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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. I'd just be happy to get a bare-bones Region 1 release.
  2. I actually felt that T3, while inferior to the two Cameron films, was actually quite close in tone to the original Terminator. Both films basically dealt with people unable to escape their destinies, and try as they might they could not alter the future. It was only T2 that had the touchy-feely message that the future is not set in stone, and if we're all really nice to each other we'll be a-ok. As for John Connor, I don't know what the big deal is with him being a scared kid. The John Connor of 2003 is not the same as John Connor of 2027. Why do some fans labor under the misconception that all characters must remain absolutely static, and cannot be portrayed one iota different from their previous films, particularly in respect to anything that's a "prequel." It's called character development people. Look it up some time.
  3. Actually, the turnaround time for DVDs seems to be getting shorter and shorter all the time. There's already news that we will probably see Matrix: Revolutions on DVD in time for Christmas.
  4. As far as I know, that was in fact the original intent, but the scene got cut. It does appear in the T3 novel, and features "Sgt. Candy" as the protptype for the T-600 Terminator. Personally, I'm glad that got cut, since I don't like the idea that we humans designed all of Skynet's weapons.
  5. Heck, if you want whining purists you don't have to look any further than our own forums.
  6. Sounds like you enjoyed it, Isamu. Enough to update your signature, anyhow. I don't have a copy yet, but next paycheck I think I'll have to plunk down the cash for a copy.
  7. Except for one problem.... 'Cept they're actually blocking Canadian ISP's from downloading the Clone Wars. Or so they claim, anyway.
  8. Here's the latest from Theforce.net
  9. You see...I didn't even remember that part. I agree that's the way his demise should have been handled, but I just thought it's placement in the book was a bit off. Tolkien should have wrapped up his story arc at the end of Two Towers.
  10. bsu legato

    Whoo boy...

    Kevin at Valk-Exchange marked my FAST packs as a "gift," and the customs boogeyman left me alone.
  11. To be fair, Macross II had culture parks first. It seems the Froating Head must have secretly liked the idea enough to borrow it for M7.
  12. I always thought that the "scouring" bit was really anti-climactic. It's been over a decade since I read LOTR, but I recall Saruman was nearly reduced to the level of a Scooby Doo villain, which wasn't really a satisfactory end for a character of his (former) stature. I for one won't miss the scouring.
  13. I'm still waiting for the MW FPS Deathmatch. Unless there was one and no one told me Nope, you haven't missed it. At least, to the best of my knowledge you haven't. But the HL2 deathmatch seems to be on indefinite hold, and we're pretty much split 50/50 on CS. There was some interest in Call of Duty and Vietcong, but probably not enough for a decent sized server.
  14. Billy's Balloon: Best animated short ever. EVER!!!!!
  15. OK, so the machines are capable of love/anger/fear/jealousy/etcetera, but they are somehow incapable of lying? uh-huh.
  16. Actually, that was just one of the many varieties of "Uglies" featured in the X Wing books. There was also a TIE/Y-wing combo, labeled a "Die-Wing."
  17. Hey! That's the kid from Billy's Balloon!
  18. You overestimate the IQ of the casual viewer, I'm afraid. I bet Joe Average couldn't even tell you "Evil Tower Guy's" name, let alone the actor who played him. Heck, they've probably forgotten about him already. Two Towers was an entire year ago....that's a long time to remember the plot of a movie, you know. The casual viewer just wants to wedge his/her lardass into the theater seat and watch the pretty eye-candy for 3 hours, all the while cramming popcorn and milk duds into their craw. Please don't ask them to think too much.
  19. It sounds to me like we're going to have to make a Macross World - Secret Weapons Over Normandy Deathmatch someday soon...
  20. That's not true! That's impossible!! Nooooooooo!!!
  21. I understand your concerns, Isamu. But a 4 hour film is pretty tough for many people to sit through, even with an intermission. Take it from me, as I was once dragged to that full length version of Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet. Watching something like that in the comfort of your living room is one thing, but in a crowded theater even I start to look at my watch hopig it's almost over. Also, theaters in general don't like longer movies. It cuts down on the number of $howing$ they can sqeeze into a day, if you catch my meaning.
  22. What happened to Crash Holley? Was it yet another drug-related death?
  23. Why don't you get off your high horse and learn to discuss things like a rational person like the rest of us? Nobody else in this thread is angry at each other, so why are you getting so worked up?
  24. Thanks for the screencaps, treatment. My interpretation is pretty much that the Marduk use the Zentrans as slaves, just like yours. But I don't really feel that the dialog precludes any sort of relation to Protoculture. After all, wouldn't a race of microns descended from Protoculture (or the Supervision Army for that matter) need some form of control for their Zentran minions as well? I think it just further illustrates Macross II's inherent crappiness, where crap like this is thrown out there with no real explanation.
  25. For some reason, I don't see them exploring any stories set within the timeframe of two trilogies. If a SW show does go ahead, I can see it being set either before the PT, or some time after ROTJ. Or perhaps something set between the trilogies?
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