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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. UN Spacy, could you please stop posting those pics from the old G1 kiddie books? I had forgotten all about those until I saw your posts.
  2. Hey BoB, aren't there laws against the public consumption of Yoshinol?
  3. Hey, can I get in on this? I just turned 29 and have no intentions of reaching 30.
  4. I was going to say something else, but now I want the berserk Ren Hoek too. Since Mechamaniac want one too, then maybe I'd use a berserk Stimpy...?
  5. Sorry guys, BF1942 is bantha poodo. It tries to include so many features, but as a result they're all less than stellar. It's abhorrent as a FPS, the vehicles are about the same as the old Twisted Metal for PS1, and the aircraft aren't much better. I like the concept of BF1942, but it won't be until we've had at least one or even two more "generations" of game engines before such a game is truly satisfactory.
  6. Heh...that's the real trick of it. Basically, you have to scrub the entire gun off in hot soapy water. And make sure you do it less than 24 hours after shooting it. Once you've finally cleaned it up, pour boiling hot water over the parts to rinse them off. The boiling water will heat up the metal and evaporate any surface moisture. Most gun oils aren't really "black powder friendly." On my Remington, I've taken to using Ballistol on it. That stuff rocks! If it says "Made In Italy" then it's likely a Uberti or a Pietta, since I believe that Armi San Marco's are from Spain. It might make a difference which make it is when ordering replacement parts. You might have to do some checking to see which makers proof marks is closest to yours.
  7. Don't forget the requisite skinny leather tie! As for me, if I go to the bar, it'll be as Cinnamon J Scudworth, principal of Clone High.
  8. Depending on the make, you can get all the parts you need from here. https://www.vtigunparts.com/ab2240000Equick...ick/default.asp The most common replicas are Uberti, Pietta and Armi San Marco. If it's just surface rust, as is common for black powder guns that haven't been properly cared for, then some blueing/rust remover might clean it up. However, if the gun is pretty bad, you may have to replace some of the smaller parts like the cylinder hand. Edit: the barrel wedge (the thingy holding the barrel assembly onto the gun) can be difficult to remove, even on a new Colt. Make sure that you've loosened the wedge screw, and try tapping the wedge out the left side with a wood mallet.
  9. Gah! Choking...on...irony.
  10. Full Throttle has to be one of the most vapid, pointless excuses for "filmmaking" that I've ever seen. The fact that McG continues to work in Hollyweird makes me weep for the future of Cinema.
  11. Apparently, there;s a fair bit of "anime magikuu" involved with Bond's PPK in Dr. No. When he's first issued the gun, it's actually a Walther PPL. Then when he reaches Jamaica, it has turned into a PP before switching to a PPK in later scenes. Then he shoots Dent with the silenced Browning. But the most impressive feat is when Bond shoots at the "Dragon" his pistol has become a Colt 1911 before switching back to an actual PPK!
  12. Yeah, people take the anime industry for granted today. Back in '94, there was very little comming over here, certainly not in the quantities we have on the shelves today. Back then, Manga was one of the real pioneers of today's anime industry and Macross Plus helped blow the doors open for all the stuff we have today.
  13. Yeah, I remember that now. He didn't get a "real" PPK until From Russia With Love, IIRC. I think it was just a matter of a PPK being unavailable, or maybe just a lazy prop handler. They used silenced PPKs in Where Eagles Dare, I believe.
  14. $100? Are you sure that's not in Yen, or maybe Pesos? Jeeze, I paid $80CDN for my Mospeada set.
  15. Well, the Trigun Roman Album lists it as a .22 magnum, but I'll let you have this one. Your turn.
  16. I remember the S&W (Live and Let Die was my favorite bond movie when I was young and dumb) but where was the Browning?
  17. Can you be more specific?
  18. You're not alone on that one. I still need to get that movie on DVD. Maybe I should keep waiting, since all of Carpenter's movies seem to be getting the Special Edition treatment these days.
  19. Is it your first handgun? If so, get a .22 and learn to shoot the right way.
  20. It wasn't a Browning. It was a Beretta, and in .25 no less. Yeah, that would have been much better. Look, there's more to shooting than having the most expensive race gun on the block, or the most lethal man-stopper in the world. Some people enjoy the history behind these antiques. Sure a Broomhandle Mauser would be frighteningly impractical today, but it's also one of the first semi auto's ever made. A Colt 1851 Navy might be an absolute PITA to load, shoot and clean but it's also one of the handguns that "won the west." I thought some of you would have a better appreciation of history. <_<
  21. ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK: SPECIAL EDITION!!! Due out this December! Includes the infamous bank robbery scene!
  22. Ok, I doubt I can come up with something obscure enough to stump you guys, but here it goes..... What caliber were Meryl Stryfe's derringers in Trigun? (yes, there actually is a right answer)
  23. *pulls up old man rocking chair* I was there for the early days of CS, before it had earned the monicker "Counter-Hack." In those days people actually played the game for the mission objectives, not just for the frags. Then with each progressive Beta, the various guns would be either completely nerfed or raised to the level of Doom's BFG-9000. Then the kiddies showed up. And the hackers. Consequently, I switched to DoD and haven't looked back since. Today, there's a bunch of guys that frequent the same Cyber Cafe as me that still play CS. All they ever do is play the frag levels like "Iceworld" and just blow the f*ck out of each other. No hostage rescues, no bomb defusals. Why not jsut play Half Life, or Team Fortress? <_<
  24. Come on....what red blooded male hasn't wanted a PPK at one point or another? A Smith & Wesson? And you've had your six. *bang*
  25. Wasn't it the "Buff"...named after the Cape Buffalo?
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