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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Meh....It's not like ROTK isn't already going to have a long running time. Stuff gets cut from movies all the time, so why should LOTR be immune to it? Besides, it'll be on the EE:DVD for the completist so why complain?
  2. 'Cept they're actually blocking Canadian ISP's from downloading the Clone Wars.
  3. Quite true. I guess I just forgot it because so few DVDs seem to use it these days. However, the new Alien Quadrilogy set does utilise branching on all four movies. Maybe there's hope for the future after all...?
  4. Kyosho claims their tanks are around 1/55 scale (!) where the Dragon tanks are 1/72
  5. Yeah, there seems to be no end of these things on the market. But look at it this way....for every crate of Tokarevs they ship out of that giant warehouse in Russia, the closer they get to all those crate of captured Lugers and P38's that have been in storage since '45.
  6. Sweet Merciful Crap! That Super Hikaru VF-1S looks awesome!
  7. Yep. My prediction: the 2004 set will be a 4-disc set, a'la the Indy movies, with a 4th disc with all the extra goodies. Whether it will be the O-OT or the SE-OT is debatable. 2007 will see the release of all 6 films, either seperately or in an uberboxset, in some kind of "ultimate edition" and will include many, many extras. The films themselves will be some "improved" version of the existing Special Editions and will likely be Lucas' final word on the matter. (lets hope that Han shoots first again )
  8. That's awesome, Opus! You need to get yourself a Tiger II, if they make one. Edit: I'd give the nod to the Dragon Palmtop Armor series. At 1/72 they're probably the tiniest R/C tanks ever.
  9. I'll wait for a PC version. My ability to play FPS type games without a keyboard and a mouse seems to have atrophied. It sucks that they've nerfed so many of the guns, though. I thought SOCOM was supposed to be going for uberhardcore realism.
  10. 2007, for the 30th Anniversary of ANH. Bet on it.
  11. You forgot to add "In My Opinion" since there's no evidence one way or the other.
  12. The last time I tried to watch Macross II, I couldn't make it past the 45 minute mark. <_
  13. Actually....It turns out that this guy has several SVT-40's in stock, and decently priced too. http://www.surplusfirearms.com/ It doesn't do me any good, but maybe one of you guys might be interested.
  14. No problem. [Obi Wan] That's what we're here for [/Obi Wan]
  15. I can't imagine that the .38 special Gold Cup functions or breaks down any differently than any other Gold Cup. A 1911 is a 1911 is a 1911, right? Colt would likely have something specific on the .38 special version, but unless there's some unforseen difference I'd say you'd be ok with any of the many manuals for care & operation of the 1911 pistol. JsARCLIGHT, in modern hindsight that SVT-40 looks like a big Frankenstien's monster. I'm sure it baffled the hell out of your average Russian peasant, especially compared to something like a basic Mosin Nagant. I'd heard the same thing about the German's impresions of the Tokarev. In fact, wasn't the basic SVT-38/40 design the forebearer of the Karbiner 43? Ahh....I should have bought it. It's not like I'll ever see it again.
  16. By all means, please do JsARC. There shouldn't be any problem for me to import them, since the Garand is exempt from our silly magazine restrictions. Shoot me a PM (no pun intended) if you find out anything. Today I ordered myself a reproduction USGI 1907 sling, so now all I need is a cleaning kit. On the subject of antique service rifles, who here has seen the Tokarev SVT-40? I saw one for the first time at a gun show last month, and almost bought it (and I probably should have) but stopped myself since that was my Garand/Luger fund I would have dipped into. Still, at $475 CDN, it was probably a steal.
  17. I'm just skimming the replies in this thread to avoid spoilers, but what I'm hearing so far is not encouraging. <_< It seems that the online reviews are sharply divided on Revolutions too.
  18. Great....so I finally, after all these years of searching, find myself a beautiful M1 Garand....and I can't shoot the damn thing! The few online guns & militaria dealers in Canada have no en bloc clips in stock, and the few US firms will actually ship to Canada want an outrageous amount for international shipping! There's a large gun show a month from now, but I may get impatent and resort to eBay... <_<
  19. Please, anybody who reads WOTC, please use "spoiler" tags before posting anything about DT:5. :asian:
  20. Ummm....Hurin, Star Wars was always for kids. I'm sorry if you don't see it that way, but that was Lucas' intention all the way back in '77.
  21. no i have no friends to play with how is it? I haven't put enough hours into multiplayer to have a concrete opinion yet, but here's my initial imprssions: The weapons are a little too accurate when "shooting from the hip". If a game includes the iron sights as an option, then it should reward you for using them. As a result, you still see some people running around spraying the countryside with bullets. But that's only a small irritant. I'll probably pass on the straight-up deathmatch levels, both the team-based and the free for all levels. It's kind of fun for a while, but otherwise it's just the same old stuff. The objective based levels are much more fun. You see an immediate shift in play style, as people suddenly become a heckuva lot more cautious since they only have one life. Many of the levels are positively huge, so even the 733t snipers have to watch out, or they get outflanked and smacked with a rifle butt.
  22. The nameless hacks who "wrote" Macross 2. Who were they anyway? Did any of them ever go on to do anything significant?
  23. I disagree. At least the Marduk and the Protoculture come from ostensibly the same franchise. Unless the writers of Macross 2 had never even watched any Macross before sitting down to script M2 (which is entirely possible) they must have been aware, however peripherially, of some of the "mysteries" that existed regarding the Protoculture. But unless there's some kind of anniversary DVD with a director's commentary released, we'll never know what they had in mind.
  24. Yeah, that did kind of bug me too. I guess games aren't quite "there" yet where we'll have that freedom. Maybe with HL2....? That didn't bother me at all. I guess I'm just used to eyeballing the trajectory, from my many hours of playing DoD and Goldeneye. All I can suggest is practice. You do seem to throw them a little far, though. Almost too far. Eh, war is hell. They should just learn to keep their heads down. Have you tried multiplayer yet?
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