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Everything posted by bsu legato
Ok nitpicker, you've got me there. I was just using the term "repaint" rather loosely to refer to a variant of a toy in different colors. Patience, young one. I feel that a M&M duo is in Yamato's future. It is....inevitable. Besides, since people love to accuse Yamato (and, curiously, only Yamato) of reusing molds as much as possible to "wring every cent out of collectors" then why wouldn't they make an M&M combo? Given their business model, it would seem silly not to.
Uhhh....I don't think anybody was questioning that. Nobody here seems to defend the notion that Macross 2 is anything more than a poorly written mess that was thrown together in an attempt to resussitate the franchise. Yoshi once pointed out on the old boards that it may have been the bastard child of the long forgotten spinoff PC engine games, but even that is speculation. It's entirely possible, but there's no evidence to prove or refute this theory. That's just one of the many failings of Macross 2. The Marduk were just thrown out there with no real explanation as to just who they were, other than the fact that they didn't like us. True, there's no proof that they were intended as such, but as with your theory there's no evidence one way or the other. The "quasi-Supervision army" theory hold as much weight as your "Culture that defeated the Zentradi" theory....which is none. In the end it's all just speculation, and probably more than the M2 project as a whole deserves. I'd rather just forget that it even existed.
Heh. My friend kind of complained about that. It might not be completely "realistic" but what fun would it be for your team to play the entire game for you? I like how, when you approach a teammate who's positioned at a corner or barricade, they'll stand aside and let you man that post.
I'm sorry if this has already been adressed in the many, many "quotes within quotes" replies in this thread, but I just had to comment on something. Did I actually see somebody bitching about Yamato not producing Max & Milia 1J's in 1/48? Dude (or Dudette) the Hikaru VF-1J hasn't even hit the shelves yet. Can they at least release that one before people whine about the lack of VF-1J repaints? Now, I'll leave you all to your bickering.
Call of Duty is truly awesome. I'm halfway through the British campaign and the levels thus far have been awe inspiring. Taking and defending Pegasus Bridge on D-Day has to be one of the most intense single player levels I've played to date. The AI for your team is actually quite good, even better than your average online player at times. I haven't devoted too much time to the multi player mode yet, but it seems to be a mixed bag. The team deathmatches are just that; straight up run 'n' gun frag fests. The slower, objective based missions play more like the current tactical FPS games, due to the lack of a respawn. All in all, it's definitely worth the money. The graphics and level sizes alone are impressive enough, considering the game is built on the aging Quake 3 engine.
Yep, IMO Pat Payne nailed this one right on the head. Not that it was a particularly satisfactory explanation, but it's still interesting that they tried.
1/80 Code 3 Collectible Diecast Millenium Falcon
bsu legato replied to Yamato Lover's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Too expensive for my taste, but those things are still awesome. With the code 3 line and the Master Replicas props it's good to see that LFL is finally giving higher end collectibles some serious attention. -
Official - Weapons Banter Thread
bsu legato replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
*bump* Just thought I'd ressurrect this thread to announce the newest member of the family. Today at the local arms & militaria show I was able to procure a beautiful M1 Garand, of Breda manufacture from 1955. The wood is in nearly mint condition, the parkerizing is about 80% and the bore is mirror bright. About 10-15 years ago, a large quantity of the Italian manufactured Garands made their way here from Denmark. This particular one still had the internal parts drenched in cosmoline. In fact, I doubt it's been disassembled in several decades. Most likely some schmuck bought it to shoot deer with, or some such stuff, and decided that the 30-06 isn't as much fun to shoot as he'd thought. -
This I have to see. I don't know why, but I always love old toy commercials. Now if only somebody would find the old GI Joe and Star Wars commercials.
Suddenly, King Kor's post has become so much more topical. Hey, Triggerhappytonks. You rock.
Ooohh..good point. Hey, I also know how LOTR ends, so why doesn't Peter Jack$on get his pudgy, whiskery mug off of Entertainment Tonight and wedge his Kiwi ass onto the first plane back down under. He and WETA can f*ck themselves before I spend another nickle on their many, many DVD releases, toys, swords or any of that other crap. Hey, this is fun.
I know...I just wanted to point out that the Angel Birds haven't been completely ignored. And I'd only buy a 1/48 fanracer if it was from Hasegawa.
And what would she have thought of the nearly static dogfights at the end of the original ANH? Or the landspeeder with the obvious smear of vaseline to mimic the hover effect? And while we're at it, how did she like the stop-motion walkers and chess pieces, the see-thru snowspeeder shots and the many poorly composited bluescreen shots in Jedi? It's funny how Tarantino can intentionally use as bad a model shot as is possible (the 747 flyby in Kill Bill) and get nothing but delerious praise, but ILM gets absolutely lambasted when it strives for realism at the limits of SFX technology.
Happy Halloween Macrossworld! BOO!
bsu legato replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
You may be nicer than the combined Lazenby/Moore/Dalton/Brosnan Bonds, but Connery's Bond could have beaten us all within an inch of our lives without a second thought. He's still da man. -
I agree 110% with you! Fans in general are the worst thing to happen to the entire genre. Personally, I blame the internet.
Oh, so you have the barrel assembly off, but the cylinder won't come off the base pin/frame? Hmm...that is a bit of a problem. With the barrel off, the cylinder should just slide off the pin, assuming you've taken out the locking mechanism. All I can suggest is drowning it in WD-40, and let it soak in for a couple of days. If you still can't free it up, you may be up a certain creek, if you know what I mean.
Happy Halloween Macrossworld! BOO!
bsu legato replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The name is One. Agent One. *sips his Vodka Martini* -
Harry Knowles is the Hollywood hanger-on that runs Ain't It Cool News. He and his synchophants coined that phrase back when Phantom Menace was released. It's since spead from that site, like VD, to infect message boards across the interweb. Thousands of disappointed fanboys, who somehow felt "betrayed" by a fricken movie, have used it as a rallying cry in some stupid crusade to "get back at George." And frankly, I'm sick of it. It's part of the reason that I don't even post at any SW message boards. You may have a different name for it, but it's the same sentiment. And like I said earlier, the horse is dead. Stop beating it. And why the hate for Tim Zahn? I'm no fan of EU either, but I'm mature enough to seperate Lucas' films from licensed material based on them. I hated Alien 3 and Alien: Ressurection. Does that mean I should burn my copies of the first two movies? Highlander 2, 3,4 and soon-to-be 5 all suck, but I still have a soft spot for the first one. This would be a better point if I hadn't already said this in my post: "Thankfully, unlike the Star Wars Trilogy, Lucas didn't go into the movie itself and digitally change the title. If only he had given the original Star Wars trilogy the same type of respect." Furthermore, I was pissed about the title change when I saw the 1998 VHS release as well. . . they released it alongside all the Young Indy crap. But it didn't stop you from bringing it up anyway? Jeeze man, 1998 was a long time ago. While we're at it, I should go and find that a$$ that cut me off that spring, while I was comming home from school. No, no I wouldn't. The IMDB still lists it as "Raiders of the Lost Ark." The spotty, scratchy and nearly colorless print I watched at the theater a few years ago still was called "Raiders of the Lost Ark." And the film itself, which is what you'd think would be a consumer's main interest when buying the box set, still has the title card "Raiders of the Lost Ark" right after the fade-in from the Paramount logo. Who cares what the box says? Isn't there a saying about a book and it's cover? And even if they had altered the title (which they thankfully didn't) would that somehow alter your enjoyment of the movie? Would the truck chase be any less thrilling? Would Indy getting the stuffing beaten out of him by the big German mechanic be any less fun? Come on, there's bigger issues to worry about. Which brings me back to my first point. Does it really...really affect you that much? Even if I hated the new SW movies, as one or two of my friends now do, how would that affect my love for the Original Trilogy? My childhood memories of playing with the toys, reading the storybooks, listening to my "Story of Star Wars" LP, nothing short of massive head trauma will erase the joy that those 3 films brought me as a kid. I think some people just need some thicker skin. I'm not even going to touch the Midichlorian thing. That could be an entire thread to itself.
You want reasons why ToD is actually better than most people today give it credit for? From the review of the boxed set, on DVD Journal....
I haven't seen this kind of hysterics since some local church-types wanted to keep kids from trick-or-treeting. Look Hurin, you obviously have some issues here and I don't want to flame you, but this "Lucas raped my childhood" crap is really getting old. I don't know how any inteligent person can expect to quote Harry Knowles and be taken seriously. I'd like to take the time to rebut some of your points, but I'm at work so I'll be brief: 1) Raiders has not been renamed. The cover has the "Indiana Jones And The..." tag on it, but the film itself is intact. Check for yourself if you don't believe me. Furthermore, this is not new. The 1998 remastered VHS set had the same packaging. 2) There are lots of fans who actually like the other two Indy films. If you look around the net you'll find there's some well written defenses of them, in particular temple of Doom, composed by people far better spoken than I am. Personally, I still rate Raiders in top spot, but the other two are still better than most "action" films released today. Can anybody seriously claim that Bad Boys 2 is superior to Last Crusade? 3) well...I've already devoted more time to this thread than it probably deserves. I'll check back with ya after work. <_<
Happy Halloween Macrossworld! BOO!
bsu legato replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Hmmm...scary, but I've always thought that FrankenChretien would be much scarier. -
Hey...the Angel Birds did get their "props" (as the kids call them today) from Hasegawa.
Happy Halloween Macrossworld! BOO!
bsu legato replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I dunno if I'm going to the bar tonight, but here's my new Halloween avatar. He's some kind of Clint Eastwood pirate...guy...thing. And he's a ghost. -
http://www.innocence-movie.jp/index1.html Not much there, just yet. There's some interesting images, unsurprising due to Production IG's involvement. I just hope the actual movie is better than the first one.
The big Masamune Shirow appreciation thread
bsu legato replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
http://www.innocence-movie.jp/index1.html The official Innocence: Ghost in the Shell II site is up.