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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Great, just what the world needs; yet another video game movie. Between movies like this and all of the comic adaptations being made, I'm starting to think I need a new hobby. <_
  2. Uh..yeah, that's really just semantics. Anthromorphs or animals, that's just plain weird. Exo's right, let's talk about the cool stuff that Shirow's done in the past 15 years.
  3. *wipes away a tear* That was beautiful, Sundown.
  4. Is it? Oh well, that shows how much I keep track of this stuff. I just thought the "unflipped" bit was interesting, since just a couple of issues ago there was a lengthy editorial reply on this issue in the letter column of Man Machine Interface, where Dark Horse seemed to reaffirm their comic-flipping ways.
  5. Your replies in this and many other threads say otherwise, but this is irrelevant so we'll ignore this little aside. The movie's design has been discussed, and the facelift that most of the designs got for DYRL in no way support your "docu-drama" thesis. One could just as easily argue that they were just "prettied up" for the theatrical release. Likewise, the film's structure does not prove anything, but Sundown has already adressed this at length. "Feelings" on this matter are completely subjective in this case, and therefore shouldn't be used to support your argument. True, but AgentOne didn't "slander" you either. And you did invite somebody to "bite your shiny metal ass" a page ago, so don't get too defensive. Nobody was acting hostile before that.
  6. I don't know who this dragon is, but I wouldn't want to piss him off.
  7. Which is it? I like how you pretend to be reasonable with the first quote, then backtrack and reassert your belief that it's in fact been a docu-drama since '84.
  8. Thank you for saying that. Some people around here never see the capitalism in things the way I and Agent do. You mean the same folk who eat up the most capitalistically pandering installment of Macross? -Al Bomba! Buy an album or two!
  9. After looking at those poster book collections, I don't doubt you for a second. When I see stuff like that, I can't help but feel like we'll never see anything like Appleseed again.
  10. You're preaching to the choir on that one, Duke. There's just one or two people here who still can't see past that.
  11. http://www.darkhorse.com/products/pg_profi...arch/index.html On October 8th, we're finally getting the Trigun manga. But wait, there's more. Instead of making you pick up a bunch of monthly installments, Dark Horse is cutting to the chase and publishing it as a trade paperback from the get go. Better still, they've decided to publish it unflipped!! That's right, no more right-hand drive cars, or characters who all seem to be left-handed. B)
  12. Yikes. I wonder what his Japanese fans think of his new "career." Then again, they're probably the ones buying that stuff. No wonder Appleseed has been on the back burner for more than a decade.
  13. Duke, are you referring to that stuff that Exo mentioned, which bore a suspicious similarity to Shirow, or is this something else? Does he do pinups for hentai mags or something?
  14. WhiteDrew, you are definitely on a roll this week. Keep it up!
  15. Ugh! You have got to be kidding. But you mention the dubbed version....is the sub different in tone?
  16. Maybe one...if they're really, really cool. My interest in non-transforming toys is pretty low these days. If Hasegawa ever gets around to doing the destroids then I'll ditch Yamato in a second.
  17. I saw the "old" Dominion anime many moons ago, and thought it was horrible. That may have been due to the terrible dub, tho. I don't know anything about a new Dominion anime, but if there is one I hope it's at least funny. Heck, I haven't even read Dominion: Conflict 1 yet.
  18. More to the point, is it not possible that Hikaru's, Misa's and Minmay's DYRL counterparts (or dopplegangers, if you prefer) would also want to get aboard the Megaroad and leave? After all, DYRL pretty much ends on the same note that Love Drifts Away did, leaving the rest up to the viewer's imagination.
  19. Tarantino sucks! There, are you happy now? No seriously, I liked Pulp Fiction but I still think he's a wee bit overrated. Relying on 70's retro can only get you so far. The best thing I've heard about Kill Bill so far is how overwhelmingly violent it is, which is not a bad thing per se, but I hope there's more to it that hack 'n' slash. But we can't deny the appeal of Uma and Lucy weilding katanas, can we?
  20. SAC is without a doubt the best anime I've seen in years. It can be a little episodic, but you are left with that unmistakable "Shirow" flavor. It's the best adaptation of his work to date.
  21. So...can we take this as an admission that DYRL's status as "fictional fiction" is a retcon? It seems to me that's what Keith is saying here. What sayeth the jury?
  22. Even if the controls feel like you're steering shopping cart with that one wheel that doesn't turn right, the graphics are undenianly cool. PS2 mod chip, here I come!
  23. Look, we all know this is just going to be a movie within the existing movie continuity.
  24. Since when has there been an Alien 3? And what's this "Resurection" you speak of?
  25. It's always surprised me that there hasn't been more interest in Appleseed merchandise. The only stuff I've ever seen are those three action figures from a few years back. You'd think that somethign as cool as a Guges landmate would make an awesome toy, or at least a garage kit. Maybe if he ever gets around to doing Book 5 *prod prod* we might see some renewed interest in Appleseed toys. How about one of those spider gun platforms in 1/144 scale?
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