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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Switch looks like it's going to be one of my new favorites. I can see it supporting some pretty pitched battles. The only problems I can forsee is the sheer number of rooms and buildings that are accessible in this map. You just know that all of the n00bs won't bother clearing them out, meaning it'll be fun to sneak behind enemy lines and cause havok.
  2. I might have a copy for you. I think it's on the same tape as the Star Wars Holiday Special.
  3. Check these HL mods out. http://www.xtremegn.com/overthetop/index.php http://www.warwickmedia.com/trenchratshl2/index.shtml I can't guarantee they'll be any fun, as JsARC pointed out, but they're out there for those who're interested. I'm also interested in the new Unreal Tournament mod, called Red Orchestra. It's yet another WW2 mod, but this time it's on the Russian front. It's apparently geared towards uber-realism with iron sights and severe class restrictions. That means no 12 man squads composed of snipers or SMGs.
  4. I say you guys ditch SOCOM and join us on a "Call of Duty" server.
  5. No, but it's based on the same kit. I'm just surprised that Tokyo Mauri hasn't made an honest-to-god M41A themselves.
  6. Ergo. Concordantly. Vis a vis. You know, I have absolutely no idea what I just said. - Larry, the Architect
  7. Has episode 3 been subbed yet? I really want to like Yukikaze, but if the next episode doesn't WOW me with some characterization or some semblence of a plot, then I'm done.
  8. Ouch. However, at least you got the patch. We players down in the Day of Defeat thread have been waiting for the 1.1 patch form longer than I care to remember.
  9. No vehicles in DoD, I'm afraid. The Half Life engine doesn't support them very well anyhow. Half Life 2, however, is another matter... If you want a game where infantry and tanks mix it up, it looks like BF1942 is your only option.
  10. 'Ey! Bring up that Bren!
  11. How can you stomach that crap?
  12. Was the "Old Sarah in the Park" ending actually screened? I hadn't heard that. I'd always assumed that Cameron cut it because of studio pressure to leave it more open-ended.
  13. I guess that's one of the inherent problems in dealing with paradoxes and such. It's probably one of those places where we're supposed to just suspend our disbelief a little.
  14. MG Schutz vor! Zu befel!
  15. I don't recognize it either. I'm assuming it's something relatively new, but who can say these days? There's the NJO books, the assorted comics, RPG's and the rest....and I haven't been reading any of it!
  16. From Durge's bio, on the Official Site....
  17. Shhh! You must not speak that word!
  18. WTF is that? Tsk tsk. For shame, Agent ONE. <_< To atone for your lapse, you must watch Junior and End of Days back to back.
  19. By the way, I recently noticed that Monsters In Motion is once again carrying their M41A Pulse Rifle kit. The price is a little steep, but I think it looks damn good once assembled. http://www.monstersinmotion.com/weapons/
  20. I sense some bad juju comming from this thread...
  21. Feh..THIS is what you guys sould be saving your pennies for: http://smt.theshoppe.com/dropship.html
  22. If the skull & crossbones has to be on a black background, the you'd better change the markings on the FAST packs too.
  23. That's certainly a large part of it. According to the article I read on DarkHorizons.com, Warner Bros was less than pleased that Revolutions "only" made $80 million on it's opening weekend. This is down from Reloaded's opening weekend of $120+ million. You gotta know there's something f'ed up with Hollywood when an $80 million opening weekend isn't satisfactory.
  24. Well, to be fair, the T2 John Connor had been recieving all of that training from his ma, right up to the point where she was incarcerated. You could say that T3 John Connor had slacked off, that all of that leadership stuff had been forgotten. They'd hypothetically beaten the machines, right? I liked Nick Stahl because he had a strong resemblance to a young Michael Biehn. Future T2 John Connor did look pretty mean, though. Scars are cool. That old age makeup on Stahl was kinda cheesy, though. Thankfully it was only a brief shot.
  25. My local paper had a story about this PayPay scams just this morning.
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