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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Thomas Jane was also in Dreamcatcher. *cough cough* What, don't look at me like that. We were completely bored on Sunday last spring, so we went to see it.
  2. Wow, that looks amazing! We really need to start some kind of petition to get Bandai to release that over here. And I mean NOW!!!
  3. The T3 novel still describes a centralized Skynet in addition to the Interweb "virus" thingy Skynet. I don't know if this was a fabrication of the author, or it was actually scripted and cut from the film.
  4. bsu legato

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    LoL u never really know until u try 'Round these parts, brands like "Coors" and "Miller" get shelved right beside the Evian water display. *ducks broken beer bottle*
  5. From Dark Horizons.com... I have yet to read the books, but as it's part of the "required reading" for students of the influences on Star Wars I have to say that this interests me greatly. For those who have read the series, can it be done? Can Foundation be filmed?
  6. I've always wondered if the "Trust me" line got ditched because Lucas felt it was too similar to a line from Indiana Jones.
  7. *random trivia* Apparently, the infamous "Alert my Star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival" line added to ESB:SE was originally a snippet of dialog recorded for ANH by James Earl Jones (I couldn't bring myself to abbreviate his name "JEJ" in a sentence already rife with abbreviations). I still like the "Bring my shuttle..." line better.
  8. Seriously though, LucasArts had some neat non-SW games back in the day. Outlaws, Full Throttle, and Escape From Monkey Island to name a few, but it's been quite a while since they've done anything of note. Heck, I'll even go so far as to say that their SW games have been hit-and-miss.
  9. You mean I can fly an X-Wing and shoot down B-17's, or use a Republic Gunship to strafe SS tank columns? Sweet!
  10. I'm still looking forward to Secret Weapons Over Normandy...
  11. Already been discussed in the official MPC thread. Thank you, come again.
  12. bsu legato

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Nope, this one takes the grand prize:
  13. The Armada game, or the G1 game?
  14. And the worst part is...we'll still buy each of them.
  15. This is just silly. Do they not believe that it would sell? Compared to some of the crap currently on the shelves, a TF game would sell on the basis of it's name alone.
  16. No, but I usually have a smart-ass quip after I shoot a string of targets. Does that count?
  17. bsu legato

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Yup. Much like how the VF-1J 1/48 was released both with and without FAST packs, and people still complained. <_<
  18. bsu legato

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    those TV style hands are neat and all, but I hope the final ones are a tad smaller. There's no reason to make this thing look like Anime Friend drew it. I just hope it can hold a gunpod.
  19. Oh, I see. I guess I just tuned it out because there's already been so much "drama" on MW this week.
  20. D.D. Ivanov's SV-51 is pretty low-viz, IMHO. There's pics of it on the official Macross Zero site.
  21. I can never understand this reasoning. Even if you hate the PT with a passion usually reserved for Hitler and Bin Laden, how does it in any way "ruin" the OT? I hated Alien 3, but I have never suddenly decided to hate Alien & Aliens becasue of it.
  22. My biggest complaints have always been: - Greedo shooting first - ANH Jabba - "white" sabers still not fixed, nearly 25 years later - Luke's girly scream in ESB when he pitches himself into the reactor shaft - and worst of all.....Jedi Rocks. Well my friend, that scene most definitely did NOT rock. That's not to say there isn't anything to like about the SE. ANH had it's soundtrack overhauled and sounds much better than the original. The new version of the final battle had about 60% of it's shots replaced, and in this case I'm all for it. The shots that were redone were originally pretty bad and did not hold up well. Cloud City looks like an actual city now, with windows that you can see though, instead of a bunch of frosted glass.
  23. I haven't heard anything one way or the other on this issue for some time now. It's quite possible the 1997 SE will not be the final version that gets released on DVD anyway. For example, while it was interesting to see back in '97, anybody with eyes can see the ANH Jabba is quite horrbile. Surely even GL must not be 100% pleased with this, along with whatever other nitpicks bother him late at night. There was, in fact, a rumor that cropped up last month that we'd see an OT release on DVD sometime next year, possibly to ramp up the hype for Ep III the following year.
  24. bsu legato

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    No kidding. Do you think the obituary was just a little premature?
  25. If I thought it would make a difference, I'd sign it in a second. Unfortunately, I think Lucas' mind is pretty much made up on this matter. A consumer's best bet is to track down a bootleg rip from the old THX remastered LDs.
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