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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Yeah...and denial ain't just a river in Egypt. Who are we kidding here? We'll be lucky to see this thing on the shelves by 3rd quarter '04. <_< That said, I think I'm going to check out Call of Duty. Has anybody checked out the trailers for this yet? It basically has DoD 1.0 graphics but uses an engine capable of much, much larger enviroments. Now you can actually have streetfighting in an actual city, not just one city block.
  2. Yeah, I don't know what that's all about. Sure, back in the late 70's and 80's films were generally shorter, but even with today's ADD society there's still many films breaking the 3 hour mark and still making money.
  3. Nice edit, Super O. Well I hope you left enough room for my fist, because I'm going to ram it into your stomach!
  4. Uxi, it's always a pleasure to see another SW fan on the boards. Especially who has a good grasp of the prequels. You should join in our super secret spoiler discussions somethime.
  5. Here' some more news from Half Life Source...
  6. Oy....That has to hurt. Whatever. I'm marking next July on my calender.
  7. Maybe, maybe not. This is from the article posted a page ago:
  8. Don't look at me, I know even less than you about coding. In fact, I don't have the first clue about it. I have a sneaking suspicion that there may be a non-theft related delay in the release as well, but I haven't heard anything official about it. Remember, April is just a rumor at this point. I'll have to keep an eye on the official HL2 board to watch for any announcements.
  9. I suppose they could theoretically release it as is, but that means that the hackers will have a field day as soon as HL2 goes online. Plus, their new "Steam" online system has been partially or even completely compromised. Steam is replacing the current WON id system, as well as providing instant updates for patches and such. Bad stuff to let fall into the wrong hands.
  10. Doom 3 will be available right after Duke Nukem Forever goes on sale. Book yours today.
  11. Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
  12. America's Army? Darn it, I still need to get a copy of Viet Cong, so I can take JsARCLIGHT to school. Too many games to play, so few hours in a week.
  13. Hence my earlier comparison to the Comico series. Nearly 3/4 of the mecha in those rags were "traced" from the line art.
  14. Counter-Hack? No thanks. If I wanted to play with 9 year olds, I'd drop by the Elementary School playground at recess. <_< And sadly, all the hacker will have their cheats ready for HL2, thanks to the code theft. It's pretty sad that somebody would devote that much time and effort just to cheat.
  15. Agreed. They rely far too much on the fans anticipation, instead of actually selling the product.
  16. I stopped caring about what the average moviegoer "understood" a long time ago. The next time you're at a theater, take a look around you. Generally speaking, people are just plain stupid. How else do you explain the success of Chris Tucker?
  17. I know, I know. I hope you're right too. I'm just saying that the precedent has already been set for multiplayer add-ons getting a seperate release. From what I read, people who were discussing the HL2 code theft had found lots of mention of TF2 inside the code, so maybe I'm worrying for nothing.
  18. I wasn't particularly thrilled with the addition of Midichlorians either, but I think too many fans (or former fans) have focused on them far too much in the last 5 years. I mean, think about it; their impact on the overall story has been pretty negligible. And remember, the OT had deeper roots than just "Space Opera," however you want to define that. The old Flash Gordon serials had lots of psudo-science gobbledegook, just like the many pulp Sci Fi stories published since the 30's. They were mentioned in 3 lines of dialog, people. Time to get over it and move on.
  19. As far as I'm concerned, until I see it on TV, Robotech 2004 is the cartoon equivalent of vaporware. Any other production would have announced something by now, but as usual the HG brigade is pulling it's usual stunts by coyly telling fans "R2k4? Ohh...you'll see. *snicker* You'll see."
  20. Again: Midichlorians are NOT the force. Why haven't they been mentioned since? Aside from their possible use in Ep III, I think they've pretty much served their purpose in the story. 1) Provide a basis for Anakin's immaculate conception. 2) Used as a benchmark so that Anakin's potential can be measured. Of course the OT won oscars for FX. For their time they were quite revolutionary. But the OT also won Oscars for sound, editing and costumes. Nowadays all it gets nominated for is FX, and at this point it's just a token nomination anyway. Not that the Oscars are really relevant anymore, anyway. Getting an Oscar is just a question of how much bribing...er, I mean "lobbying" you want to do. I believe New Line Cinema has already announced that it wants to buy an Oscar for ROTK. <_<
  21. There's only one possible snag in our plans for our little MW fragfest. I just hope that HL2 multiplayer, in the form of Team Fortress Classic 2, isn't shipped as a seperate game. Unreal Tournament 2K already went this route. Of course, we all know we'd still buy both versions, but it's the principle of the thing, dammit!
  22. ....? My, that was a long and rambling post.
  23. Voice comm is a godsend in a team based game. The tough part is finding a server where the admins aren't spamming the mic with mindless discussion of homework, their chores, and who is t3h sux0rz. <_< I can't remember which program is in use in HL currently, but it supports as many players that have mikes.
  24. When HL2 finally ships, we'll definitely have to pick a time and date and do some MW fragging. It's been a long while since I've played HL multi player, but IIRC there was the option to disable some of the more uber weapons, so that should satisfy JsARC if they carry that feature over. And I'm going to make it my mission to use that tractor beam thingy to throw every single entity on the map at Vostok's head.
  25. From what I've read, Frankie boy is no longer a Viet Nam vet, but a veteran of Desert Storm.
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