX sabers are proportioned much like the Kenner sabers.
  22. I want my landmate, dammit!
  23. You know...they should just ignore HHH and his title from now on. He can't wrestle if nobody challenges him, right?
  24. Theforce.net has some pictures up of what I asume are prototypes. Yes, these are the same as the Anakin FX saber, although I thought that the Luke RoTJ saber looked wayyyyyy too chunky. On a related topic, I've seen that Master Replicas has the classic Obi Wan saber from ANH, in both weathered condition (as seen in Ep IV) and in "new" condition as soon to be seen in Ep III! Can we say "sweet?"
  25. Just as long as you don't plan on getting out of your cruiser. Take it from me, that stuff is ok to walk around in but sitting is not an option.
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