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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. 10:10 tomorrow night fer me. <_
  2. Man, am I excited about this kit. Fortunately for us, the VF-0 hasn't carried any underwing ordnance yet, so we don't need no stinkin' weapon sets from Hasegawa. However, there was that ad for M: Zero about a year ago that showed Shin with a full complement of missiles, so we know we'll need them eventually. <_< So who's going to be the first to make a low-viz VF-0S?
  3. bsu legato

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Lynx7725 just translated the card, and it does indeed appear to be a bundle.
  4. Little to no articulation, you guys say? Meh, I think I'll pass. Maybe I'd get one if the default poses were a little more...inspired....but they're stuck in such boring poses. I do like the upper half of the landmate, but those legs just look weird. It's still a far cry from the Guges-D that I've always wanted.
  5. bsu legato

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Yay, GBP armor! And I'm glad it's likely coming with a VF-1J too, since I don't have one.
  6. Yep, Nausicaa was one of my first anime experiences too, way back when the first fansubs arrived on our shores. I'd love to get an unmolseted R1 release of this someday.
  7. What you say? Those are pretty cool, Exo. *goes up to GBP thread to find more info* *comes back for a moment* Does anybody have the existing Appleseed figures? Are they any good? They're still warming the shelves at my local toy store, and I thought I'd at least pick up the ORC suit.
  8. Max is right about T3. It was more like a direct sequel to the original Terminator than a sequel to T2. And what was wrong with John Connor? Of course he wasn't a badass...he was still a freakin' kid! This is the same argument people use against Anakin Skywalker. Why is it so difficult to believe that these characters weren't always like we saw them in their respective original films, that they grow into their respective roles? At the very end of T3 we see John finally embrace his destiny as mankind's leader, so where's the problem?
  9. Really? Cool, then I'll definitely check it out. I don't care where the story goes, just as long as it goes somewhere. It would have been criminal to make another episode as pointless as the last one.
  10. Heh...I'd console Mary Carey on her loss in the election, but she's just plain dirty.
  11. So....we're supposed to believe that Special K, the Froating Head Himself, is personally naming the characters in Macross spinoff games? Why don't we thank him for sculpting the Yamatos while we're at it?
  12. We may not have a choice. according to DarkHorizons.com today, The Rock was Arnie's first pick for an "actor" to continue the franchise in his absence. <_<
  13. Does this one actually have some discernable plot or characterization?
  14. I hear they'll be released right after Duke Nukem Forever. Visit EB and book yours today. <_
  15. Would anybody buy the Rock as a Terminator?
  16. Realistically, this would be true. But the Terminator is as much Arnold's character as it is Cameron's. I doubt T2 would have made half of it's take without Ah-nuld in the lead role. He's what filled those seats. That's why I have to wonder how successful a T4 would be without him.
  17. Yeah, but at the rate this project is moving, I'll be old enough to play King Conan. If we're lucky he'll only grow into the roll, like Eastwood did before he made Unforgiven.
  18. No kidding. Apparently they're already talking about T4 going ahead without him, and his abscence from Hollywood will hardly help King Conan get the green light anytime soon.
  19. Stop whining! You lack discipline!
  20. Care to join in our MW fragfest when we get it up and running, Mr March?
  21. I doubt AgentONE will be joining us on MW today. I'd imagine he was up retty damn late celebrating last night.
  22. Heh, my grasp of German doesn't extend beyond the voice commands in Day of Defeat. MG Schutze vor! Scharfschutzen! Nehmt handgranaten ire!
  23. Control of the media does not a communist regime make, but that's beside the point. See that little "report this post" thingy in the bottom right corner of each reply? If you have a problem with a topic, try clicking that thingy.
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