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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Where did the whole "Black Hole" story originate, anyway? Wasn't it in some video game booklet?
  2. I'm not quite sure what you mean. The "base pin" is what the cylinder revolves around. It's #21 in this diagram. It's fixed to the frame, and to avoid damaging it or the frame, it should only be removed by a gunsmith. The barrel is held onto the base pin with that wedge. If you've gotten the wedge out, but are having trouble removing the barrel then there's one quick way to work it free. Rotate the cylinder so that there is not a chamber lined up with the rammer, and use the loading lever to force the barrel assembly off of the frame. Edit: If there's some rust sticking it together, you could always try some penetrating oil. Even good old WD-40 might work. Just let it soak in overnight, then try to pull the two assemlies apart.
  3. You call him "Dr Jones," doll! Hee hee... Short Round. I should add that the full story of the Megaroad's disappearance mentions that they were investigating some sort of transmission that was eminating from the black hole. You know, the more I think about it the more I agree with WhiteDrew. The Froating Head is just f*cking with us fanboys.
  4. Is this Bandai trying to sell more toys/models, or is there actually some kind of anime to go with these things?
  5. But the problem is...he didn't leave it at that. If the Megaroad had never been mentioned again after FB2012, then who'd complain? But no, instead they had to throw this "Black Hole" thing out there for us to chew on. <_<
  6. I agree with you, Duke. The whole "They-flew-into-a-black-hole" thing is just asking for trouble. It's almost as bad as ending with the the words "THE END" which then melt into a giant question mark.
  7. I hope you're prepared for disappointment. The next issue is nearly incomprehensible.
  8. As loathe as I am to refer to that site, AICN has a review of the latest version of the script. <_< http://www.aintitcoolnews.com/display.cgi?id=16395
  9. I caught eps 1 & 2 last night. The animation was excellent, as we've come to expect from Madhouse. The story was intriguing, but the extended recap of the first episode was a little weird. It was almost like I was watching episode 1.5, but I'm still interested nonetheless. For those who've seen it, is the manga any good? Which came first, the anime or the manga?
  10. I just saw this last night, and I was completely blown away. The story was pretty average, but the animation was absolutely jaw-dropping. Probably some of the best animation I've seen yet.
  11. You dated somebody with a P51...? Only in California, I guess. I don't know what they sell for now, but I believe it's somewhere in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  12. I'd rather do without all of the teamkilling.
  13. When I was a kid, my father used to tell me about the dozens of surplus aircraft that were for sale after WW2. You could get a P51 Mustang for the equivalent of a couple $1000 in today's money. I cried a lot when I was little...
  14. God, I love this. I'm sure STEAM will do the same thing for Half-Life players in the near future too. <_<
  15. LOL! they should make a game where ALL the different services have to duke it out for supremecy. The air force would have to be handicapped, though. An F-16 against an M16 is a tad unfair.
  16. * quietly sneaks out of the discussion thread *
  17. I think the Episode I Incredible Cross-Sections is your best bet for Podracer data. I'm glad to hear that most of the EU vehicles have been cut. Given a choice between the "Sun Crusher" and the Republic Gunship....which do you think I'd pick? And the Death Star and the other stations and cities don't really belong in this book anyhow, so again there's some wise editing decisions being made.
  18. http://a.scarywater.net/aone/]AonE Fansub AnimeFlunkies also have their fansub, but who cares about them anymore? Thanks. I'll try to check it out this weekend.
  19. I think he's some kind of Super Robot. Since you're unarmed....maybe Roy Focker shows up in the nick of time to bail you out?
  20. Has anybody fansubbed this yet? I really want to see Wonderful Days.
  21. Awesome little Fuchikoma! Again I have to ask...why hasn't some enterprising toy company given us a cool lil' Fuchikoma figure yet? I say we spam Toycom until they get the message! And while I'm at it, does anybody know why we have Tachikomas in Stand Alone Complex, instead of Fuchikomas? Is there some kind of legal issue?
  22. To be fair, the Marines got their asses handed to them (or bitten off, as the case may be) largely due to their blind faith in their technology. This just reinforces the first film's thesis that the Alien is a "perfect" organism, that even with all of our doodads and gadgetry we're still helpless against them. As for Gorman, I recall that the original script implied that he was assigned to lead the mission specifically because he was inexperienced, ie controllable. I guess even in the distant future, the mega corporations have their meathooks into the military.
  23. Thanks for the review, Mr March. It sounds like I'm better off saving my money, at least for the time being. The new Essential Guide seems decidedly so-so. The new format they're using in the Essential series is definitely an improvement over the 1st editions, but it's still no excuse for fluff-filled writeups. At least the old version was informative, even if the text was largely lifted from the old West End Games books. Since some vehicles have obviously been omitted from the new edition to make room for the Clones hardware, what's been included from the previous edition? I personally wouldn't miss some of the more goofy EU vehicles.
  24. Dangard Ace versus SuperOstrich Who'd win? Discuss.
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