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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Oh definitely. I always spray on some kind of clear onto my models. I just wanted to point out that my experience with Tamiya on toys only extended to my pre-teen days. But even with a clear coat, I still don't know if I'd trust Tamiya on a Yamato.
  2. they'll strip mine anime Let's see... Dragon Ball Z Evangelion Yep, it's begun.
  3. I used to use Tamiya to "improve" a bunch of my old GI Joe toys, and it always rubbed off with handling. On models, I find that it too rubs off and scratches easily. But aside from building it, how much do you handle a model? Just cover it with a clear coat and you're set. Depending on what plastic you're working with, you may want to prime it before painting with Tamiya. I find that it never wants to stick to the plastic Dragon uses.
  4. Hmm....does this bode well for your fiancee?
  5. JsARC, have you considered just...not watching it for a couple of months? Unless you're desperate for the money, why not just hang onto it and wait until next year to rewatch it?
  6. Well that depends on what scale you're working at. A 1/35 scale AFV leaves a lot of room to fudge the paint job, but at 1/72 scale even the slightest brush mark would be inches wide & deep at 1:1 scale.
  7. Ok guys, come on....less porn/bestiality/anthromorph talk, more "other" talk. Surely there's enough cool Shirow stuff that we don't have to sit around dissecting his...er, more questionable works. <_
  8. Tamiya is great, but I'd never use it on a toy. It's probably the most fragile model paint in existence.
  9. I thought "McKinney" was considered a swear word in Robotech forums these days. Otherwise, I agree with Khyron.
  10. I think the underside "canopy" looks a little goofy, but it seems to be a valid enough idea in principle. If you're doing a Battroid kit, then you probably won't see much of it anyway so you could skip it if you feel leery about it. It's certainly unique, and if you're going to the trouble of replicating CAF colors, then I say go ahead.
  11. Production IG is doing it. I believe it's even mentioned on their web page now.
  12. I dunno...I kind of like the UE slip case better. Plus I could never bring myself to buy something called the Extreeeeeeme Edition. "To the max, Cleo. to the max."
  13. On the old boards, Crazy Canuck had made a VF-1 done up in modern CAF colors. It'd be buried somewhere in his "Color Scheme" thread. Edit: The colors for the low-viz aren't really right for the CF-18. The CF-18 is a lighter grey, without any "blue" pigmentation. Try http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com for CF-18 pics. Edit 2: Leading Edge Decals makes Cf-18 decals in 1/48 and 1/72 scales.
  14. I can see being pissed about the forthcomming Alien box set, but IMO the newest T2 isn't really any better than the existing Ultimate Edition.
  15. Plus he has all of his bootlicking sycophants there who blindly treat his word as gospel. <_
  16. I chose not to comment on the whining, for fear of being accused a whining myself. <_<
  17. Yeah, but remember that there's different camps when it comes to RT fan fiction, and none of them get along. If you want your fan fic to become gospel, you have to be friends with the right people.
  18. What about the giant crater that the SDF-1 was sitting in? It was more than big enough to account for the SDF-1 wreckage as well as Kyhron's ship and the SDF-2, which I include becasue that's what the writers originally intended and no amount of fan-fic will change that. 3 ships = 3 mounds. But otherwise, why not just accept that there's visual inconsistencies between Robo-chapters, like Duke and Mechamaniac suggest? The only way it would be 100% seamless would be to reanimate the entire saga.
  19. Duke Togo speaks the truth. Click this link: http://shirow.web1000.com/pbcollection.html
  20. Yes, I'd read that. But a movie/OVA is still not a replacement for Appleseed Book 5, unless Shirow decided to pick up the story where book 4 left off. I imagine it will instead be an alternate/side story much like Stand Alone Complex.
  21. If you're refering to my post, then the answer is no. I tried cutting and pasting the character out of ewilen's post, but my PC didn't like it and spat out the schwa E instead.
  22. Interesting. I can't say I'm too surprised that BW would be "forgotten" in the TP/HG press releases. But do we really know that BW was the one who pulled the plug? Even if they did, who's to say that they were in the wrong to kill the deal once HG got their greasy hands on the deal. Just because HG is willing to accept credit and revenue from Trash 7 does not mean that they were entitled to it.
  23. So...if I understand this correctly...and I don't claim that I do...the copyright of the animation was awarded to the dragon's child (Tatsunuko) where in a seperate suit, the copyright of the patterns was awarded to plan company "studio ‚Ê‚¦ (Studio Nue). In other words, this is the same ruling that we heard about ages ago. <_< Which puts us right back where we started: confused.
  24. So....Yamato should not do rereleases? Is that the gist of this rant?
  25. Is M-66 really that good? If I see a copy the next time I'm at Best Buy, maybe I'll pick it up. One thing that I've always appreciated about Shirow is the amount of technical detail that goes into his designs, even if it's just a prop used in one or two panels. If the characters themselves don't explain it to the reader, there's always copious footnotes that will. By his own admission he might not always draw stuff that's feasible, but he still puts more effort into it that 99% of the other artists out there.
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