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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. To be fair, there were some Anime Friend episodes of Mospeada that didn't make me want to gouge my eyes out with a rusty nail. Are these jokers even still in business? Either way, I think Roy's been dipping into the Yoshinol, if you know what I mean.
  2. Atleast Bale can do the "brooding" thing, and is credible as a kickass hero. Anybody seen Equilibrium?
  3. Don't worry too much. Hasegawa regularly moves it's catalog of kits in and out of production, as any aircraft modeler will attest to. Given the popularity of the VF-1 kits, I'm certain we'll see them again in the not-so-distant future.
  4. No emoticon can fully convey my feelings of ambivalence on any new Bat-film. If they keep Joel Shumacher out of the studio for the duration of filming, there's a slim possibility that it won't suck. What else has Christopher Nolan done?
  5. bsu legato

    God Help Me

    Lies! If you do not own every toy from Yamato, you'll make baby Kawamori cry. You don't want to make the Froating Head cry, do you?
  6. For shame! Starbuck was played by none other than the Faceman himself, Dirk Benedict. Now for your pennence, I condemn you to watch the second season of Buck Rogers, Hawkman and all. Edit: You edit quickly, my son. But not quickly enough.
  7. Pffft! You just wish that you had some sunglasses that cool. But yeah, I've noticed that problem too. And it's not case sensitive, either.
  8. Byyyy...yourrrr...command. Yeah, Galactica hasn't aged too well, IMHO. I watched it last year when Space was running it on weekends, and hooooboy, was it hard to sit through. Not nearly as bad as Galactica 1980, but bad enough.
  9. *waits until the door is closed, then siphons gas out of JsARCLIGHT's Camaro to fuel his 600hp black on black interceptor *
  10. It's not just the cost factor. Some people believe that by merely paying for an internet connection and downloading Kazaa, that they somehow have the "right" to do this. Believe me, I've had this discussion with a few of my filesharing friends many times. By this logic, I should be allowed to drive my car at 150mph, simply because I can. I think these lawsuits are assinine, but let's be brutally honest here. These folks got caught stealing. Period.
  11. Conversely, those who feel "entitled" to get as much free stuff as possible are finally learning that there's no such thing as a free ride.
  12. [Homer] I...don't know! [/Homer]
  13. I'd still have rather saved Farscape... <_
  14. Wow! Just.......wow.
  15. No, Greedo doesn't shoot first in this version. Seriously though, I believe many if not all of the deleted scenes found in the DVD have been reinserted. It would be really cool if they could have somehow finished the "airlock" scene, but shooting new footage would be closer to the "Special Edition" than we're comfortable with.
  16. At least they wouldn't see your face. Think of the poor Rebels, not to mention the Colonial Marines. Trekkies, however, are used to the universal scorn.
  17. Listen to my Noh Dance!!!!!!
  18. /runs off to Robotech.com so he can register as MPCfan. But seriously....the radar hardpoint? Wouldn't the "real" one have the same thing, much less a 1/60 scale toy? How else should it be attached? The yellow nose? Isn't it supposed to have one? I could go on, buuuuuut...
  19. What's a set of trooper armor run these days, anyhow. It's been awhile since I've looked into this stuff. I still need a full set of Clone/Stormtrooper armor for display in the den. Someday, anyway.....
  20. The only spelling and grammar mistakes that bother me are my own. It drives me mental to see wurdz mspelt, or words out of order they are. If I see that stuff, I frantically correct it before anybody can see my booboo. Wow, lookit me. My first neurosis.
  21. Baaaaaaack on topic, I wonder where the VS-XS was to appear in MII. Is it just an earlier design for what became the VF-2, or was it just a background mecha?
  22. *agrees %110!!!!! *
  23. VS-XS = Neato This thread = t3h sUxorz
  24. I wonder how far along the Engrish version of VF-X2 was, before it got scuttled by HG. My budddy downloaded a late beta copy of Thrill Kill some time after it got axed. It's too bad nothing VF-X related never leaked out.
  25. Perhaps Graham could bring that up with Yamato the next time they do lunch. Did the Elint and Super O really need boxes that large? <_<
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