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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Clearly, his hat is too small.
  2. http://www.dvdtimes.co.uk/content.php?contentid=65403 So, the long and the short of it is that there will be no less than 3 differernt editions, from a "bare bones" two-disc edition all the way up to a ginormous 5-disc set with fancy schmancy packaging. At the bare minimum, any so-called film enthusiast should buy the 4-disc Collectors Edition, containing the original domestic theatrical cut, the unrated international cut (the same cut that was available on VHS until the 1992 DC) and the not-quite Director's Cut (now with extra Unicorn flavor!) Personally, I'm splurging on the 5-disc set. The workprint cut is the absolute holy grail of Blade Runner fandom. Next to Scott's new cut of the film itself, that is.
  3. Great, my greatest unspoken fear, spoken aloud. Well, typed anyway. Whatever....it's jinxed now.
  4. I saw LFODH last weekend, and it surprisingly didn't suck. My only gripe, and this is potentially a large one depending on how you view the original movies, is that it wasn't really a Die Hard movie. A servicable action flick (with a shockingly rejuvenated Bruce Willis, like we haven't seen him since....well, Die Hard With A vengeance) but not really a Die Hard movie. Instead, it was like some teenager's impression of a DH movie, after he caught most of the originals on AMC while doing homework.
  5. I hated this movie, and I suspect that it hated me too. I'm not even going to go into details about the myriad of problems I had with this movie, because it's really not worth it to me, but suffice to say that none of them are of the "OMG flames on teh Prime" variety. I'm just going to patiently wait here in the hopes that The Bourne Ultimatum will salvage the summer movie season.
  6. Yeah, well that's a convention that anime as a whole should really move away from.
  7. Screw the haters. I'm there on opening night. They had me at "Spider Pig." Technically the end of the trailer, I know....but it was funny.
  8. You know, if you get any more ironic with your posting, a giant singularity will form and draw all the cosmos into its maw.
  9. That song made me want to hurt myself. And not in the cool "Johnny Cash covers Hurt" kind of way either.
  10. No way, this is clearly a movie within the Aquarion universe, probably filmed some 40 years after the events of the TV show. You can tell by looking at it, and by looking at it you can tell. I'm right, you're wrong, bomba, etc...
  11. I'll see this for the sheer novelty of seeing 1980's style balls-to-the-wall ultraviolence, on the screen in 2007. This won't be any pussy PG-13 bullshit. Thank god somebody remembers how to do a hardcore action movie*. *especially since Die Hard 4, that other 1980's refugee, is apparently rated PG-13. They even cut out "Yippie Ki Yay...."
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc7mzoqHahU
  13. Sad news for us collectors. I've seen a lot of uninformed fingerpointing on the net on the matter. Some point the blame at Corgi, who supposedly has a bad habit of acquiring companies like MR, then dumping their major (and expensive) licenses. Others want to blame LFL, saying that they're too pricey for companies to re-license. The truth is, us average joes will never know the real story. I hope that whoever picks up the torch can produce some replicas with the same standards of quality and research. As to the so-called value of existing MR pieces, that is such a farce. These pieces are only worth what people are willing to pay for them. The value for post-83 SW merchandise could plummet in the next decade, for all we know. People who want to make an investment should play the stock market. Even more aggravating is the attitude of a select few who applaud the demise of the MR license, so that they can return to their cottage industry of replicas, replicas that only a select few will have the know-how to build.
  14. No, no he hasn't.
  15. The saddest part of this discussion is that Venom was never really that great of a character to begin with. I'll take Sam Raimi's aesthetics over Todd McFarlane any day.
  16. D'oh, I should have thought of that one, especially since Live Evil just released yet another rendition of the series from some new DVD source, which means the already long wait for their new episodes will be interspersed with old releases that have to be re-downloaded. Its no wonder that they've released less than 20 episodes in more than 2 years.
  17. Space Adventure Cobra, hands down. This way, I won't have to track down the elusive last few [iLA] fansubs.
  18. I thought it was decent, if mindless fun. FOX's latest attempt at today's oh-so popular serialized drama has its work cut out for it, if it doesn't want to get canceled. Fox midseason replacements have a lifespan rivaling that of a fruit fly. At least Nathan Fillion is fun to watch, as always. It would be nice to see the guy get some steady work, for a change. I'll give it a few more episodes to not suck. Worst. Critique. Ever. Oh noes, a Challenger. the show is teh ruinated.
  19. No that was the Black Tiger. This is the Cosmo Tiger II http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN949840 Now where's my Gamilus starfighters?
  20. Oh certainly. But in my childhood frame of reference, I could tell that Thundercats was entirely derivative of more successful toy lines. To my then-eleven year old eyes, it was more crappy than the other crap I watched.
  21. That's why I didn't believe this story the first time it was posted, last year. It reads as if it was specifically written to piss off fans of the original. All 8 of them. The Thundercats....led by Snarf....on Earth....playing in a band. It reeks of a parody of how NOT to resurrect a franchise. Why not have them solving mysteries at the same time? Then again, if this is legit, then it begs the question who is the audience for this? Clearly the 30-something fanbase would want something along the lines of the original, albeit more "dark and brooding" since that seems to make everything more palatable for them. But since this is so far removed from the 80's show, its obviously not for them (except for the real die hards who will watch anyway). But if its for kids, why even use the Thundercats name? It has no meaning to kids today, so its not as if there's any name recognition. I hope this is just a well thought out joke, at the expense of the now-adult kids whose parents didn't love them enough buy them He-Man or GI Joe. TV land can't be that bereft of creativity that they would move forward with this. Then again, my inner apeface secretly wants this to be true, since it's such a stupid idea.
  22. The saddest part of this discussion is that Thunder Cats was merely a second tier ripoff of He-Man, and was never really that good to begin with. And while this is clearly aimed at the kiddies, I have to question the logic of reviving a loooooong dead, B-list name brand to do so. Then again, I'm sure that there's more than a few man-children who will watch this for the sake of watching "Thundercats," no matter how juvenile it is.
  23. I'm halfway through DL'ing the first episode. I'll post some thoughts when I watch it. OK, my thoughts: It starts off interesting enough, with a pretty engrossing shipwreck. Then we cut to the main story, which seem to revolve around these swarms of bugs who have the ability to spawn huge monsters. Oh, and a magical dagger. I'll check out the inevitable fansub, but I can already see that I'll skip Kissdum.
  24. Maybe the SV-51 has no "name" attached to it. It seems to be a mainly western practice, since all the codenames we associate with eastern aircraft are all, in fact, NATO reporting names. Alternatively, a lot of hits on a net search for the '51 turn up "Gamma," deriving from the full designation for the bird as shown on the Hasegawa packaging, SV-51É£ .
  25. I'm sorry, but when did we begin deducting marks for spelling and punctuation?
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