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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Such as? Bear in mind I've yet to handle a G36, nor it's ass-ugly civilian version.
  2. TLDR. Bankofkev, while I'm sure Tommy Yune et all appreciate your tireless but somewhat fanatical drive to defend all things Robotech, you really should try to be more concise if you want us to read your arguments.
  3. I can barely remember all of them, but those were still some of my favorites. Maybe when Disney releases it's collection of wartime 'toons next year, Warners will be convinced to follow suit.
  4. Yoshi, once upon a time on the old MW boards, you posted a collection of the old Macross games, and organized them into a quasi-timeline. If I remember it properly, you specualted that this timeline (which predated Studio Nue's return to all things Macross) was likely where MII derived it's background from. You should repost this sometime. OT: Are you still enjoying Gundam: The Origin?
  5. Nope...Looney Tunes is considered one of the most violent cartoons of all time. Yep. Take the time to sit down and watch 10 minutes of Looney Tunes next saturday. The cartoons that they still show, and there's a lot that have just disappeared from TV altogether, are positively neutered. Thank god for DVD.
  6. Well, I sat down lest Saturday to watch TTT:EE with a couple of my buddies, and I was damn impressed. While I hadn't hated the theatrical version, I was left with an overall feeling of "Meh." The Extended Edition is a far, FAR superior version of the film. If I'd seen that version last December I'd have been as delirious as any real Tolkienite in the audience.
  7. You mean like that setup the Punisher used to carry, back in the old Lee/Potts War Journal days?
  8. It's my understanding that the XM-8 is essentially a G36, just dressed up differently. I assume it's easy enough to mold up a new/different housing without changin the internals of the rifle. The US army may have different requirements for folding stocks and whatnot. Or more to the point, it's not an M16, which is what really seems to be driving this program.
  9. H&K USA has added a page for the new XM-8 rifle. It's far too early to say if it has a chance of actaully replacing the M16 family, but it's an interesting piece nonetheless. http://www.hk-usa.com/pages/military-le/ri...rbines/xm8.html
  10. Awesome! I used to have a pic of that very gun (borrowed from Cimarron's web page) as my desktop. But is that charcoal blue really as fragile as they say?
  11. Custom....1/48 hands?
  12. Any Milsurp buffs who follow this link should be prepared to weep. I know I did. http://www.project-x.org.uk/armsdump.html
  13. Come on, now. The Criteron Collection has some standards, doesn't it?
  14. I'd have to say "MASK," but only on the condition that it might get the toys rereleased someday.
  15. Sadly, I can see them doing it too. <_< Announcer: Macross....as you've never seen it before!! In english!! Comic guru, HG mouthpiece and all around know-it-all Tommy Yune picks up the story.... Well, after we did the Robotech: Remaster collection, the Robotech: THX Remaster collection and the Robotech: Superbit Collection, we started thinking: Wouldn't it be neat to see Macross, but in english? Why not combine the awesome animation of Macross with the vocal talent of Tony Oliver and Reba West? We asked Shin about creating a new audio track with our own cast, and he screamed and told us to "Get bent." Undeterred, we plowed ahead anyway. We thought that the fans would feel privledged to buy the Robotech saga in yet one more format. Besides, it's easier to regurgitate the existing Robotech saga in format after format than to work on our vaporware Robotech:2004 series....
  16. Fake! This is just a fanboy wish-list from a year ago that somebody has dredged up and re-sent to the rumor mills. Even the original author has come forward and denied that he's responsible for reviving this stupid rumor. More than likely, it's just AICN trying to rile up the anti-SW fanboys for the release of ROTK.
  17. Aaaand....immature flaming in 4...3...2...
  18. I found it!! Here's an example of an MP44 in Yugoslavian use. there's no date for the picture, but the site claims that it was in Yugo service until 1983. Just thinking of a couple hundred of those babies sitting in some Yugoslavian warehouse, soaked in cosmoline, just makes me all giddy.
  19. And you are...who? Nice to see you back. From now on, don't be such a stranger around here.
  20. No, I said "M41A," as in this beauty pictured here. And I wouldn't count on seeing the XM29 OICW just yet. That program is still ongoing, and from what I've seen, opinions are pretty mixed as to how effective it will actually be.
  21. Hardly surprising, really. The M16 seems to be something you either love or hate, with absolutely no middle ground. Gimme the new G36/XM8 in 6.8x43 anyday. That is...until I can make the M41A a reality.
  22. Try Dixie Gunworks, or maybe even Cabela's. Are you looking for a real sword, or just a decorative wallhanger?
  23. Just yesterday, I came across some pictures of some European paratroopers still carrying MP44's in the late 70's or early 80's. Of course I can't find it now, but it is out there. As for No-wring-ko making an ATF compliant MP44, I'll believe it when I see it. Between 1897 Winchester copies and the M14/16 clones, they seem to have become the favorite "last hope" for collectors who want reproductions of obscure firearms. Personally, I'm holding out hope that their rumored Mauser C96 Broomhandle comes to fruition.
  24. Missssterrrrr Aaaaander...son. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
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