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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. It's by no means a comprehensive list, but this should get you started: http://www.rangersairsoft.com/lowband.html http://www.airsoftottawa.com/index.php http://www.007airsoft.com/ http://www.airsoft.ca/ http://www.airsoftcanada.com/index.jsp http://www.sd-unit.com/ A bunch of the other sites that I remember seem to have closed up. Take that to mean what you will. Edit: It appears that I was right in my rather precient prediction. I found some very interesting info over here at http://www.ascforums.com/viewforum.php?f=1 which basically confirms my fears. The guys on that forum seem to know what they're doing, but I believe their efforts are ultimately doomed to failure. No matter how they portray Airsoft as a harmless sport, it is still the prevailing belief of our government that guns & anything associated with guns (including airsoft) is "socially unacceptable" and should be outlawed. If you still want an airsoft gun, I'd buy it this week.
  2. Yeah, Shirow presonally retouching Man Machine Interface is definitely an oddity. But otherwise, I guess it depends on both the artist and the reader. Most of the retouches in Dragon Ball have been fairly seamless, but I can't really say how Toriyama feels about it. Were I in his or any other artist's shoes, I'd just be glad my work was reaching a new audience. Either of those would be an acceptable compromise, but we shouldn't hold our breath for Dark Horse to go this route. Look how long it took them to publish something "unflipped."
  3. I've only seen about 3/4 of it, but I liked what I saw. The ending is supposedly "out there" but I'll have to judge for myself when I see it. And contrary to what Abombz will say, the Tactical Armors are damn cool looking mecha.
  4. If you mean Gasaraki, then yes I can recommend it. But it's definitely not for everybody, as opinions on it around here run extremely hot and cold. You either love it or you hate it.
  5. Where's the destroids and the GBP? Are they being saved for a second assortment? I really wanted that Tomahawk.
  6. I have some Canadian airsoft links on my PC at home, but I bet they show up with a Google search. If you'd like, I can PM the links to you tonight. As for gasblowback, I'll have to let one of the resident airsoft experts answer that one, as I only have a rudimentary understanding of how the system works.
  7. Hi wm, As a fellow Canuck who's versed in our country's gun laws, I can tell you that replicas are prohibited. I too remember those cool Japanese replicas in the hobby stores back in the early 1980's. Sadly, those are long gone now. However, all is not lost. You can still buy an airsoft pistol, as it's technically an air pistol that bears an uncanny resemblance to it's "real steel" counterpart. They're completely legal to buy without any kind of permit or license, just as long as you get them from a distributor within our borders. If there's a particular one you want, such as Bond's PPK or P99, then by all means buy it as soon as you can afford it. You never know when our government might change it's mind and reclassify airsoft as "replica firearms." In fact, I bet they've escaped prohibition thus far only because nobody in Ottawa has noticed them yet.
  8. You realize that now I have to go out at lunch today and buy the Conan DVD. <_< Thanks a lot, guys.
  9. When you put it that way, it's almost like they're buying insurance.
  10. Yikes! Talk about changing the meaning, eh? And I thought it was annoying when a character would fire a gun left-handed, or drive a car that was right-hand drive.
  11. Well, I'm going to have to disagree with you on this point. Considering the sound effects merely "part of the art" does not give them enough credit. One of the things that drew me to manga years ago was the attention that the artists gave to the "aural" component of the story, whether it was the sound of leaves rustling in a breeze, or footsteps crunching on broken glass, or somebody's intestines splattering on the floor. I always felt that this attention to detail helped draw the reader into the story. In comparison, their western counterparts were limited to giving the reader the bare minimum "Zap Pow Bang" sounds. And while it's often used as a dirty word around here, Viz manages to redo the sound effects and maintain the right-to-left format in their Dragon Ball titles.
  12. Well gang, I just picked up Trigun #1 on the weekend, and I am impressed. The first volume is absolutely HUGE. I believe it is actually two or three of the original Japanese volumes in one huge trade paperback. The parody covers are in fact there, printed on the inside of the cover, but you only get the one cover. My only gripe is the fact that none of the sound effects have been translated, just like TokyoPop would have done. I don't know about you guys, but this really irks me. Just how exactly are sound effects supposed to help tell the story when I can't read them. Should I be learning Japanese just so I can read the effects....which would pretty much defeat the purpose of buying the Dark Horse edition to begin with.
  13. Thanks guys. It sounds like I'll have to check this one out after all.
  14. I've stayed away from the "fantasy" side of this thread, as I'd rather spend my cash on the real thing.....but these are just too cool. http://www.rebelscum.com/toys2/mr-jango.jpg I can just imagine Chowser strapping these on and scaring the bejesus out of unwary traffic offenders.
  15. You'd be surprised how infrequently I need a gun, sitting behind my CAD station. <_<
  16. So, should we call this a GBP-0 ?
  17. Anybody here familiar with Master Keaton? Pioneer has just started releasing this series, and while it sounds kind of interesting I'm reluctant to plunk down $30 CDN on the first disc. For anybody as clued out as I am, here's the official site: http://www.masterkeatondvd.com/ Any recommendations?
  18. This picture that I *cough* borrowed from Cyclone's web page also shows the connectors on the Cyclone forearms. I assume they're some sort of fancy shock absorber/servo armature.
  19. And always remember.... When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.
  20. Where is that pic from, anyhow? I've always loved that one.
  21. Cool stuff. I guess the GBP-whatever will feature pretty prominently in ep 3. And for those too lazy to click the link...
  22. No multiplayer...? Bah, you escape my wrath, JsARCLIGHT. For now... Otherwise, it sound good to me.
  23. *yawn* You'd think that BoK would have gotten tired of this garbage by now.
  24. OMFG, look at that gaping seam down the center of the head! It's like the freakin' Grand Canyon! You could lose an F-150 Crew Cab in that bottomless crevase! It totally ruins the look of the toy for me. Worst. Toy. Ever. Ok, I'm done.
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