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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. They're pretty darn close. In fact, even the 30-06 is just a lengthened 8mm case necked down to .30 cal. The Springfield has much better sights, though.
  2. Unlikley. I've never put much stock in e-petitions. However, I still say we should at least make the effort to show Bandai we're interested in this game. For a game this cool, we should try, right?
  3. Good point. And like their Mars/Jupiter/Moon base counterparts in Mospeada, the UN Spacy leadership was likely dumb enough to destroy themselves fighting the Inbit.
  4. I'm no Mospeada guru, but I have recently watched the series from beginning to end. Inbit do seem to be limited in how far they can sense energy. However, they did somehow find earth from wherever in the galaxy they came from, whatever that implies. Robotech's babbling about Protoculture aside, what you see in the footage is played pretty much the same in Mospeade. A single H-90 powering up can be enough to draw their attention. In Mospeada, all of those "protoculture canisters" are actually HBT, a kind of hydrogen fuel. After occupying the planet, they hoard and control the supply of HBT as a way of controlling the remaining human population. In short, the techno babble changes, but the results stay the same. I agree, we should go with the Mospeada Inbit, since it levels the playing field.
  5. Well....Robotech Invid can detect Protoculture energy, but the Inbit detect any energy signature. Thus, a protoculture-free UN Spacy would run roughshod over the Invid, but the Inbit would be able to target the fusion reactors used by the varioous UN mecha.
  6. Are we talking about Robotech Invid, or Mospeda Inbit?
  7. Crom is obviously not up on his Lovecraft....
  8. Why does your shoulder look dislocated, Vostok?
  9. Her band, The Replicants, were named after the robots in Blade Runner. Sort of a double reference, since one of the replicants was also named "Priss."
  10. For me, it's a tie between the P-51D and the P-47M. Slightly OT, has anybody seen the new 1/32 F4U from Trumpeter? HLJ has some pics up in their coverage of the latest hobby show. Go check it out!
  11. GamePro gave it a 4.0, in spite of the awful controls. http://www.gamepro.com/nintendo/gamecube/g...ews/31451.shtml
  12. Look, there's an easy way to settle the question of Ahnuld's height, once and for all. I know that I'm 6'2". I'll just drive on down to California, stroll right up to the man and look him in the eye. And when his bodyguards are finished pummeling me, I'll let you know if we're the same height.
  13. Bah...too heavy and too much recoil for a puny human meat-sack like Blaine, but it's No Problemo for a Terminator.
  14. D'oh, I didn't even think of that.
  15. Maybe he only did the rough pencils/layout for the cover, and this "Cully Hamner" character was the actual one to butcher Lancer?
  16. You must be using a different version of Windows. Here's the one that I get...
  17. Do you sign a lot of autographs, Mechamaniac?
  18. Hmmm....should we call "plant" on this one? It is AICN, after all.... <_
  19. I believe he was responsible for the character designs. It is interesting that they got him for the cover, but I still don't like that Lancer. Maybe it's just the shading that throws it off.
  20. I made no mention of Bankofkev. I was simply poking fun at Yamato Lover's unfortunate choice of words. In his defense, he likely had no idea he was referencing BoK.
  21. Guys, that's obviously David Bowie. I hear he's been cast as Lancer in the Live Action Robotech movie.
  22. I remember another poster, who long ago vowed to give us all a "Cold Hard Dose of Reality." I sense something. A presence I've not felt since....
  23. Bingo. They haven't had the guts to outright outlaw them yet, although I'm sure that's the plan. They're just making it progressively more and more aggrivating to obtain them. Social Engineering is not a myth, my friends. <_<
  24. Really? Shoot, and here I'd hoped I could get away with buying 5 or 6 TPB's from Dark Horse. What volume is Maximum up to now?
  25. From what I've heard, the TV series was produced while the manga was still being published. Consequently, the early TV episodes are quite close to the manga, although distinctly out of sequence. By the time you get halfway through Trigun Maximum, the manga bears only a superficial resemblence to the anime. This also might explain the anime's somewhat vague ending, as the manga hadn't reached that point so they likely just made something up. Does anybody even know how the manga ends?
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