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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Ahhh...the memories. Classics, every one of 'em.
  2. Great job, WDC! While we're on the topic of Valkgirls, does anybody remember who drew those Valkgirl GBP drawing, back on the old boards? You know...one had the "shorts" of the GBP falling off, and the other one had the whole thing blowing off.
  3. Hmmm...it almost be worth buying a GC to play the new Rogue Leader, and one or two other games. <_
  4. It depends on which kit it is. Hase has a couple of kits still in production. One of them, including the Macross Zero kit, is an older kit. It's supposedly not a bad kit, but it's certainly not up to today's standards. Their newer kit is supposedly awesome. While we're on the topic, has anybody seen the new F14 from Monogram?
  5. True but there is a correlation. Agent One's right. I didn't just throw that out there for the hell of it.
  6. Nah....they have uber lefty/PC westerners to get mad at WW2 movies for them. So that raises another question. Would there be Zentraedi apologists in 2031? "Bodolza wasn't all bad. He was just following orders."
  7. Let's not forget that ESB has some of the worst delivered lines in the saga: "Two fighters against a Star Destroyer?"
  8. http://www.greatmodels.com is a good place to find nearly everything!
  9. Yeah, all I get is: and get redirected back to the main page.
  10. Yeah, the older EU was certainly much better. The Thrawn trilogy, the X-Wing series, the original Han Solo trilogy....to me, those are the only books worthy of the Star Wars name.
  11. As an aside to the F-14 debate, we should harass Anasazi into making us a set of Macross Zero decals that we can in turn put onto a decent F-14 kit, as opposed to the ancient F-14 kit Hasegawa has provided us.
  12. As far as Yamato insider news goes, Graham had this to say in the "Launch Arm" thread:
  13. Why would anybody get sick of Valkgirls?
  14. LOL! There are far worse things in EU than 1000 Jar Jar Binx's. I take it you've never read The Crystal Star, or The New Rebellion, or even Darksaber?
  15. Blech! Now I'm more glad than ever that I stopped reading EU. Which book was it from? Edit: oh wait, I remember now. He's from that stupid New Jedi Order book, "Rebel Stand" where the heros go back to Coruscant and find some stupid cyborg Jedi and a lame-ass "force well." I was already sick of EU halfway through the NJO story arc, but when I read the synopsis of this one I quit reading EU and never looked back. The New Jedi Order will kill off EU, mark my words.
  16. LOL! I can just imagine some fictional message board in the mid 2040's, where our fanboy descendants would pick apart the "historical inaccuracies" of DYRL. Fanboy #1 - "The real Max flew a VF-1A-16, but in frame 34826, you can clearly see a closeup of his battroid's eyepiece where the FLIR pod is 3mm to the right, making it a VF-1A-25. I can't believe the producers let that glaring mistake get through editing." Fanboy #2 - "Yeah, and whoever did the sound FX should be shot. In the scene where Hikaru locks his RMS missiles onto the pods, the "lockon" tone is totally the wrong pitch."
  17. Dammit, now I have to dig out my copy of The Talisman so that I can read it and then move on to The Black House already!!
  18. I heard that Kamjin's family wanted to sue the producers over his portrayal in DYRL. Their lawsuit claims that he is portrayed solely as a heartless, sadistic killing machine, while they claim he was in fact a kindhearted soul who loved puppies. Ain't political correctness fun?
  19. Thanks, WhiteDrew. I'd always wondered where that image was from! One thing that will probably piss a lot of you off, is how King changed some of the language in his expanded & revised Gunslinger. Notably, he's removed nearly every single adverb. There were several spots in the original where King would flip adverbs with subject and verb, e.g. "onward, he plodded." These have all been changed so they read straight, e.g. "he plodded onward. I liked the original overuse of adverbs. It gave the 1st volume that unique, timeless feel, as if you were reading some ancient manuscript. Most confusing is the new revelations on the character Walter. I don't want to spoil it for you, but I suggest you read on anyway, since it will likely become important in the remaining 3 volumes... Spoiler.. spoiler.... Ok, so in the original version of the story Roland catches the Man in Black, who reveals himself to have been Walter, a former member of Marten's cabal. Walter, who seems to have been using Marten, tells Roland how he is the furthest minion of the Tower. His master the Ageless Stranger, aka Maerlyn, aka Legion, serves the keeper of the tower, the Beast. Pretty straightforward, right? NOW, Walter reveals himself to be....Marten! When Roland's father Steven was murdered, Marten pretended to flee to the Good Man's forces, but secretly remained in Gilead as Walter. Walter/Marten still serves that being known as the Ageless Stranger, but his master in turn now serves "The Crimson King." Ok, not such a big deal...but what about the end of Wizard & Glass when Roland's Ka-tet meet Flagg in the emerald castle? Roland immediately recognizes Flagg as Marten! So...Walter was really Marten all along, and now Marten was really his own master Flagg? Huh? However, it isn't explicitly stated that Flagg = Marten/Walter. There IS one way around this, however. Flagg has often been described as looking different to each person who sees him. One person may see his own father, another person may see Jim Morrison. Part of his "Legion" nature, I suppose. This description also fits Walter, as he is described in his cameo in Wizard & Glass. So....perhaps both Walter and Flagg have this ablility, and when confronting Roland at the end of W&G Flagg decided to appear as Roland's long ago nemesis Marten in an attempt to shake him up.
  20. Never heard of him. You must have scraped the bottom of the EU barrel to find that reference. Where did you hear it?
  21. Pfft! The Dork Side has clouded your vision.
  22. The plot thickens....
  23. Vostok 7 Hardee har har......smartass.
  24. Hey...I'd sleep with an Amidala pillow today!
  25. Yeah, his characters are certainly an acquired taste. But you can't deny his cinematic style has been a kick to the gentials for an otherwise stagnant domestic animation industry. When I first saw an episode of Samurai Jack, I actually laughed out loud at the visuals he was conjuring up. Opponents would stare at each other for what seemed like minutes on end, like something out of a Leone western. Split screen shots, right out of the 1970's! And what about the slow-mo or even freeze frame shots? It's like somebody took equal parts Leone, Peckinpah, Anime and Exploitation Cinema into a blender and hit the "Frappe" button.
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