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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. There's still hope for Alien fans. Ridley Scott recently mentioned the possibility of Alien 5 in an interview. I found this snippet over at DarkHorizons.com: Not earth shaking news, but it's good to know that he's at least considering another Alien film.
  2. I found this short synopsis over at DarkHorizons.com: *yawn*
  3. Yes, yes to Uxi you listen.
  4. So...how about the various anime interpretations of Shirow's works? I remember watching a fansub of the Appleseed OVA back when it first became available. After it was over, I just felt so....empty inside. Looking back, I guess it wasn't that bad ( I still like it better than the GITS film) it just didn't live up to the potential of the source material. Ok, that and the character designs sucked.
  5. Shirow doesn't use assistants, or at least he never used to. That was a big part of the long turnround time between projects.
  6. Sundown!! You are my new hero! B)
  7. So...to sum up, HG is a benevolent corproate entity that selflessly gives it's all to provide the fans what they want, but as usual those greedy ogres at BW have derailed Trash just because they're bad, bad men. <_< Come on, this is the same uber-biased garbage he's been peddling here since before I stopped lurking and joined. Without any facts (at least, none that are presented in his ramblings) he paints BW as the usual baddies that rain on HG's big happy Robo-parade. Hey, what if HG had no business getting a piece of the action for Trash to begin with?
  8. The new destorid designs doesn't necessarily mean that the old destorids are gone. In wartime there's lots of low production, special purpose machinery built. Anybody ever hear of an A-36 Apache? How about a Sherman Calliope?
  9. Heh. Had to happen some time, I suppose.
  10. Good to see there's some Shirow fans around here. For those who've read it, what did you think of the Appleseed story in Hypernotes? Deunan didn't really look like herself anymore, but otherwise I was really getting into it...when it ended! Supposedly Shirow wasn't completely pleased with his abortive start of Book 5, and wanted to do it over again if he got the chance. Who's read Orion? I never got around to picking it up because it reminded me of Black Magic, which I was never crazy about.
  11. You really buy that Tamiya thinner, wm cheng? I just pick up a bottle of isopropyl alcohol and get the same results. It's cheaper and lasts forever!
  12. Dude! That looks EXTREME!!!!!!!!!! To the max, yo?
  13. I think Predator 2 had a decent enough script. It had action, suspense, and what could have been some interesting if unoriginal characters. I think it's main problems lie with the director and a miscast Danny Glover.
  14. Now that's a movie that could potentially be good. Christian Bale will make a good Dark Knight, IMHO.
  15. Please...let's try to confine that to the ongoing DYRL thread. Continuity debates make baby Jesus cry. Don't get me wrongo, I'll be the first to admit I'm wrong if this turns out to be a great movie. I went into T3 with very low expectations, and came out impresssed. Sure it wasn't what Cameron would have likely done, but it was a decent sequel on it's own. But at this point AvP is just setting off too many warning buzzers in my head.
  16. I'll agree with you on this one. I know absolutely nothing about this movie, other than the fact that Halle Berry is in it, and she wears a silly costume. Has there even been any word on just what the story will be?
  17. Please...let's try to confine that to the ongoing DYRL thread.
  18. One of the .gifs has the ever so polite message "stop spamming my server," whatever that's supposed to mean.
  19. h4x0rz! h4x0rz!
  20. Perhaps I could be...persuaded...to take you take your Volume 2 & 3 GNs off your hands.
  21. You raise a good point about the CG, Lynx. Those panels in MMI are just sooooo cluttered with detail that it's distracting. But I almost prefer his early style, even if it was more basic. Look at the first Dominion, for example. There's very little in the way of screen tone and hatching, but each panel is packed with enough detail to tell the story. The action scenes were so perfecty composed, IMO, that the reader had no trouble understanding what was happening. I found that the more detailed he got, the more confusing some fight scenes became. Edit: yeah, where IS he? I thought he'd be the 1st to reply for sure.
  22. Probably at some point. There's just too man other classic films waiting "in line" for me to buy first.
  23. Awright you Shirow heads, gather around. It's time we show these non-believers just how awesome Shirow-san is by discussing anything pertaining to Shirow. What is your favorite project he's done? What's your least favorite? What's your favorite comedy bit, or the best philosophical debate? What's...ahh, you get the point. I think I'll start this topic off with a bit of a rant. I think that, in the last 10 years, Shirow has taken a bit of a turn for the worst with his works. I can sum up the problem in one word. "Fanservice." Somewhere around the time Book 3 of Appleseed was published (perhaps in that scene where Deunan and Hitomi get that massage) things started changing. Suddenly we were awash in a sea of "Intron Depots" and "GiTS lesbian scenes" and I sometimes worry that the storytelling has suffered for it. Black Magic never had to rely on sexy women to tell the story. Dominion never needed T&A to get to the punch-line. Deunan spent all of Books 1 and 2 in combat fatigues, for pete's sake! But look at his current works, Man Machine Interface for example. Every page has at least one panel of glistening breasts, impossibly tight asses, and the alarmingly overused panty shots. Instead of moving the story forward, panels linger on Kusanagi's extremely long, Stacy Keibler-esque legs. Please Shirow-san, in the future try to focus on telling the story and not composing the most titilating shot of Kusanagi spin kicking somebody.
  24. You're right, I can't tell. That's what seperates "Fact" from "Opinion." It is my "opinion" that there is little of interest in what we know so far about this film. It is my "opinion" that the talent attached to this film has a lackluster track record at best. But it is a "fact" that I have seen a lot of movies, and know better than to blindly get my hopes up every time a new SF film comes out.
  25. No Monster for me. Too big, too expensive, too...everything. I'll wait for Hasegawa to get around to doing one in 1/72.
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