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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Say...while I've got everybody's attention, has anybody heard about these supposed Mauser Broomhandle copies made by Norinco? If this is real, then it's yet one more dream come true for me! I just hope they produce them in 9mm, and not just .30 Mauser.
  2. LOL! One of my very first 8-bit experiences on my old Sega Master System was the Zillion game.
  3. bsu legato

    1/48 Line

    As awe inspiring as it would be, I think a 1/48 YF-19 would border on silly. The cost of a Valk that large would certainly place it beyond the price an average collector like myself would easily pay. I would, unfortunately, have to pass up having that behemoth overshadow the remainder of my collection.
  4. No, your memory isn't going on you. What Katana and I are referring to are the drop-in conversion cylinders that allow you to convert your percussion sixguns to cartridge, without modifying the gun itself. This is the easiest (and cheapest) way to replicate Clint's quasi-Richards conversion 1851 Navy in The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.
  5. Arrgh, tell me about it. I've been seriously considering this for my next purchase, but the cost is getting pretty scary: 1 - Uberti 1851 Navy - $330 CDN 1 - Kirst cylinder - $250 USD 1 - Rapine .38 hollow base bullet mould - $80 USD 1 - .38 loading die set - $? assorted shipping & handling - $? The only thing in my favor is that the Canadian dollar is the highest it's been in a decade. <_<
  6. Has anybody considered contacting Bandai US to see if there's even a remote chance we'll get a North American release of this? I mean, it's not like we've gotten a definitive answer on who owns what rights. I'd hate to go to the trouble of modding a PS2 only to have a domestic release sneak out afterwards.
  7. I don't really see it that way. To me, this is more like an informal car show, where we can all put up our hoods and ohh and ahhh at the other guy's engine.
  8. Slightly OT: How do you like that replica, Chowser? Are they worth the $$$?
  9. I said "Other" since there was no mention of Foxxy Cleopatra. Beyonce Knowles is currently the second hottest woman in existance. B)
  10. *sniffle* My old thread.....
  11. My "babies"... My Christmas list: P08 Luger 1851 Colt Navy (repro) 1873 SAA, 5 1/2" bbl M1 Garand Yugo M59 1st model SKS 1847 Colt Walker
  12. That's what I get for opening my mouth without first double checking my DVDs.
  13. I see what you mean, B-52. It's sad that the days of production artists with an industrial background like Joe Johnston are over. Whoever designed the new Viper clearly has no idea what those "things" inside the intakes are for. <_
  14. Wow, I'm truly impressed. Those illustrations belong on the Bandai kits, IMO.
  15. You know...for a misbegotten piece of AnimeFriend garbage, the YF-1R sure gets a lot of threads started about it. More than it deserves, IMHO.
  16. Uh guys...? I'm pretty sure there's a Georgia in Russia, so it's not a big deal for Stalin to have come from there.
  17. What, no love for the Veritech Mining Mecha?
  18. Nice stuff! Those old Galactica kits actually were pretty good for their day. On the Cylon Raider you can even see the kitbashed tank parts, faithfully reproduced at about 1/2 their original scale.
  19. My God....could this finally be the mythical flight/dating sim combo that Macross fans have longed for?
  20. Yeah, what IS the deal with that? Why do they have this overwhelming need to tie each MPC to a character like that? I guess they'd have to invent a new character if they ever wanted to release a cannon fodder VF-1A. <_<
  21. Yeah, given how much work seems to have gone into making a detailed "realistic" world, these half naked nazi dominatrixes seem really out of place. Edit: Hey Vostok, why "Call of Duty" comes out, are you going to help me kick some German arse in Stalingrad?
  22. Very nice work, as usual. I like the multi shade approach to the rear fuselage/wing area, since it breaks up what would have otherwise been a huge ocean of blue. It just serves to remind me that I need more color references for Macross mecha.
  23. Yeah, what was with all of that bleeping? And there was a couple of intentionally choppy edits, I assume to give it that crappy Drive-In feeling, that I thought were a little unnecessary. Overall, I thought this movie was very good, but not perfect. Hopefully the second part will fill in some of the characterisation that I felt was missing. The action scenes were excellent, as was the soundtrack and the pacing, but I felt that there just wasn't enough story to be a truly great film. And I really hope that Lucy Lui gets more screen time in the second volume.
  24. Unlike the late Owen Hart, HHH has truly become that nugget that just won't flush. Blech! Even after (finally) dropping the title, he still has to be the center of attention on RAW with his incredibly lame "Lesson of the week for Goldberg" bits. Otherwise, A7's post just reinforces my belief that the WWE no longer has idea what it's doing or where it's going. The McMahon family and their hangers on *cough* HHH *cough* need to be removed from the production of any and all TV and PPV broadcasts, and allow some fresh creative blood in.
  25. As much as I loathe to reference that site, there's an article today on AICN that bears on this discussion. It seems that some LA film festival was unable to get the copy of ANH that they wanted and got stuck showing the Special Editions. No reason was given, other than that they weren't able to obtian the '77 print. Immediately, Harry and his synchophants launch into the usual "Lucas hates us and raped our childhood" rhetoric and vow to devote themselves forever more to LOTR. It's pretty sad, really. <_
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