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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Has anybody picked this up for an R1 release yet? I'm sure a theatrical release is too much to hope for. <_
  2. Vostok 7 Would you two just get a room already!!
  3. I've always had a problem with this reasoning. There's no way the people I know who download will ever pay anything to DL music, no matter how cheaply priced. Not as long as there is the option to get it for free.
  4. If only they'd offer a reward to turn people in. Then we all could make some money.
  5. No. Stone the heretic!!!
  6. Was Gasaraki even that popular in Japan during it's run? You don't see that much in the way of merchandise for it. There was also that garage kit Shinden in 1/24 scale on HLJ, once upon a time. That thing was awesome!
  7. Goldsmith's score did indeed rock. I caught Planet of the Apes on TV last weekend, and his creepy score in the first half hour of the movie was kind of a protoype for his Alien score. Good stuff!
  8. My opinion of Man Machine Interface has improved somewhat with the more recent issues. I thought the first 3 or 4 issues were so full of eye-candy and devoid of any coherent plot that I nearly dropped the whole series. But the last couple of issues have been much better IMO, and while I can't quite tell you what's going on I can at least detect that there is in fact some semblance of story and characterisation.
  9. I have no idea what you're talking about.
  10. Did White Wolf coin the whole "Vampires versus Werewolves" idea? Didn't Anne Rice come up with similar stuff in here fictional world years earlier? And if anybody goes to see this movie, make sure to punch a Goth in the parking lot afterwards. Or for those less violence prone, yell "Get some sun, Ringo!"
  11. And with good reason. Hurling insults at a picture of Man-Faye is one thing, but attacking fellow board members is just infantile. Now, if Man-Faye happened to join MW we might have a problem, but let's cross that bridge when we come to it.
  12. All too true. <_< I should just open my own darn import store, and it would be the bestest, importingest store around. Who am I kidding? I'm too lazy to do that.
  13. Just thought I'd add this tidbit of info. Thanks to dejr8bud for the link. http://www.animeondvd.com/press/convention.../otakon2003.php
  14. Yeah, the Baroness was some of the few examples of cosplay that I approve of.
  15. Yeah, what's up with that extremely unflattering avatar? It's much too hairy to fit my mental picture of Jemstone. Bring back the "Meltran squishes the dismembered Zentran head" avatar!
  16. HHH Triple H Triple-uh Ehuch-a Hunter Hearst Helmsley HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Is it any wonder we're all getting sick of WWE? Why not just call it the HHHWWE from now on? And an on-air bachelor party for him now...? My God, the man's ego has become so bloated it could eclipse Rikishi and Rosie combined. He's nothing but a sponge for airtime, moreso when he's not wrestling. And if Jericho leaves, I hope he takes Hurricane, RVD and some other underappreciated talent with him. Maybe they could find a promotion that appreciates them, unlike WWE.
  17. Dude! It's called a "credit card." Look into it.
  18. I can't even imagine how long it's going to take my local stores to get these things. <_< When will they learn that Diamond Comics is not the answer to everything?!
  19. You know....I have no idea. I think it mean I agree, or something.
  20. http://www.animeondvd.com/press/convention.../otakon2003.php Yessssss!!! I'll drink to that!
  21. Really? That's awesome news if it's true!
  22. *cough* Stand Alone Complex *cough* Of course, SAC is so expensive to produce, they're only doing 22 episodes or so.
  23. ...stupid. Fo shizzle.
  24. Yeah, you go ahead and do that. Just don't come bitching to me when you're in therapy for the next 5 months.
  25. Oh dear God no! The first one was barely watchable, and not because it was a bad documentary. After peering into the lives of some of those losers, I just felt so uncomfortable and dirty. Dirtier than even the Star Wars Hoiday Special made me feel.
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