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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. "In my experience, there's no such thing as "luck." - Obi Wan Kenobi Comming from the School Of Goldeneye, tripmines and grenade launchers were a way of life. You either learned fast or died. Often. A very few of us (myself included) learned the mystic art of "grenade trigonometry" where we could eventually hit any point of a map that was in range by bouncing it off the walls. Since this is a family board, I won't repeat the many names I got called for that.
  2. i r t3h l337 sNlpz0r. Blah-de blah blah. Just you wait until we have the 1st annual Macross World Half-Life 2 Tournament, sonny boy.
  3. No thanks. I still have the bruises from the last time I tried that.
  4. It looks like she wears two costumes. This one looks like she picked it up from the set of Underworld.
  5. It took a few days but I found it, and on a high profile website to boot. They're really not supposed to have Hyperspace pics up, but there it was anyway. Let's just hope the LFL police aren't looking for it.
  6. I think the online gaming commuunity in general needs to face one simple, immutable fact; No matter what game you're playing, there's always going to be one group of players who play the game simply to f*ck you up. Sadly, there's no way to keep these people out unless you stick to a LAN game, which pretty much defeats the point of an MMRP.
  7. Too many, I'm afraid. And I still think that if you dressed up the best of the old artwork with some fancy schmancy photoshop colors it would look about the same as the current schlock. <_<
  8. Meh. Aside from the pretty colors, the artwork isn't that much better than the old Comico days. <_
  9. Pfft...I guess it looks pretty good.
  10. Area 88...? Wow, now there's an OVA/manga that I heven't heard about in a long time. I wonder what prompted them to bring this back after all this time.
  11. Sounds to me like EXO has been driving his electric car again... *waits to see who gets the obtuse reference*
  12. At least they're relatively clean. Ever wonder what the cast of LOTR must smell like? With all of these scenic lakes and streams in middle earth, you'd think they could find the time to take a bath.
  13. Pretty much what everybody else has answered here. There's lots of stuff I'd like to buy, Valk toys included. Heck, my list grows longer and longer every week. But there's always pesky real world stuff I have to spend my money on instead, like bills, insurance, gas, food, etc. <_
  14. Nahh...I think it's just something that's naturally occuring. Midichlorians may be passed down family lines (although that's just specualtion) or they may just randomly appear. This isn't really any different that what people have been saying about force-sensitivity for the last 20 years, you know. As for Jedi's and marriage, yes that's forbidden. Thr point is that Jedi's are supposed to free themselves of emotional attachments. Case in point; Anakin's mom gets killed and he goes on a murder spree.
  15. Thanks, Gawl. If you look back a few pages in this forum, there's a thread where we were discussing the Dark Tower books. Anakin is likely just strinking a pose, since these pictures from the Insider were supposedly taken during lighting tests or something like that.
  16. This is a prime example of why I don't play these games. Real life if mundane enough, I don't need to spend hours in front of the computer watching some Sim's boring life unfold. <_
  17. Yaaaay...this means that all the little h4x0rz will have thier aimbots and wallhacks ready for the launch of HL2. Joy!
  18. They don't call her the "Spam Queen" for nothin'.
  19. Am I supposed to keep up with your posts now? You've usually posted 4 replies in the time it takes me to hit the "reply" button.
  20. My opinion on this movie just took a turn for the cynical. Take a look at this, just in from Dark Horizons: That's right, kids. If you want ALL of the special features, you have to buy ALL of the DVD releases.
  21. More gossip from Dark Horizons. I don't know if this is getting better or worse... <_<
  22. A friend was telling me about this last night. Apparently there was a serious security breach, and somebody got part or all of the new "Source" code. Looks to me like the h4x0rz are getting pretty agressive about getting their cheats.
  23. I also heard they are pretty good toasted. Killer Brazilian Death Spiders!!
  24. ooh...i wanna be SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER..... B) I'll agree with this on the condition that we also have a system of promotion based solely on patronage, and that we accumulate meaningless "points" with our postings.
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